The incoming misinformation bill will censor citizens but Government and Mainstream Media are exempt from the rules…you just can’t make this stuff up. Education yourself and sign the petition that will be tabled soon
Candace Owens has been banned from Australia, reportedly influenced by Jewish lobbying efforts. Will this backfire or is this a win towards fighting anti-semitism?
Comment: Jews in Australia stop Candace Owens from coming to Australia.
Jewish in Australia have power. They run most of the Australian media.
Australia is on the verge of passing the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 that will have extreme consequences surrounding speaking freely online, and for platforms like Rumble and X that support free speech. Senator Alex Antic joins Maria to discuss the far-reaching implications of the Bill and what can be done.
You have 24 hours or less to lodge submissions to reject the 'Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill', now known as the M.A.D. Censorship Bill.
Last years victory for us was phase one. Now they're back at it again.
All of a sudden the Bill has resurfaced. It has been introduced into the lower house of federal parliament and sent to a committee for review. They have given a mere seven days for the public to react and put in a submission. They want to close off the feedback loop faster than most organisations can effectively get a message out and engage their supporters. They want to be able to say, "See, barely any objections, nobody had a problem with it this time". This is a taste of their censorship plans.
It's a M.A.D. bit of censorship legislation
This is the very Orwellian control mechanism that history warns about. Someone else gets to decide what is truth, regardless of whether it really is or not, and dissenters will be punished at the whim of the government and your new unelected overlords.
The Bill's definition of "misinformation" etc contains general wording with no real checks and balances, just the way a totalitarian dictatorship would want it.
The federal coalition (Liberals and Nationals) have formally condemned it and will oppose. They say it's “extremely broad” and would capture many things said by Australians every day.
Even the Victorian CHO from the lockdown era, Dr Nick Coatesworth, has warned about it - so you know it's really bad.
Please lodge a submission, and do it now. Time is running out.
The government must be informed that they can't get away with it this time, just like they couldn't get away with it last time. For a few minutes of your time you can potentially keep your freedom.
Submissions close at the end of Monday30 September 2024.
Thank you for your help, and please also plan a visit to your federal MP or state Senator to share your concerns with them. They need to hear from you.
Is there an Israel lobby in Australia like in the US?
You are amazing. I can't imagine the winner wearing costs. That's insane. But you are right. The money will come. Congratulations Monica. Strong, principled, passionate.
Thousands of unsold Teslas are piling up at Melbourne Port amid reports of a sales slump for Elon Musk's company. Over 2,000 Teslas arrive at Melbourne each month, but only a few are sold, according to reports.
I think there is probably a niche for EVs. The problem is they are going to cost everyone a lot of money whether you have one or not. The mafia will subsidize the power generation and distribution and YOU will help pay for what you don't use. They are heavy and will contribute to road damage which YOU will help pay for. They are expensive to fix so insurance rates will go up including YOURS. They have a shit resale value so they are going to pile up in junk yards, unrecyclable and environmentally disastrous, which of course YOU will pay to deal with. The climate scare is a hoax without which the market for these things would not exist and YOU are paying for that too.
Australia university campuses have seen camps set up, mirroring the similar events unfolding in the US, with brawls erupting between pro-Israeli supporters and pro-Palestinian protesters.
Australia’s native wildlife took a break from violently killing people and stretching the limits of evolutionary understanding to greet a selection of Southeast Asia’s great and powerful. Australia is the home of this year’s special summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), marking 50 years since Australia joined the bloc as its first non-southeast Asian partner nation.
Australian Prime Minister Antony Albanese (Communist Globalist ) decided to greet his fellow leaders by pacifying a local koala, and placing it into a small tree covered by a parasol, as dictated by international protocol. Leaders were invited to shake hands with Albanese before petting the koala and making an offering of a branch increasingly shorn of eucalyptus leaves, as the koala looked on in mild confusion.
Topics for discussion at the summit include the admission of East Timor into the bloc, thus granting the country koala-petting privileges at future Australian diplomatic functions, and the continued violence in Myanmar, who currently do not have koala-petting privileges.
I am in Australia (live here) and I know what the Koala symbolism is all about....
THEY are saying to the Asian leaders follow US and Australia (the Koala /Australia is yours) ...
THEY the globalists have handed over Australia to Asia as a country to be re populated with only people from non europium nations
..Australia is still 80% European...but THEY the Australian uni-party Globalists Governments Federal and State ..are populating Australia with millions of people from the middle east (with their problems) and Asia ...what you see in the USA at the Mexico boarder is happening in Australia too (just not as big) but it is planed invasion ....the Globalists who are trying too destroy the Russian Federation ( causing the the Ukraine war) THEY are doing to Australia ...we the people are just unable to do anything about it ...
So this summit is to push things along faster THEY see project Ukraine and project get Trump fail....
THEY are of course moving on other fronts ...
THEY are going to make US in Australia so called "white people" now a large 80 % majority seem like a minority what the western media did to the eastern Ukraine ...that is make the 98% Russian majority into a minority ...any in that part of the Ukraine any one that didn't bow to that lie ...was to be jailed/ we see the war in Ukraine ...a lot of people in Australia know this fact ...that it is the globalists Biden USA and the globalists EU who started all this war in the Ukraine ...our voices are shut down in Australia ...that is it ..period ....most of what the media world wide say is what Australia is about is just LIES...but you know this..
Hakeem Anwar from Above Phone joins Maria Zeee to expose the ways in which governments and big tech are spying on us through our phones, apps, browsers and more, and how we can take back control of our technology!
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Last I checked Qualcomm is listed some places as contractors for Pepsi. If you are one of the people whom has watched Pepsi amasse private military force. If more buy-outs have happened since this might be hard to find. But it's important to understand how the depopulists were planning on taking Australia. Stealth unlisted numbers to white helmets posing as un white helmets... Above phone might help, but I want to say communications may get difficult to maintain because I'm being honest but I'm not a depopulist shuffling the pawns, just trying to show where I have found out people have been, maybe not now but were fucking around. Qualcomm has place in China which means open to China, and probably Pepsi open backdoor to Chin, at least at some point. People worried about false flags...? I'm concerned but less so because well now you know.
Five out of the top 10 wealthiest Australians are Jewish, according to the 2019 Financial Review Rich List, which includes the richest living Australian Anthony Pratt, who is worth $15.57 billion, Harry Triguboff, $13.54 billion, Frank Lowy, (who moved to Israel), $8.56 billion, and Ivan Glasenberg, $7.17 billion.
Meanwhile, Vic Alhadeff, chief executive of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, on Monday told ABC News Australia that “almost 20% of the Jewish community of Australia lives below the poverty line.”
Rachel Tanny, of Connections, Opportunities, Activities (COA) in the Eastern Sydney suburb of Woollahra, said some local Jews own homes they can’t afford to keep, but as a result “they have too many assets to receive the type of assistance that they require.”
So these Jews who no longer enjoy their past affluence are sitting on property worth millions and as a result are being deprived of the resources available to poor tenants in low income housing.
“People want to remain in the home where they raised their families, and they have better health outcomes and longevity if they do age in place,” Tanny told ABC News.
Claire Vernon, chief executive of Jewish Care, told the news outfit that older Jews who sell their homes and move to more affordable quarters also give up their social connections in the process and live in isolation, distant from their synagogue and other familiar community centers.
“But if you’re on a pension, the Eastern suburbs [of Sydney] are completely unaffordable,” she admitted.
Which brings us back to the wealthy Jews of Australia. Vic Alhadeff told ABC News Frank Lowy ($8.56 billion), who arrived in Australia with nothing to become a billionaire, is also one of the continent’s greatest philanthropist.
According to Alhadeff, “15 years ago, Frank set up the Lowy Institute as a world-leading thinktank, and when he did so, he said, ‘I’m doing this as my way of saying thank you to Australia, for giving my family and other Jewish Australians a second chance at life.'”
The Lowy family has donated to numerous groups that assist the Jewish poor, and it is to their credit, for instance, that Australia’s meals on wheels program continues to operate in those wealthy suburbs where Jewish residents of multi-million-dollar homes can’t afford to buy food.
