“Ten ways the Israel lobby ‘moves’ America” Grant F. Smith

Netanyahu In 2001: ‘America Is A Thing You Can Move Very Easily’
The US gives Israel well over 10 million a day ,, that's right . a day ,
Isreal has made US it's slave. Americans work to pay Isreal. Isreal uses Americans to fight it's wars. This is the so called developed and free world ???. They are fooling no one but themselves.
How can these videos be watched by only a handful of people? We need to spread the word all over the world.
It was France who helped Israel get the bomb. They sold them the reactor and sent technicians etc.
Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out.
Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage
White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?
White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives
Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry
European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - To Genocide Indigenous Europeans in Europe
US Constitution & Bill of Rights. Article…
Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2
Barbary Muslim Pirates Kidnapped Whites
Freedom of the Internet
The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In
Genocide Whites & all Races
White Indigenous Rights
Promoting Large Families
Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)
Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)
The European Holocaust
Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice
Fighting Genocide Worldwide
White Gentile Organizations & Jewish Community Based Organizations
White & Jewish National Congresses
Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland
Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization
Orania White Afrikaner Community
Helping Whites. South African Family Relief …
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