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Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. 29/9/2024

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The Step Bison from Russia and Canada.

  Seven Craziest Permafrost Discoveries From Russia & Alaska

The Ocean is often dubbed and considered the final frontier here on Earth, but many forgot that we still also have the Permafrost. Deep within the Permafrost's icy depths lies secrets that have been hidden for sometimes tens of thousands of years, and in recent times some of the craziest of these secrets have made their way to the surface, shocking even the most experienced scientist.


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Black bees are a unique species surviving climate change | Master of Bees (Sicily)


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Black Bees.

Beekeepers preserving the ancient hives of black bees in Cevennes | Master of Bees (France

 Around 13,000 years ago, the bees that had settled in Northern Europe were driven out by the cold. In the Cevennes, whose valleys form a natural rampart, colonies of pure stock managed to subsist, by adapting to the environment. Men and women have returned to ancestral traditions in order to protect them…


0:00:00 - Intro

0:01:17 - Repairing ancient black bee hives

0:05:51 - The development of swarms

0:09:56 - Risk of creating a hybrid bee

0:12:42 - Visiting a master beekeeper

0:14:54 - The apiary of Malbosc village

0:18:50 - The three obligations for an trunk hive

0:20:25 - Filling the hive with bees

0:23:04 - The state of the flora

0:25:15 - Credits

#wildlife #animals #france #bees #nature #travel #agriculture #wildlifeplanet #village


Watch the full series here:    • Master of Bees (full documentary seri... 

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Ever since it appeared nearly 80 million years ago, the bee has occupied a special place in evolution. Untiring worker, essential to the development of vegetables, it is one of the foremost species maintaining our equilibrium on Earth. Mankind is fascinated by its perfect organization and its incredible reproduction process. And the relationship between people and bees throughout the world is equally plural. In a world where the climate is changing and biodiversity is gradually disappearing under the effects of “human activity”, the bee is in danger and so is our relationship with it.

This series is equal to this exceptional story and to the last men who are still sharing a close life with the bees for their mutual survival. Original title: Master of Bees - The shepherd of the bees (France)


?????? Everything created by the Creator of the Universe belongs to him. The Lord has provided us everything, as we take the material nature from the Earth to sustain our body, we MUST show our gratitude to put back something BACK to the Mother Earth...??? Do not forget, the ??Dust-bowl incident in America is due to greed --- taking too much out of Mother Earth.


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  Giant Irish Elk: The Largest Deer To Ever Live | Extinct Animals Documentary | Real Wild

 Known as the "Giant Deer", the Irish Elk was last seen nearly 11,000 years ago. This extinct series episode chronicles the habits and traits of the extinct deer species. It settled in Ireland where human hunters had not reached and antlers that reach 12ft from tip to tip. Why did this giant deer endure catastrophic extinction?

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The History of Wild Ass Species in Europe - Part I

 The wild asses were widespread over Asia and Africa, but at one point they were found in that other continent of the Old World, Europe, as well.

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Ice Age wild Ass.

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White people painted wild Asses and horses during the Ice Age in Europe.

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The History of Wild Ass Species in Europe - Part II

 White people Ice Age paintings in Europe.

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 The History of Wild Ass Species in Europe: Part III

 This third part goes over the habitat of wild asses in their former range in parts of Europe, then goes over what predators they may have had to deal with.

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Tiger from Eastern Europe.

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European Jackal.

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Jackal areas in yellow.

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European Jackal.

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 Cheetah lived in Europe During the Ice Age.

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Indian Wild Ass


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Wolves Hunting Wild Donkey In Northern China (2022)

 Wolves are hunting wild Ass in Northern China.

The wild Ass is a wild donkey which is threatened species .

They live in flock and they are very exposed by apex predators like wolves, leopard, tigers etc .