Maria Zeee of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down how the Australian blackouts exposed the dangers of digital currency social credit score lockdowns.
Zeee Media LIVE: Australia just rejected the UN takeover known as 'The Voice' over the weekend, and now the government have revealed their cards; that they plan on moving forward with UNDRIP anyway!
"It's a trojan horse for globalism, led by the United Nations and their puppet masters".
Australian senator, Alex Antic, utterly obliterates the "man-made climate change" hoax in the Australian parliament.
"Alarmist rhetoric about man-made climate change is nothing new. The United Nations and the media have been pushing it for decades... These prophecies of doom simply never come true. The polar bears are still here, the sea hasn't risen, the ozone layer is fine, but the point of this messaging is to make you afraid, and why? Because if a climate apocalypse is imminent, then governments of the world can centralise their power and control, and control your actions with the so-called emergency."
As an Australian , I would like to apologize for our stupid Albanese Government. We don't even manufacture screwdrivers or nuclear reactors in Australia, let alone export them. Love your work , Alex.
Courage Is The Cure speaks with the suspended Dr William Bay, who was found guilty of improperly disputing the Government’s position on the Covid-19 vaccines and has had his registration suspended by AHPRA in 2022. Join us as we talk about what has happened since his suspension. Visit Queensland Peoples' Protest page Courage Is The Cure relies entirely on donations to continue creating content, please consider making a donation using this link:
Terrific discussion tonight. Thankyou William for all that you’ve done and are doing for us all. We are Australians in NZ, and appreciate your courage and morals. Thankyou Robyn for all your work too.
Grandmother Mulara of Maria Zeee of on The Alex Jones Show to break down the vote on the secretive plan to change the Australian constitution to steal aboriginal land.
The Voice to Parliament legislation is about abrogating the lawful standing of Aboriginals and ushering them under the Jurisdiction of The CROWN. Right now aboriginals are still lawful SOVEREIGN entities. As such, they remain outwith the legal infrastructure and debt obligations of the Crown.
Sovereign equates to LAWFUL. Citizen equals LEGAL. Lawful and legal are two separate jurisdictions. Sovereigns are offered protection under the highest authority,, ie, God. However, you can opt to forego your lawful standing under God and stand under a legal fiction instead - such as an Australian style Constitution which, unlike Magna Carta, was enACTed by a parliament under the Crown - but you must consent to do so.
The Crown appointed lawmakers are talking about RECOGNITION for Aboriginals, but what they are actually referring to here is JURISDICTION. If the Voice to Parliament passes then the aboriginals can for the first time be RECOGNISED by The Crown. At that moment they will cease to be LAWFUL sovereign entities - they will instead become LEGAL citizens of the Crown. In other words, they will have voluntarily given their consent to stand under (be administered by) the authority of the Austra-LIEN Constitution, which is a LEGAL document.
In Black's legal dictionary a “lien” is defined as [a] legal right or interest that a creditor has in another’s property. Liens are a way for creditors to protect against the risks associated with lending money (issuing currency). However, liens must be perfected. To perfect a lien, the creditor must file their claim with the appropriate legal agency - which in this case is the Austra-LIEN Constitution.
With regards to The Voice to Parliament: if you are an Aboriginal - the creditor is The Crown - and the property the Crown seeks an interest in is the energetic output generated by your Soul.
The SCAM perpetrated by the flat lie royal monarchy is commonwealth citizens are UNDER THEIR THUMB, natives are not servants of the 'crown' so they are considered an ENEMY
The OZ and New Zealand and Cdn govts should be arrested and HANGED!
Here in New Zealand they are doing the same thing but only the UN and ELITE Maori will benefit from it. This is nothing but a land steal from the people of the land.
To those ignorant of this and to be truth full not an expert myself at anything although The oldest culture on earth had 256 soverign states sorry spelling for this dyslexic one is not my forte yet even if a treaty was illegally made or legal does not give permission for the rest this place was not discovered it is as old as time .Do you feel the NAZI UN 1944WW2 1945 PAPERCLIPPED UN GLOBAL CONTROL or sacred soul of the earth FOR SALE OR BEYOND PRICE AI MONEY slaves or free with nature GODLY i can not give this justice like the usa aus just is on ice IF YOU KNEW WHAT THESE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE HAVE ENDURED AND STILL GIVE A LOVELY MESSAGE YOU WOULD DO WHAT I AM NOW CRY ALOT
This the personal, video message from Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price that I shared with attendees of the hugely successful 'Truth Behind the Voice' event on 24 September at Harvest Point Church in Beaudesert.
This very concise and heartfelt message, from a proud, indigenous Australian, is perfect for sharing with friends and family who are considering how they will vote in the upcoming referendum.
To sow into this ministry and support independent media, please send your gift via or by direct transfer to: Freedom Has A Voice, BSB: 084034, A/c: 462594763
Senator Malcolm Roberts, Pat Mesiti, William Bay, Pastor Matt Littlefield, and Dylan Oakley made a powerful contributions to the public debate around the Voice referendum at 'The Truth Behind the Voice' event, hosted by Pastor Mark Ironside and Harvest Point Church Beaudesert.
The event also included a Q & A session, with questions taken from a large audience of concerned Australians. The audience included local residents from a range of backgrounds, including local indigenous folk.
I have received a lot of positive feedback about this event, including the quality of information presented, the calibre of the speakers, and the spirit in which the meeting was conducted.
Be sure to share this video. It is a powerful contribution to the debate around whether we should introduce into our Constitution the "undemocratic element of racial preference." (Prof. Augusto Zimmerman)
To sow into this ministry and support independent media, please send your gift via or by direct transfer to: Freedom Has A Voice, BSB: 084034, A/c: 462594763
From the article: Your tax dollars at work. You’ll be happy to know that the University of Sydney has just been granted permission to provide exclusive financial scholarships to students from the following countries:
Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Turkmenistan
Tajikistan Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan China India Pakistan Bangladesh Sri-Lanka Nepal Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Myanmar Lebanon Mexico South Korea Cambodia Mongolia Taiwan Turkey
The scholarships will cover the costs of tuition fees. All of this approved by the Anti-Discrimination Commission. Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 EXEMPTION ORDER Under the provisions of section 126 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), the exemption order granted to the University of Sydney on 15 March 2021 is HEREBY VARIED to read: Under the provisions of section 126 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), an exemption is given from sections 17 and 51 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) to the University of Sydney to provide financial tuition scholarships to students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Africa, Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan), China, Lebanon, Mexico, Central and South America, South Korea, Cambodia, Eastern Europe, Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan and Turkey. This exemption will remain in force until 31 December 2030. Dated: 3 July 2023 Jackie Lyne Manager, Governance & Advice Delegate of the President Anti-Discrimination NSW
Demand Driven Funding for all First Nations Australians
From 2024, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Australia will be guaranteed a Commonwealth supported place at a university of their choice, when accepted into their chosen course of study.
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No wonder the corporate pretenders to government of the Commonwealth of Australia have to bring in this ACMA legislation.
The majority demographic of the Australian people [ that would be the Anglo-Celtic majority] and its ‘Toxic Males’ will quickly find many expressions for White Replacement [migrant tsunamis] and stop deferring sacred Marxist oppression narratives of UN activated Climate Nutters, Jews, Indigenous, Blacks – and their Cultural Enrichment, migrant Diversity Imports, Muslims – Our Religion Is Our Nation, wymyn, insectional wymyns, fluid genders, transgenders, homosexuals, pan-sexuals, paedo-sexuals, bestial-sexuals, Satanists etc.
They will start talking about the Marxist Leninist / UN Communist destruction of Australian heritage – of the White demographic specifically and White replacement.
Let the Good Times Roll.
Comment: Marxist Leninist / UN Communist Jewish Globalist destruction of Australian heritage and White and Aboriginal replacement.
