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White Trash, the real meaning.

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35th Portier Lecture: "White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America"

Nancy Isenberg, Jewish



Published on Oct 31, 2015
Presented by Nancy Isenberg, Ph.D. The 35th Annual Portier Lecture: "White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America" Thursday, October 29, at 7:30, at Byrne Memorial Hall Spring Hill College - Mobile, Alabama Nancy Isenberg is the T. Harry Williams Professor of History at Louisiana State University. She is the author of Madison and Jefferson, 2010, with Andrew Burstein; Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr, 2007; and Sex and Citizenship in Antebellum America, 1998.
The Portier Lecture is the annual history lecture, named in honor of Bishop Michael Portier, the first bishop of Mobile, who founded Spring Hill College in 1830. This event was sponsored by the Spring Hill College Department of History.
This video was produced in association with the Department of Communication Arts. Produced by J.L. Stevens II

She never mentioned Margaret Sanger because her husband and her were jews like her!

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So history shows that the "founding fathers" of America are different from what Hollywood propaganda portrays. Who knew


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Read 11140 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 01:55