Will ass are disappear year after year The number are dramatically very low only 42 000 in Mongolian and only 5000 in China

They decrease with 20 % every year


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Bison: A Journey Through Deep Time

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  There's Over 4000 Giant Oaks in this Forest - heres whyLeave Curious60.2K subscribers



I live in SW Scotland, and very fortunate to live near some ancient Oaks - and the generous supply of edible mushrooms they produce. I've not seen this condition they're suffering from elsewhere in the country, but we have lost too many from storms and riverbank collapse during more frequent flooding.


giant redwood in uk

America’s Giant Redwoods are Thriving in Britain - here’s why


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How Horses Went From Food To Friends

Do our modern horses descend from just one domesticated population, or did it happen many times, in many places? Answering these questions has been tricky, as we’ve needed to bring together evidence from art, archaeology, and ancient DNA…Because, as it turns out, the history of humans and horses has been a pretty wild ride.



Horses were an intricate part of the development and expansion of indo European languages, cultures, and pre-christian spirituality throughout Eurasia. They allowed the White indo European tribes to revolutionize nomadic life along with the wheel and the cart. They were absolutely essential to the way of life and death of the ancestors of all modern native European nations. Usually PBS makes a point to give a shout out to the indigenous cultures impacted by the topic of the video. Since they didn't this time, I figured it was appropriate to post interesting facts about the concerned associated cultural history.

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Wrangel Island mammoths.

The Island of the Last Surviving Mammoths

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"Today there are all kinds of endangered species with small, isolated populations and low levels of genetic diversity." And as long as humans continue growing in numbers and prosperity, the populations of these endangered species will tend to become smaller, more isolated, and lower in genetic diversity. Heroic efforts by conservationists may temporarily help a species here or there, but unless we change the fundamental cause of habitat loss and fragmentation (that cause being growth in human numbers and prosperity), conservation efforts can only delay, not prevent, the ongoing sixth major mass extinction in Earth's history (the first mass extinction to be caused by a species - us).

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It blows my mind mammoths were around just 4 thousand years ago. It also is staggering humans had a campsite there just a hundred or so years later. Insane!

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Doggerland  now called the Dogger Banks off the east coast of Britain

Hidden Histories: Doggerland


The map represents a time in Europe's history where you could travel over land from the continent of Europe to Britain and Ireland

And the animals below roamed over these lands with white European Ice Age hunters, there were no nations as we know today, no country called Ireland, Brittan, Germany, Russia, Spain, yet there were nations, tribal nations. These are groups of people who came together who controlled, protect their members of the community and hunting areas from other tribes. This would have occurred from the first people that moved into Europe

The Animals below are the Animals they hunted and some of these animals, Bears, Lions hunted some of these human hunters. We must remember that wolves lived during this period would have most likely hunted man when given the opportunity, but over the centuries we wiped out these particular wolves and the ones that walk among us today are the timid ones.

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The Geography of the Ice Age

So, if i have this right... Earth has been in a continuous Ice Age for about 3 Million years now, with the warmer inter-glacial periods averaging 15,000 years long, and the glacial periods averaging more like 100,000 years? And with archeologists estimating the current modern human form being some 80,000 to 100,000 years old, older hominid forms prior to modern man, like Cro-magnon or Neanderthals, being less anatomically evolved. Not that remnants of the Neanderthal race have entirely disappeared... Modern humans carry about 2% Neanderthal DNA in them. So if over the next few thousand years the Milankovich Cycle sends Earth back into the glacial period for 100k years, what would work migration of 10 Billion people & warfare be like given the inability to live in glacial areas?

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Picture taken from above video.

  Palaeoloxodon - Ancient Animal

What can Stone Age art tell us about extinct animals?

 Photo: Michael Gäbler
Date: 2010.03.21
Permission: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


Many Europeans (Whites) know very little about the animals their ancient ancestors hunted and the following images can help in remedying this. There were a diverse number of animals that European Caucasians hunted throughout the Ice Age including Bison, Wild Horses, Cave Lions, Cave Bears, Wolves, Wild Cattle, Red Deer, Roe Deer, Fallow Deer, Beaver and Mammoth Elephants. 

The animals of Europe are very similar to, or the same as animals found in North America.  Europe also has Beaver, Lynx, as well as a number of deer including Reindeer, Elk (known as a Moose in USA and Canada), Black and Brown Bears, White Swans, Hares and Rabbits, Wolverines, Stout and Weasels.