Spies monitored nationalists and "right wing" during and after COVID in the Australian police state
The head of Australia's domestic spy agency told senators that at its peak during COVID restrictions, "right-wing ideologically motivated or nationalist racist extremism" accounted for about half of ASIO's counter-terrorism workload — but that figure had now dropped considerably (because the governments topped trying to control people). There is no mention of whether the government action itself was also extremist.
Desperate little Marxist shit is trying to imply if you don’t like government violating your civil liberties and human rights you’re a Nazi. Let’s not forget that the ghoul who heads ASIO and his cohorts completely missed the Neo-Nazi and Azov trained Christchurch mass shooter Brenton Tarrant. They’re scum.
Comment: Trotskyite and Marxist are usually Globalist false Jews who kill and use Jews.
Trotskyism | Marxist Theory & Revolutionary Jewish Politics
20 juli 2023 — Trotskyism(Jewish), a Marxist(Jewish) ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution first expounded by Leon Trotsky(Jewish) (1879–1940), one of the leading ...
Kind of wonder how Australia went Troskyite Gulag Marxist ... until you see the Magog Trotskyites in the background controlling their Goy slaves in political office. Some people love being political whores and traitors ... it's their pathology ... as long as they get to dress up as 'respectable' experts before the camera. Their MO is double-speak ... repetition of moronic 'tags' invented to marginalize their opposition. This MO goes right back to the CHEKA and the Trotsky run Gulags in the USSR .. hasn't changed a bit. There are no coincidences in Pavlovian Politics.
Maria Zeee guest host on The Alex Jones Info Wars Show interviews Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts covering the break down and how the Great Awakening is taking power back from government for Australians.
You may remember a former Pfizer scientist, Dr Mike Yeadon, who from early on was giving interviews about how untrustworthy were diagnostic tests based on PCR?
⚡️⚡️⚡️Detox from Spike Proteins: Here’s How in 74 Seconds, Per Dr. Peter McCullough
“Look at these cardiac arrests, major blood clots, people going down. It’s because the spike protein is not being cleared out of the body,” remarked Dr. McCullough.
He recommended three key supplements to degrade spike proteins and reduce inflammation:
1. Nattokinase - 2000 units twice a day.
2. Bromelain - 500 milligrams once a day.
Nattokinase and bromelain “both degrade the spike protein [in] different ways. They accelerate the clearance of it together,” Dr. McCullough added.
3. Curcumin - 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage
.“All of these are available over the counter,” disclosed. Dr. McCullough. “They are readily available. And I can tell you people ought to get going on this because these syndromes, as we’re finding out, are bad.
”Dr. McCullough also recommends Spike Support Formula, which contains nattokinase, dandelion root, and a host of other promising ingredients that can help protect you and your family from the prolonged effects of spike protiens.⚡️⚡️⚡️
Look at the Brittish Coat of Arms.
It has the Horse, symbolising the Brittish Cavalry, that is, military might.
The other is a Lion, which is the Lion of the Tribe of Juda.
They work in tandom, as does the USA, Canada and Australia. joseaffino
Smiley Gets A Gun.OZ.1958.(_1h26 ./A sequel to the movie "Smiley". Young Smiley gets into more strife as he attempts to prove himself a responsible citizen by helping other, so that he can earn a new gun from Sergeant Flaxman.
Truth explosion in the Australian Parliament has Globalist, USA Communists, Nazis, Zionists, and deep state war mongers that have continued to push propaganda for big pharma and the illusion of negative climate change, and ESG are in a panic that their fraudulent money schemes may be threatened. YouTube, a big supporter of the WEF, WHO, and deep state USA criminal organizations, quickly banned this speech in fear too many of the population could wake up and begin to revolt.
Has nanotech invaded every aspect of human life? Mat Taylor is back with Stew to detail recent discoveries he observed under a microscope showing nanotech inside dental anesthetics. Examinations of dental drugs from 2019 and before the pandemic showed zero nanotechnology. The same self-assembling circuitry found in the covid bioweapon are also in dental numbing agents. If nanotech is in dental drugs used for anesthesia then it’s likely also in the drugs used for other surgeries. Dentists and doctors alike should analyze the components inside the medication they deliver to their patients, to ensure safety and informed consent.
"AUSTRALIA - Following the UN sex education guidelines, countries in lockstep now.
10 year old girls’ homework is to ask daddy about his erections and ejaculations.
The UN owns your children now. Dissent will not be tolerated."
The liberals who wrote this has a dream of being asked by his kids so he can say, "glad you asked, let me show you sweetie, for extra credit just let me put it in your mouth"
This story of the modified viruses that threaten humanity is a smokescreen for radio modulable materials being inserted into all injectables since more than a decade, and microwaves coming from celular towers. Sadly, the biggest alternative media is a gatekeeper. Greg Reese, you don't tell the whole truth, why? Aren't you aware of it? Or do you also serve an agenda? You are all similar. I remember Mike Adams defending face masks. Alex Jones claiming that "we went to the moon", etc.
Dr. Ana Michalcea joins us to expose how tests on both Australian and U.S. major chain grocery store meat has shown structures like we have seen both in the COVID injection vials and the blood of the injected, now also being found in the uninjected. Dr. Ana exposes her findings in conjunction with Dr. David Nixon in Australia on this gross experiment being conducted on human beings without their consent, poisoning our food supply.
HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited is listed as the number one shareholder for all of the Big Four Banks. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings Plc - You Know... HSBCBANK - Yes, that's right... HSBC Bank owns more than 10% of all of the big Four.
He was succeeded on 21 February 2018 by John Flint. ... "Bloomberg Businessweek Executive profile: Stuart Gulliver". ... "Revealed: Swiss account secret of HSBC chief Stuart Gulliver". ...... Early life and education Sir Martin Stuart Sorrell was born in London on 14 February 1945 to a Jewish family.
The Globalist Banksters own many Australian Corporations including the private mainstream media and they have too much influence in SBS and ABC TV channels. The Bankster's influence and money donations to the Liberal/National, Labor and Greens political parties results for them having similar major policies, all designed to achieve the same results.
The history of the Commonwealth Bank is rarely told these days. This is the first in a 2-part series. You can read the 2nd part here: History of the Comm Bank Part II
The Commonwealth Bank — originally The Peoples’ Bank
It might be instructive to learn a bit about the history of our banking system, particularly the Commonwealth Bank….
In October, 1911, the Labor Government of Mr. Andrew Fisher introduced a Bill to provide for the establishment of a Commonwealth Bank with power to carry on all the business generally transacted by banks, including that of a savings bank. It was to be administered under the control of one man (called the Governor of the Bank), appointed for seven years. The Bank was to have power to raise a capital of $2 million by the sale of debentures. (This paragraph and other parts of this post are courtesy of
In 1914 the Commonwealth bank began financing primary producers, ushering in the golden age of our country. “Riding on the sheep’s back” it was called. The money the bank raised helped finance the government to pursue WW1. The Governor boasted that it could have easily financed two such wars, the bank of the people was so solvent.
Up until 1924 the Commonwealth bank financed businesses, home buyers, manufacturers, primary producers, and in the process created a vibrant and rich economy. The profits the bank made were ploughed back into the economy to enrich it even further.
Throughout this period the private banks enjoyed a cordial relationship with the Commonwealth bank. In 1924 the Director of the Commonwealth bank, Sir Denison Miller died. With him removed from the scene the Bruce-Page Administration brought in a Bill to amend the Commonwealth Bank Act by taking the control of the Commonwealth Bank out of the hands of the new Governor and placing it in the hands of a directorate, composed ( in addition to the Governor of the Bank and the Secretary of the Treasury) of a body of financial magnates. This is….
Then in 1914, came the war, and with it an Amending Act giving the Bank power to raise its capital of $20 million, and to take over other banks and savings banks. The Bank did not at this period make use of either of these powers, but the services it rendered to the people of the Commonwealth were immense. Under the regime of the private banks, the flotation expenses of a loan in London, which Australian Governments would have had to pay, were 6%: but the Commonwealth Bank floated $700 million of loans for a charge of 0.56%, thus saving Australians some $12 million in bank charges.