Europe's animals have had some irreversible extinctions including the Cave Bear, Woolly Mammoth, Woolly Rhinoceros and Giant Deer.  Scientists have spent considerable time on re-wilding initiatives in Europe with plans to reinvigorate the megafauna populations.  They have successfully reintroduced European Bison (pictured right).  In the Ice Age bison lived on open tundra, today they live in forest areas and during the First World War the numbers were decimated and only through careful and selective breeding have their numbers risen to roughly 3,000 today.

brown bear image

They have also successfully brought back the Musk Oxen into Scandinavian regions.  The Brown bear (pictured left), are found in North America, and Europe.

Ice Age Animals of Europe

Hairy Rhino (pictured right) ,unfortunately the Woolly Rhino is now extinct, its skeletons are found occasionally.



The Permafrost of Siberia in Russia Hides the Mummified Remains of Ice Age Animals.

  10 Most Amazing Permafrost Discoveries of Ice Age Mega-fauna

 The thick permafrost in Russian Siberia hides the mummified remains of ice age animals. In some cases, entire buried carcasses that have been shrunken and desiccated down to a natural mummified state have been dug up. Here are 10 such frozen mummies that tell us how these animals lived and looked during the Ice Age.


"Did you ever wake up from a long nap feeling a little disoriented, not quite knowing where you were? Now, imagine getting a wake-up call after being "asleep" for 42,000 years."


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The Evolution of Elephants, Mammoths and Mastodons - Proboscidean Family Tree

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Straight Tusked Elephant - Palaeoloxodon | NEW 2018



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The last of the mammoths | Natural History Museum

The last mammoths survived until 4000 years ago by when Egyptians had already started building pyramids. They WERE with us.
this makes a lot of sense. If they were anything at all like elephants, mammoths would need an enormous amount of grassland to thrive. A widespread change to that ecosystem would be all that was necessary to doom them. Hunting? Sure, but how many Homo Sapiens people that area even today? Siberia isnt exactly Macau or the Netherlands!
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Many a time the thick permafrost of Siberia and Alaska hides the mummified remains of many types of large and small ice age animals. In some cases, entire buried carcasses that have been shrunken and desiccated down to a natural mummified state have been dug up. Here is an updated list of 17 such frozen mummies that tell us how these animals lived and looked through the Ice Age.
1- Steppe Bison known as Blue Babe … 36,000 Years old Carcass
2- Cave Lion Cub (Boris, male) … 50,000 Years old carcass
3- Cave Lion Cub (Sparta, female)… 26,000 Years old carcass
4- Sasha, Baby Woolly Rhinoceros … 10,000 Years old carcass
5- The Yuka Mammoth … 39,000 Years old carcass
6- Cave bear ... 39,000 Years Old Carcasses
7- The Kolyma Woolly Rhinoceros …39,000 Years old carcass
8- The Yukagir Bison … 9,300 Years old carcass
9- Siberian Horse Foal … 40,000 Years old Carcass
10- Sopkarga mammoth (Zhenya Mammoth) …. 48,000 Years old carcass
11- Ice Age Wolf Puppy … 50,000 Years old Carcass
12- Abyysky Woolly Rhinoceros… 20,000 Years old carcass
13- The Yukagir Mammoth … 22,500 Years old carcass
14- Lyuba The Woolly Mammoth … 41,800 Years old carcass
15- Dogor Ice Age Canid … 18,000* Years old carcasses
16- Pleistocene Puppy … 12,400 Years old Carcass
17- Sakha Mammoth … 10,000 Years old Carcass

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  Palaeoloxodon - Ancient Animal Palaeoloxodon - Ancient Animal

Palaeloxodon is the extinct genus of the giant prehistoric elephant and was similar to the famous extinct Woolly Mammoth and the modern African Elephant ?
“Modern elephants are only as heavy as 7 tons.”
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Another excellent video! I couldn't believe how tiny that one pygmy species was, I never knew they could be that small. Very cool!
Didn’t know there were elephants in the Mediterranean islands this is so interesting.

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 Animal Videos

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Woolly Rhino is now extinct.
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Timothy Dingman
Camels were re imported to the US in the 1860's as the horse was re imported by the Spanish in the 1600's
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Cave Bear is now extinct.

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Cave Bear is now extinct.

  5 Strange Creatures Found Frozen in Ice - Part 2

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The Truth of Horse Evolution - Part 2

The Truth of Horse Evolution - Part 1

 The domestication of horses from their wild ancestors is a long and complex story. In this video, we take a look at the relationship between our species in the past, exploring how horses were domesticated and changed human history forever.

Equus is the only extant genus of the family Equidae, surprisingly, there are three subgenera, Asinus (Donkeys), Equus (True Horses), and Hippotigris (Zebras), interestingly the Donkeys (subgenus Asinus) are the most basal subgenus within the genus Equus, while the zebras (subgenus Hippotigris) are the sister group to the true horses (subgenus Equus), in fact the subgenus Equus contains two species, the Tarpan (Equus ferus) and the Przewalski's Horse (Equus przewalskii), the former cladistically includes the Domestic Horse (Equus ferus caballus).
Horse Hunting around that Solutray (?) French cliff en route between the rivers and Massif Central, likely was a long-lived cultural tradition, were tribes from miles around convened to go hunting the yearly horse trek together. Cliff top gave a unique viewpoint miles around, so one could see the herds coming down the valleys, or better, see the smoke / fire signs from scouts further up on the trek route. Using small fires or even hunter groups posted visibly on the horses route*, they could then split off smaller herds which were then lead to the cliff face to finish them off. * Horses are easily scared of unusual, new things, and a loud group of scouts will easily make them go an other way -where hunters want them to go.
Such large hunting events might have been a sort of potlatch, the most successful chiefs throwing parties for others, perhaps even inviting guests from far off regions, exchanging gifts and bride partners and showing off valuable hides from cave lions, sabre tooth or rare, hard to catch smaller animals.
The many great cave pictures of horses confirm a mythical status, which it would have had as center piece of the yearly hunt. Only as a cultural tradition, such a place could have had such a long life as favored hunting & butcher location, and for the peoples around, there would have been a sort of cult around the horses, the bringer of food and welfare.
Scientists might want to check the horse's teeth or bones for season signs, as most likely it would be the autumn trek that was targeted, the beasts being fat and healthy after the summer - and, a good time for a party with warm evenings and the need to fatten up for the winter, also for us humans ;)
There was only thing missing in your video is that in studying horse DNA only about 10%percent of the original male DNA exist today where 90% of the female original DNA exist. They can now trace the female horses DNA of individuals back to their original herd.
I found this by studying to write the ancient history of my Sarmatian tribe DNA. We must have been using the male horses in battle through the centuries. But the fact that we can trace the females back to their original herd, which will maybe lead to us Slavs finding our original horse herd as well. I can tell you that the herd may family was last attached to was in 1400 A.D. when the Tartars invaded eastern Europe and The Polish Hussars came riding out to find all the Slavic herdsmen to defend against the invading Tartars.
What is interesting my name sake became the archery commander during the last battle with the Tartars and won a place in Poland and the Hussars. I even know the name of the clan that found my herd and brought us to Pomerania Poland. I even know the coat of arms he won as the archer commander. For the herdsmen were not trained as well as Hussars when they would be found.

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Tarpan || Eurasian Wild Horse || They Roamed in Europe Until A Couple of Hundred Years Ago




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Una historia de vasconia | 1.- El mito de la caverna

 La serie recrea con mirada crítica algunos de los hechos más relevantes de la historia del pueblo vasco.

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Przewalski Wild Horse

"Przewalski's" is pronounced "Je-val-ski" or "Pshe-val-ski", more accurately.

Przewalski Wild Horse Is a rare wild horse originally found in central Asia and was brought to Europe.  This horse looks identical to cave painting images of horses found in Europe. The following video gives information on the Przewalski horses in Europe and Asia.BBC QED Gallop to Freedom (Narrated by David Attenborough ...