Even then the Bank made a profit of 0.2%. With (and sometimes without) the assistance of the private banks, it saved the Australian primary producer from stark ruin by financing pools of wheat, wool, meat, butter, cheese, rabbits, and sugar to the total amount of $872 million. It found $4 million for the Commonwealth Fleet of Steamers, which again saved the primary producer from ruin through lack of transportation facilities to his market overseas. It enabled Australia to transfer abroad, with the maximum efficiency and minimum expense $7,121,902 for the payment of her soldiers.
Second World War
Of course, during the war, the Commonwealth Bank Board, had from time to time, to create some money. Of the $3,074 millions of borrowed money S776 millions were in the form of Treasury Bills (Aust. Statistics Bulletin 188) and the Board also increased the Note Issue from $95 millions in 1939.
to a peak circulation of $405.4 millions in 1945 (Commonwealth Bank Report 1945). 1t had also in its Special Wartime Deposit Account, at June 30, 1945, $482 millions of the private banks’ surplus funds, on which it paid interest at three-fourths of one per cent, and it is more than likely that these funds had to earn interest. In general, however, it can be stated that the Commonwealth Bank Board created as little money as they could, and apparently worried a good deal over what they did create. Whilst on this subject, it might be as well to remind Australians that at June 30 1947, the national debt stood at the imposing figure of $5,534,248,000 ($731.66 per head), while the annual interest on this debt was $162,417,446 (about S80 for every family of four). These figures constitute a magnificent testimonial to the insanity of our financial system. Every blow we struck for freedom during the war shackled our limbs with another chain of interest-bearing debt.
Early in March 1945, a Bill for the Commonwealth Bank Act of 1945, was introduced into the House of Representatives. It repealed all existing Commonwealth Bank Acts, and provided:
(1) That it should be the duty of the Commonwealth Bank within the limits of its powers, to pursue a monetary and banking policy directed to the greatest advantage of the people of Australia, and to exercise its powers under this Act and the Banking Act, 1945, in such a manner as, in the opinion of the Bank, would best contribute to
the stability of the currency of Australia
the maintenance of full employment in Australia and
the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia.
In 1943, under the stress of war, England and America began to cooperate in a Lend-Lease arrangement. This soon became a great international “clearing-house” for commodities, and the quantity of them “cleared” without the use of money reached enormous proportions. International financiers were alarmed. This sort of thing simply had to be stopped.
On July 1st. 1944, the delegates from 44 nations met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the United States. There they found an Agreement already prepared for their signatures, and they were asked to sign upon the dotted lines. It took three weeks to induce them to sign, but eventually they all did. The Australian delegate (L.G.Melville) made it clear that his signature was not to be taken as a recommendation to the Commonwealth Government and Mr Curtin definitely stated that no Australian delegate had been authorized to sign any agreement, but only to sign a report concerning certain recommendations, which did not bind the Australian Government in any way. The Bretton Wood Agreements would take away from all nations the power of either increasing or decreasing their currency (except within very narrow limits) without first obtaining the assent of an International Monetary Fund – which international financiers will control through its directorate, in the same way as Australian financiers until recently had controlled the Commonwealth Bank. This International Monetary Fund was to be backed by a similarly controlled International Bank which would, to the extent that it saw fit, lend out money at interest for reconstruction purposes, provided always that those purposes were productive and profitable for the Bank. Money lenders and financial institutions throughout the world would be cordially invited to subscribe to these loans. The world would continue on its course but henceforth all human activity would be bound and increasingly burdened with the chains of interest- bearing debt.
On November 19, 1946, Cabinet Ministers decided after a nine hours’ discussion to recommend to the Labor Caucus that Australia should ratify the Bretton Woods Agreements. Mr Chifley, then the Labor Prime Minister, led the move for ratification, but the Caucus by a narrow margin decided to defer their decision pending consideration by a special interstate A.L.P. Conference. The latter was never held and the Caucus was finally persuaded by the Media and by lobbyists both local and foreign to act in favour of the agreements. On March 20, 1947 the International Monetary Agreements Bill, formally ratifying the Bretton Woods Agreements, was passed by the House of Representatives after a perfunctory debate. The voting was 55 for and 5 against. The Bill passed the Senate on March 25, 1947 and became Law. It is difficult to give satisfactory reasons for the actions of the Chifley Administration and the Australian Labor Party.
There was a universal desire to form some sort of world-wide organisation which might possibly result in a well-functioning peaceful world. There is a great deal of evidence that the “One-world” global carrot, consistently dangled before the donkey’s nose, was of great use in sending the donkey down the road that international finance desired it to travel. On August 6, 1947, Australia, in the person of Mr Makin, signed the articles of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank at Washington, U.S.A. She was the forty-fifth victim.
From then on, the operation of what was the Peoples’ Bank was gradually undermined until today it is just a private corporation. It is no longer a Peoples’ Bank. The Commonwealth Bank gradually assumed the role of a Central Bank and in 1959 this role ended with the introduction of the Reserve Bank Act of 1959 which saw the establishment of The Reserve Bank.
This last action virtually brought about the demise of the Commonwealth Bank as the Peoples’ Bank and a further nail was put into the coffin when the Commonwealth Government decided to sell off part of the Commonwealth Bank. The Prospectus was dated 5 July, 1991. It was issued on that day and was also lodged with and registered by the Australian Securities Commission on the same day. This was preceded by The Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990, which, among other things amended the 1959 Act to provide for the conversion of the Commonwealth Bank into a public company.
Experience shows that all such reassurances were completely worthless. By 1996, the original 100% ownership of Australia’s Peoples’ Bank by the people of Australia as a whole had passed through stages of 70%, then 50.1% and finally grounded to zero. The word Privatisation is derived from the Latin privare which means to deprive. With the death and burial of their Commonwealth Bank, the citizens of Australia were deprived of their patrimony. They no longer possessed a common wealth. The latter had become the private wealth of greedy individual financial investors and exploiters.
In February 1948, in his preface to the twelfth edition of his booklet The Story of the Commonwealth Bank, D.J. Amos wrote, “In the present (twelfth) edition, the story is brought to its final conclusion, in the surrender by Australia of its control over its own currency to the International Monetary Fund and Bank. In future (the Commonwealth Bank being again reduced to servitude) these two great foreign institutions will be free to deal with our people and our living standards as they see fit”.
As we know, that was not the final conclusion but only the beginning of it. The stage had been set for complete foreign control, but the dismantling of the Commonwealth Bank had to be effected first.
Here virtually ends the saga of the Peoples’ common wealth Bank. In 1960, the Reserve Bank took over the role of Central Bank from the Commonwealth Bank. Like other trading banks, the Commonwealth Bank is today completely privatised and subject to Reserve Bank controls. The Federal Government could direct the Reserve Bank to adopt a completely different policy to that which results in ever-escalating debt, crushing taxation and insidious inflation. For example, interest rates could be reduced to the point where they were sufficient to meet the administration costs of creating and administering credit. New money could be made available as a credit, instead of debt, for financing consumer discounts as a major part of an anti-inflation policy.
But none of these and similar steps will be taken until a more enlightened public insists that the chaotic disintegration of marketplace activity can only be halted by a reversal of present credit policies. Eventually this must happen, but only after the situation gets even worse leading to complete economic anarchy.
There are three features of this story which stand out clearly. 1. That of all the Administrations which have carried on the Government of Australia, two of them are pre-eminent for the injuries they have inflicted upon the people they were appointed to serve, The Bruce-Page Administration of 1923-29 and the Chifley Administration of 1945- 49. 1 The first enslaved to domestic financiers an institution which had stood between Australia and ruin during the first World War, and could have been used to create permanent prosperity in times of peace. The second rescued that Institution from domestic slavery only to hand it over to a far harsher enslavement abroad and from which it can only be freed, if at all, with extreme difficulty. 2. That institutions, no matter how excellent they may be, are of little permanent use to the masses of the people who do not understand the value of them. The right of the people of this Commonwealth to expand or contract financial credit in accordance with their needs, by means of a Commonwealth Bank was something that Australians should have safeguarded with the same jealousy as they safeguard the right to vote. They did not do this, so when the artificial depression of the thirties burst upon them they were exposed without defence to domestic and foreign financiers who knew no mercy. Today, thanks to the International Monetary Agreements Act of the Chifley Administration they are just as powerless to help themselves against any future depressions which those same financiers may be preparing for them. 3. That after the signing of the Bretton Woods Agreements, International Finance now had complete control over the policy of the Commonwealth Bank, and through it over the policy of the entire banking system of Australia – no matter in whose hands the Administration of the various banks may rest. International Finance can be trusted to ensure that the banking system in Australia remains in servile obeisance and its services used, not for the benefit of the people, but to further its own policy of power over people and profits before persons. Shareholders’ interest comes first; the rich must be allowed to get richer even if it means the poor get poorer.
From Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin November 2001. Table H.5 $ million Australia’s Gross Foreign Liabilities at end of March 2000/01 Total Liabilities Equity Debt Total 312 464 475 452 787 916 Table H.7 As at 30 June 2001, the level of Net foreign debt (net amount owed by the Australian public and private sectors to foreign entities) was $310 952 million.
(This article forms Chapter 11 of the author’s book THE GREAT HARLOT
The Australian people are banker slaves who live on nation reservation
Alex Jones Infowars interviews American Indian Russell Means who talks how American has become one huge Indian Reservation. Russel Mean passed away in 2012.
Time to create a Rural Reconstruction and Development Bank
By: A North Qld Grazier (first published 2016 — updated by CIRNow’s True Blue Observer)
This article was originally written to support Robbie Katter’s bill to introduce state banking, under the name of a Rural Reconstruction and Development Bank.
The Abstract of the research paper below by Cockfield and Botterill shows that agricultural returns in the past five decades have not kept ahead of increasing costs over which primary producers have little control.
This week we bring you a shocking story of an Australian court that has claimed that a human being is their property, with persecuted guest Aron Leyshon being the subject of this alleged "ownership". We also discuss Australia's broad new eSafety "powers" and their potential consequences.
Anybody looking to attend or support Aron at his court date as stipulated in this video, as always, is encouraged to be peaceful and respectful to the court, your surroundings, and all involved.
ZEROTIME was born out of a desperate need for the truth in Aussie news. For too long, the mainstream media has been lying to the Australian people. Zeee Media commits to bringing you the truth every Wednesday night at 8PM, highlighting key issues the world is facing, how it affects our country and the dangers to our democracy.
If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link:
"All I am going to say about this multicultural business is, it's the greatest hoax of all time...
the Reverend Cedric Jacobs, one of the genuine aboriginals... has been lecturing on multiculturalism... He said, "It has taken my people about 200 years to come to grips with this new culture... but now without even consulting us you want to bring a dozen different cultures in. How are we going to cope with this?" And of course we won't cope with that. All part of the planned surrender of Australia. And you are not supposed to have a say on this. All parties now tell you that immigration is off the agenda. It's all been decided for you, all part of surrendering this country... We can do absolutely nothing until we go back to these absolutes... that governments belong to us, we don't belong to governments... They don't have a problem with immigration in Switzerland... to become an immigrant in Switzerland, you have to be accepted by the people in the local Canton where you are going to live." (Butler, 1986)
The right to peaceful assembly and protest is protected by the Commonwealth Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Article 12 and Article 21 (Freedom of Movement), Section 83:4 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995, and the Summary Offences Act Section 6(5) which states that people cannot be directed to move-on if they are: picketing a place of employment; demonstrating, holding banners or signs or speaking in public.
Throughout 2020 and 2021 in Victoria we witnessed numerous instances of terrorism by elite cops incl: CIRT, SOG, PORT and private UN cops wearing Predator badges, including harassment, violent assaults, kettling, depravation of basic human rights, and the indiscriminate use of pepper spray, battons, tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, pepper balls, foam baton rounds, smoke bombs and stringer grenades.
Indeed the IBAC investigation last year found “ongoing misconduct issues and risks with the CIRT” and found that CIRT members “acted inconsistently with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities”. Now they want to throw kerosine on the fire by bringing in the ADF???
From David,
More letters
Personnel from the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), with the support of the 1st Military Police Battalion (1MP), conducted PPC training at Lavarack Barracks. The course focused on soldiers’ individual PPC training while ensuring the ready battle group met the qualifications required of the ADF’s contingency operational response element.
Infantry sections integrated closely with military police arrest teams, detainee processing capabilities, and military working dogs to enhance security and crowd dispersion. Captain Nicholas Crosbie, from 3RAR’s Alpha Company, said PPC was a non-lethal combat technique to maintain control, detain and “protect populations”.
Not ONLY the government have betrayed us, so have the police and military.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The right to own and bear arms guaranteed by the 1689 Bill of Rights, has been trampled by Australian, egregious, corporate political parties over the past three decades aided and abetted by psyops such as Port Arthur that the Jew John Howard orchestrated with the help of the Jesuits and implemented by Israeli Secret Service Mossad and a small cadre of Australian elite troops.
National gun laws are coming, yet there is no Constitutional avenue that allows for federal gun laws to which the illegitimate National Cabinet agreed on Friday. Since when has the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia ever resonated with political parties except when convenient for example, to implement the black Voice?
Great interview Maria. Senator Roberts is on point and he's learned the truth much faster than most Australians...particularly the gutless politicians, judges, doctors, big pharma apologists - CHOs - Chief Health Officers (need to go to jail) the TGA/AHPRA/ATAGI/AMA (all need to face courts at least) - AND....the mainstream media.
Malcom Roberts is my favourite political in Australia he is very similar to Rand Paul in America the way he argues and stands up for the people especially when it comes to fake climate change he is our best.
Senator Roberts is brilliant. When we eventually win this War, statues will be erected to him, and many other courageous leaders against his tyranny.
Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 "vaccines", as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday cage (earthed metal screen surrounding a piece of equipment to exclude electrostatic and electromagnetic influences) stopped the structures from forming.
Dr. Mark Hobart discusses the new Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022) being decided on next week in Parliament, which he says will turn all Australian doctors into "agents of the government", completely removing the ability for scientific debate and the ability for doctors to adequately treat their patients in future.
Yes, Zelensky is the Anti-Christ who as prophesied by Islamic eschatology is said to be a Satanic Jew! I've been saying since February of this year that Zelensky has all the signs of being the Anti-Christ.
This has been organised by Aussie Cossack . The same lad who was one of our leaders fighting against vaccine mandates and lockdowns .They put him in jail for contempt of court in an attempt to silence him.
Great to see! There is another channel I follow - The.Scythian - - who is Australian and brings the war news from an ally perspective. What's even better is his Telegram channel - - for inside and culminated news from an ally perspective. I'm not trying to spam here, but I am just sayin', check him out. Related to this video, he's 'a local'.
The Globalist run Australian Commonwealth Bank and social credit score for customers.
The fifth step of the global walkout is to display your country’s flag upside-down anywhere you can. We’ve come up with a very cheap and easy way to do this so EVERYONE can participate.
We’ve been inspired in the Netherlands by seeing hundreds of upside-down flags along the highways. It’s very impactful because the public cannot help but notice and wonder why they are there.
An important part of this step is to take a photo when you put your flag somewhere and post it online. Use the same hashtags as everyone else to show that WE ARE THE MANY…#CountryInDistress and #GlobalWalkout
In the Netherlands when we drove through farming regions, there were more properties WITH flags than without. It’s impossible the public to ignore this public display of distress. Imagine if this was global??? If you spot a flag while with a friend, it will be a great way to start a conversation about important topics.
On 7th August, Dr. William Bay stood up at an AMA (Australian Medical Association) conference and started TELLING THE TRUTH in front of dozens of doctors. A heroic thing to do! If only 30% of doctors were like him, we wouldn’t be in this position right now.
He had a hearing with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) yesterday, 16th August, which he was not permitted to attend in person.
So, instead, he held a protest outside the AHPRA office in Brisbane and attended the hearing via zoom with hundreds of freedom-lovers…it was quite the scene ?
If you live in Sydney and want to meet him and hear him talk at the Freedom Summit on 25th August, he’ll be there – SEE MORE DETAILS
The saddest part is all the other doctors who cower in their fancy clinics and do not come out and support their colleague who is sacked for speaking his truth . Some may agree with him, some may not , the point is his right to speak freely. There should be a mass walkout by doctors but they are either too brainwashed or too gutless to bother . Ahpra could decide tomorrow that the earth is flat and most doctors would just say ' sure, its scientifically proven '. RIP our culture that once cherished bravery and freedom . This doc is a hero in my book .
A conversation with Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla (Jewish) at Davos.
I call Bullshit to this. As ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!Bourla said it realizes the company's goal, set out when he took over in 2019, to "reduce by 50% the number of people on the planet that cannot afford their medicine" by 2023."Today we are going to achieve that," he said, adding that shareholders "should think that we are doing the right thing."
My cousin lost his house which deepened his depression and tragically he took his life the following week. I can’t believe we have allowed neoliberalism to bring us beyond the brink of disaster and done nothing for a decade. My cousin had his demons and maybe he would have done it regardless but the inaction of our government has already cost too many lives.
Hundreds rallied in Melbourne, Australia, decrying COVID vaccine mandates. Supporters of jailed WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange also made an appearance, calling for him to be freed.
Frydenberg was born in Melbourne and educated at Bialik and Mount Scopus Colleges. His mother, Erika Strausz, is a psychologist and University of Melbourne professor and his father Harry is a general surgeon. His mother was a Jewish Hungarian born in 1943 who arrived in Australia in 1950 as a stateless child from a refugee camp after escaping from the Holocaust.[2] His father is also Jewish, and emigrated to Australia from Poland.[c
Jeremy Lee. 1991, wow! Way ahead of his time. We were warned but few people seem to notice, even fewer seem to care. Listen now and tell me how much you think has come to pass in the last 30 years. If only every Australian had seen this I don’t believe we would be where we are today. Absolutely brilliant video. Concise, logical and spelt out in layman’s terms so that any, every person can understand this. Pinpoints where, how, when and who. Its actually very sad to think in so many ways we have done this to ourselves. Yes government have orchestrated it and sold us all out BUT it was our apathy as a nation as Australians that allowed it all to happen. OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNMENTS. PRINT IT OFF & HAND IT TO ALL POLICY ENFORCERS (Fake Police) Backup Channel: LATEST VIDEO FROM LIABILITYMATE: ALSO – YouTube backup channel please subscribe. TO BUY THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION Wayne Glew 24 Hagan Road Glenfield Geraldton WA 6532 $150 plus postage $20
A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecommunications Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible. It's not what you see, it's what goes on behind the scenes.
RDA has put together a list of key objectives that any freedom-loving Australian would likely agree with. Signing your name to this will help unite the freedom fighters and broader community under a shared set of goals.
RDA will also be giving all candidates in the federal election an opportunity to sign these key objectives and will publish who has, or hasn’t, signed it. This will help you know who to vote for.
With your help and support, together we will advocate to;
1.Permanently eliminate pandemic emergency powers and COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
2.Establish an Australian Bill of Rights.
3.Establish an independent media oversight body.
4.Restrict digital surveillance (example: digital ID system).
5.Cut ties with international, intergovernmental, anti-democratic bodies that jeopardise our sovereignty such as ‘strong cities network’ and World Health Organisation (WHO).
6.Open an investigation into the suppression order from the Wood/s Royal Commission (1995 – 1997).
7.Start legal proceedings into the handling of the authorities’ Covid-pandemic response (with prosecutions if warranted).
8.Revive Australian manufacturing.
9.Investigate AHPRA and either repeal or replace them with an independent body of medical professionals who are committed to upholding their oath.
10.Remove all corporate lobby groups from Canberra
Riccado Bosi calls on all Australians to get to Canberra now, this is our last chance to fix the mess
Get to Canberra to help turn around Australia, open the borders, remove the mandates, restore a constitutional government, no more masks, get jobs back, no mandates and leave our kids alone. No jabs for kids!!!! Graham Hood is doing a tremendous job, go to make the numbers count. Australian Federal Police are somewhat in control and remember the LNP corporation controls the corporate AFP.
Politicians and the public service being exempt from the Covid jab mandates.
Victoria Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton has been given some terribly wrong advice about politicians and the public service being exempt from the Covid jab mandates. There is no provision in the Commonwealth Constitution expressly exempting a politician from anything. There is Sect 51, (xxiiiA) that prevents compulsory vaccination of all citizens but there are no exclusions for politicians.
Professor Augusto Zimmerman likens the Covid performance of all governments to that of “totalitarian North Korea and Cuba.”Read more here
Sydney funeral home whistleblower exposes massive baby & children covid vaccination deaths and many others, all quickly cremated without funeral or service and death certificates issued reading “death unknown”. A statistical chart is shown of children diagnosis from Australian hospitals. Body cold room containers now needed to cater for the dead.
Smoking gun confidential Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS… they knew the jab was killing people in early 2021… three times more WOMEN than MEN
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said anyone that willfully vilified and obstructed access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 is guilty of first degree capital murder, genocide, and crimes against humanity. They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. I believe in God & Jesus. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit tinyurl*com/gettingivermectin (Looks like I can't post links, replace * with .)
HUGE TURN OUT IN WARWICK AS QUEENSLANDERS CONTINUE TO SAY NO TO JAB-MANDATES All you have to do is look at the sheer number of people who keep turning up to these events across Australia to see Australians have had a gutful with the government's bullying and coercion.
The media continue to downplay the numbers and you won't see it covered on the evening news but I'm here to tell all freedom-loving Aussies, you are not alone, there are millions standing with you and if we keep fighting, we will win!
Thank you Warwick for sending such a strong message to Scott Morrison and Premier Palaszczuk, these mandates have got to go!
BigW’s “friendly” reminder that greeted a Cairns News reader in Geelong, Victoria. BigW, owned by Woolworths Group, are quite proud to announce that they now discriminate. The city council followed suit, demanding vaccination proof at the local art gallery.
By Tony Mobilifonitis
AUSTRALIA’S top business corporations – especially those in retail – are enforcing Morrison and the premiers’ unlawful, tyrannical attack on the unvaccinated population and vaccine mandates.
These corporate slag heaps, as typified by names like Westfield, who run just about every shopping mall in Australia and all over the globe, and Wesfarmers, who own a conglomerate of brands like Bunnings, Coles and Officeworks, should be avoided like the plague. Read more
Westfield Group was an Australian shopping centre company that existed from 1960 to 2014, when it split into two independent companies: Scentre Group, which now owns and operates the Australian and New Zealand Westfield shopping centre portfolio; and Westfield Corporation, which continued to own and operate the American and European center portfolio.[2]
SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) – Australia’s three wealthiest individuals are high-profile members of the Jewish community, according to an annual list.
BRW magazine’s Rich 200 list published this week named Anthony Pratt, who inherited his father Richard’s packaging and recycling company when he died last month, as the nation’s wealthiest individual, followed by shopping mall magnate Frank Lowy and property mogul Harry Triguboff.
Pratt was listed with a fortune worth $3.35 billion, according to the magazine. Visy Industries, the company his father expanded into a global empire, has factories in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and the United States, where it employs about 3,000 staff in 26 states. The Pratt Foundation donates about $11 million a year to charities in Israel, America and Australia.
Lowy, 78, who survived the Holocaust before fighting in Israel’s War of Independence, has accrued $3.3 billion as founder of the Westfield Group, the world’s largest shopping mall owner with outlets in Australia, New Zealand, Britain and America.
Lowy established for $40 million the Lowy Institute for International Policy in 2002 as a gift to Australia on the 50th anniversary of his arrival in the country. In 2006 he founded the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which operates within Tel Aviv University.
Triguboff, 76, who has made his fortune via his property development company, Meriton, is listed at $2.85 billion. He is the patron of the Jewish National Fund in New South Wales and is a longstanding supporter of the Yeshiva Center in Sydney, which houses the headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch in the state.
The annual rich list, which was launched 26 years ago, also listed Malcolm Turnbull, the nation’s Conservative opposition leader, as worth $139 million. But Turnbull scoffed at the figures, telling the Australian Associated Press that BRW magazine had “no idea” of his true wealth and that its figures were “speculative.”
Topping the list of Australia’s richest families is the Melbourne-based Smorgon dynasty, which also supports numerous Jewish charities.
Australian MP George Christensen of joins The Alex Jones Show to send a global S.O.S. to take a stand against medical tyranny now!
My home state in Australia is Queensland which is where this MP is from & I now live in Victoria which is where most of this Tyranny is being rolled out as a Beta test first before it goes Nation Wide... The reason all this is happening in Australia is because we don't have "The Second Amendment"... Our Gun Laws changed dramatically in the early 90's & we are now effectively "Disarmed" & as a result of that it has the psychological effect of lowering the confidence level of people feeling that they're unable to fight back if shit really gets out of control... This is what happens when "Good Natured Responsible People Give Up Their Right To Bare Arms" Against Enemies Of "Dictatorial Government" Both Foreign & Domestic!.. Everything that is going on now has made it abundantly clear that "Every Free Nation" on this planet absolutely needs to have /- 1 : Free Speech : & /- 2 : The ability to protect that /- The Unrestricted Right To Bare Arms
What's happening in Australia right now they are forcing unvaccinated skilled workers and bankrupting small business and tourism and then forcing these same people to work on the dole regardless of vaccination status, and then the polticians and the MSM complain that they can't find workers and they are bringing people in from overseas that are vaccinated to replace the jobs. So while they have travel bans for Australian citizens they are bringing non-citizens by the plane load every single day since the pandemic started from nations like Papua New Gunea, India and Africa adn have admitted they can't check all of them for COVID and vaccination status while business operators are supposed to check everyone for vaccination status or face massive fines. Novak Djokovic is unlikely to play tennis to defend his Australian open title because he is unvaccinated, his father calls this blackmail. Australia is one of the few nations in the world where citizens can't plan for Christmas because the citizens already know the politicians will burn their plans at the last minute with more draconian measures. The big supermarkets in Australia don't just want a criminal background check and drug testing and that's fair enough but they also want you to sign over all the data the government has on their files, Australia is so dystopian now, it's disfunctional and the politicians love the chaos they are creating and wouldn't have it any other way, they have found their uptopia now, that's why COVID is never going away. The same thing is happening in the USA, empty planes are flying into Columbia and full planes are coming back every single day.
The milllion who stood up in peaceful protest need to continue the fight - stay in the streets and march on. There is strength in numbers. The tyrants are minuscule in number opposed to the Aussies who are willing to fight for their freedom. FEAR NOT AND DO NOT RELENT!
The threats by the government to use troops to force us to take the death jab, the fact is, they cannot force anyone to have the jab.
Despite the threats by the purported government to send the troops around to force us to take the death jab, the fact is, they cannot force anyone to have the jab. This defence policy states clearly that the military may not use force against the people.
Download and read the whole policy carefully. Be informed. Know your rights. Stand up for your rights and freedoms and never back down!
Defence Assistance to the Civil Community Policy
The government is bound by the law. And their laws specifically say that our ADF personnel can assist in emergencies, but they cannot use force. Therefore, the threats of coercion by the the government sending the military to force us to vaccinate is yet another LIE!!!
Download and read the whole DACC policy document and know your rights!
1.1 Defence recognises the importance of supporting the Australian community and the re-assurance Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC) can provide to the people of Australia in times of crisis.
1.2 The Defence Assistance to the Civil Community Policy (this policy) establishes the Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC) framework and provides the arrangements by which Defence makes decisions regarding the provision of assistance to the civil community. This policy includes concepts and principles to inform Defence personnel who are making decisions about the provision of DACC. The application of these concepts and principles enables Defence personnel to meet the intended outcomes of this policy. Head Military Strategic Commitments is responsible for ensuring the alignment of DACC policy with Australian Government crisis management arrangements and providing the interface between Defence and whole of government stakeholders. Defence personnel are further supported by guidance, information and procedures described in the DACC Manual which is managed by Military Strategic Commitments Branch.
1.3 Defence provides support to the community under a range of different frameworks. The two main forms of assistance provided by Defence to civil authorities and organisations within Australia are: a. Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC); and b. Defence Force Aid to the Civil Authority (DFACA)—not covered in this policy.
1.4 In accordance with Australian Government expectations, Defence is committed to assisting the civil community in both emergency and non-emergency situations. DACC is the mechanism by which Defence achieves this effect. DACC support is not to involve the use, or potential use, of force (including intrusive or coercive acts) by Defence members.
“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” -- Maurice Samuel
“……If you think the former PM is pushing vaccines because he cares deeply for the health of ordinary Australians, think again. Lucy Turnbull is chairman of the pharma corporation Prima Biomed and is the former PM’s Big Pharma wife. She has worked closely with Big Pharma giants GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis. The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015 reports that the Turnbulls were listed as “the third biggest shareholder” in Prima Biomed.
The Two Assumptions Underpinning the Push for Australian Mandatory Vaccines
While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin,the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! Order here: ivmpharmacy/com (Looks like I can't post links, replace / with .)
The following 10 facts of Fraud of the Australia Act 1989 have not been rebutted and therefore they remain facts.
These material facts show that Australian Law emanating from the fraudulent Australia Act 1986 is based on fraud and therefore no law at all.
The difference is between the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and the CORPORATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.
The Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901 was granted to the people by Queen Victoria.
The CORPORATION is the ruling entity that owns, runs and controls the CITY OF LONDON which is not subject to, nor under any law of the Monarch of England
This is the First Fraud
Prior to Federation in 1900 Australia was divided into Colonies, after Federation the Colonies became States, but, each State was subject to the Constitution.
Prior to the fraudulent 1986 AUSTRALIA ACT any bill either State or Commonwealth touching a Constitutional issue had to be reserved for Royal Assent involving the Two Houses of Parliament back in England in the process.
By 1984 the International Socialist movement specifically the Fabian Socialists had succeeded in getting Mr Robert Hawke elected as Prime Minster of Australia. He then proceeded to “enact” the Australia Act. However, HM Queen Elizabeth 2 of the UK did not sign the Act. Instead, she placed her initials at the top right of the first page to indicate that the Act was subject to a referendum of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. No referendum has ever been held.
The Second Fraud
In a 1996 Senate Standing Committee paper titled “Aspects of Section 44” Professor Blackshield submitted a paper to the committee which stated that Mr Hawke may have a case to answer in relation to Section 44 of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 in that at the time of being Prime Minister Bob Hawke was also an Honorary Citizen of Israel. (Duel Citizenship)
The Third Fraud
Prior to the actual enactment of the Australia Act 1986 new “Letters Patent” were issued, it appears that the signature to the new Letters Patent signed at Balmoral in Scotland in 1984 was Mr R Hawke
The Fourth Fraud
To avoid having to send the 1986 Australia Act to the governed via a Constitutional Referendum, Mr Hawke and the Six Premiers involved decided to use section 51 (xxxviii) of the Commonwealth Constitution.
Powers of the Parliament
51. The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:- (xxxvii.) Matters referred to the Parliament of the Commonwealth by the Parliament or Parliaments of any State or States, but so that the law shall extend only to States by whose Parliaments the matter is referred, or which afterwards adopt the law:
The Fifth Fraud
By using Section 51 not Section 128 this activated State Request Acts and as such under their State Constitutions, Elector approval had to be sought prior to any Royal Assent being granted. (A referendum is required. )
The Sixth Fraud
In Western Australia, section 73 of their State Constitution
(2) A Bill that —
(e) expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act, namely — sections 2, 3, 4, 50, 51 and 73, shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless —
(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the electors in accordance with this section, and a Bill assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act. (A referendum is required. )
In Queensland, section 53 of their State Constitution
53.(1) A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act namely— sections
1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B; and this section 53 shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless it has first been approved by the electors in accordance with this section and a Bill so assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act. (A referendum is required. )
In New South Wales, section 7 of their State Constitution
7(a) (2) A Bill for any purpose within subsection (1) shall not be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section.
7(b) shall not be presented to the Governor for Her Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section. (A referendum is required. )
The Seventh Fraud
Within the Australia Act 1986 section 14 amends the Western Australian Constitution by amending section 50 and 51, but, these particular sections are bound to elector consent and approval at section 73 of the Western Australia Constitution. (A referendum is required. )
The Eighth Fraud
Within the Australia Act 1986 section 13 amends the Queensland Constitution by amending section 11A and 11B, but, these particular sections are bound to elector consent and approval at section 53 of the Queensland Constitution. (A referendum is required. )
The Ninth Fraud
After the purported enactment of the Australia Act 1986 “Reservation of Bills” for Royal Assent stopped and Royal Assent to Constitutional amendments operated within Australia after 1986 without any knowledge of the electorate, that “Primary Fraud” had occurred in relation to The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as opposed to the CORPORATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA operating via the CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON.
The Tenth Fraud
The due process of law was not followed in any State or Territory when the State Requests Acts 1985 were purportedly enacted in 1985. (A referendum is required. )
This is all evidence that shows that Australian Law emanating from the fraudulent Australia Act 1986 is based on fraud and therefore no law at all,
The two party preferred system is actually constitutionally illegal thought I may just add that and the third tier of government (local councils) even more so
Absolutely for ID and digital rolls to produce fairer elections is essential. Our community would be absolutely for these procedures to protect our vote.
? I gave up voting decades ago as politicians have never worked for their constituents in my lifetime and I know hundreds of people who have also given up voting
We certainly do not need more MPs. We are already vastly over-governed. We have local, State, House and Senate. We have 12 Senators per State whilst a much larger country like the USA has 2 Senators per State.
And have a tiered voting system.. to make it fairer for those paying for this country and its leeches.. 18+ card or licence for all.. make the 18+ card free from the electoral Commission and accepted nation wide rather than expensive crap from the state government.. very simple. As for preferences, get rid of it.. and or no handing out how to vote cards at polling stations
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Brave Australian Nurse Begs Zionist Globalist Media to Tell The Truth About Vaccine Injuries.
The Zionist Bolsheviks , relying on the dogmas of Marx (Jewish) and Engrls (Jewish), to destroying Australia, New Zealand, United States, Britain, Ireland, Europe and all the countries on the planet.
Russian President Vladimir Putin “is right” when he claims the West is destroying itself through woke politics, according to Herald Sun journalist Caleb Bond.
It comes after the Russian President gave a speech last week where he warned against the cancel culture and identity politics of the West and argued Russia had "been there already” while under communist rule.
“He makes the point about the fact that the fight for equality has sort of turned into absurdity,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“And it’s quite interesting to look at the change; I mean you look at people who went to university in the 60s, 70s, 80s, there was a fight really for free speech, there as a fight for freedom of expression and to some degree, freedom of the individual.”
Mr Bond argued the people going to university now “fundamentally” believe in the same ideas which were pushed by the left in the past, but now their strategy is to silence people they disagree with.
“The road that was paved by left-wingers of the past is now being torn up by left-wingers supposedly in the name of the same fight that their ancestors took.”
In the Russia , men is a man , women is a woman and dog is a dog. In Australia half of our Parliament are Gays and another half are Lesbians. Big different isn’t it.
Thousands of Australians have joined the UAP to stand up and fight for freedom in Australia.
As a great man once said, “The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” (John F kennedy) We must protect and defend Australia to stop our rights being diminished by a Liberal and Labor duopoly that have not stood up to prect our country and our way of life.
Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan announced that his government will be expanding the territory’s existing jab mandate to include more than one million people, or about 75 percent of the state’s workforce.
According to reports, the change is the most drastic to occur yet in Australia. Not only will “essential workers” be required to get injected, but so will others who work in a variety of industries.
The deadline to receive the first two injections is Jan. 31, 2022, though some places of employment will need to verify compliance by as soon as Dec. 31, 2021.
“Employers will be required to keep a record of the evidence, and authorized officers will run spot checks to ensure compliance is occurring,” McGowan said in an announcement.
“If relevant, employers that have unvaccinated staff working after the deadline run the risk of being fined up to $100,000.”
Individual employees who are caught working unvaccinated after the deadline could face fines of up to $20,000 for failing to provide proof of injection.
“Based on the latest health advice, we have just outlined a new overarching workforce vaccination policy – with a phased approach which will cover a majority of occupations and workforces within WA (Western Australia),” McGowan added in a tweet.
The government of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia supposedly just passed a law that holds local businesses liable for any Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” injuries or deaths that occur as a result of the same government’s jab mandate.
Injured employees will allegedly be entitled to compensation not from the pharmaceutical corporations that created the jabs in the first place, but rather from small businesses that have no choice but to force the injections on their employees or else face the ire of the government.
Even in cases where an employee no longer works for the same company but becomes injured from a jab that was taken while employed there in the past, said employer can be sued under the new rules and held accountable.
“So for example, if company X mandates the jab and Shane or Sheila get[s] the jab, subsequently leave[s] the firm, and in 3 years’ time grow[s] another head or, as is more likely (according to many experts, at least), suffer[s] from some problem such as autoimmune disease, then company X will be liable to pay for Shane or Sheila … forever,” reported Capitalist Exploits, as relayed by Zero Hedge.
“I tell you what, I have zero sympathies for any business that has been complicit in these crimes against humanity. May they suffer the worst consequences.”
What the fuck is going on in Australia? Club Totalitarian The Australian federal government is planning to de-anonymize the internet to introduce a social credit system to combat "online abuse" - police will have access to individuals' social media accounts, which will be linked to people's passports.
You wrote - The defining moment for us is when our pregnant daughter in law got double jabbed. The stupidity of that overwhelms us. She is a very smart young woman and a doctor [gastro specialist]Oh dear! So sorry that this has happened, yet I too have experienced very intelligent family members and 2 doctor friends who have happily and even EAGERLY accepted both jabs. I always considered these people to be much smarter than I was. and yet, here they are falling for the greatest deception on earth. It's hard to understand. I can only say that it is done via repetition over many many years of brainwashing. That's how our beliefs are formed and unless we really think about this, we simply go along with the programming.I understand how you feel as I too am overwhelmed at the notion that these people have been tricked to such a profound extent. The manipulative skill of these demonic psychopaths cannot be underestimated. The next few years are going to test all of us.
There's probably more than one way round it in Aus, and I've done more research on the UK law, (and I'm ready ....) but I've seen the Aus 1988 privacy act section 94H quoted by twitter activists. 94H (2) appears to make what you describe illegal.
" (2) A person commits an offence if the person:
(a) refuses to enter into, or continue, a contract or arrangement with another person (including a contract of employment); or
(b) takes adverse action (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009) against another person; or
(c) refuses to allow another person to enter:
(i) premises that are otherwise accessible to the public; or
(ii) premises that the other person has a right to enter; or
(d) refuses to allow another person to participate in an activity; or
(e) refuses to receive goods or services from another person, or insists on providing less monetary consideration for the goods or services; or
(f) refuses to provide goods or services to another person, or insists on receiving more monetary consideration for the goods or services;
on the ground that, or on grounds that include the ground that, the other person:
(g) has not downloaded COVIDSafe to a communication device; or
(h) does not have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or
(i) has not consented to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to the National COVIDSafe Data Store.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both."
Labor/Liberals TRASH your Human Rights. If the Courts won’t protect your Human Rights. The United Australia Party WILL protect your Human Rights. The UAP will BAN