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Tarpan Wild HorseTarpan: Repainting An Ancient Picture


Scientists discover 40,000 year old horse in Siberian permafrost

 A perfectly preserved foal belonging to the extinct Lenskave horse species was dug from its icy grave in the Batagai depression or crater in Russia earlier this month. Scientists stumbled across the immaculately preserved youngster when they were working on the remains of ancient woolly mammoths and hope that by studying the remains they can recreate an image of the landscape 40,000 years ago.

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Saiga antelope

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The saiga antelope (/ˈsɡə/, Saiga tatarica) is a critically endangered antelope that originally inhabited a vast area of the Eurasian steppe zone from the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and Caucasus into Dzungaria and Mongolia.

They also lived in Beringian North America during the Pleistocene. Today, the dominant subspecies (S. t. tatarica) is only found in one location in Russia (in the Republic of Kalmykia and Astrakhan Oblast) and three areas in Kazakhstan (the Ural, Ustiurt, and Betpak-Dala populations). A proportion of the Ustiurt population migrates south to Uzbekistan and occasionally Turkmenistan in winter. It is extinct in the People's Republic of China and southwestern Mongolia. It was hunted extensively in Romania and Moldova until it became extinct in those regions at the end of the 18th century. The Mongolian subspecies (S. t. mongolica) is found only in western Mongolia.[3][4

 During the last glacial period, the saigas ranged from the British Isles through Central Asia and the Bering Strait into Alaska and Canada's Yukon and Northwest Territories. By the classical age, they were apparently considered a characteristic animal of Scythia, judging from the historian Strabo's description of an animal called the kolos that was "between the deer and ram in size" and was (understandably but wrongly) believed to drink through its nose.[18]

The saiga antelope. A species with a challenging existence.

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  Swedish man scares the living shit out of an attacking bear

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Cub Killer!!!: Season 4 MDMM, Episode #1

Spring brown bear hunting on the Alaska Peninsula. Billy and hunter, Bobby Morgan, watch and film a giant boar fight a sow and kill her young cubs. Billy and Bobby stalk the old boar the following morning.

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Cave Bear

"The cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) was a species of bear that lived in Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene and became extinct about 24,000 years ago during the Last Glacial Maximum. Both the word "cave" and the scientific name spelaeus are used because fossils of this species were mostly found in caves. The cave bear's range stretched across Europe; from Spain and Great Britain in the west, Italy, parts of Germany, Poland, the Balkans, Romania and parts of Russia, including the Caucasus; and northern Iran."

"Between the years 1917 and 1923, the Drachenloch cave in Switzerland was excavated by Emil Bächler. The excavation uncovered more than 30,000 cave bear skeletons. The unusual finding in a deep chamber of Basua Cave in Savona, Italy, is thought to be related to cave bear worship by Neanderthals, as there is a vaguely zoomorphic stalagmite surrounded by clay pellets."

Cave Bear || Tales Of Forgotten

  The Atlas Bear - Africa's Extinct Native Bear



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Press Association June 14, 2019:11am

Giant Ice Age wolf head found in Siberia

The severed head of a wolf that died about 40,000 years ago has been found in Siberia perfectly preserved in the Siberian permafrost.

Press AssociationJune 14, 20195:11am

Russian scientists have found the furry head of an Ice Age wolf perfectly preserved in the Siberian permafrost.

The head, which died 40,000 years ago, was discovered in the Russian Arctic region of Yakutia.

Valery Plotnikov, a top researcher at the local branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said the animal belonged to an ancient subspecies of wolf that lived at the same time as the mammoths and became extinct alongside them.

Scientists said it was an adult, about 25 per cent bigger than today's wolves, but did not say whether it was male or female.

Mr Plotnikov called the discovery unique because scientists previously only had found wolf skulls without tissues or fur, while this head has ears, a tongue and a perfectly preserved brain. END

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Mammoth Tusk Hunters Discover A Perfectly Preserved Ice Age Wolf Head | Lost Beasts Of The Ice Age Download Song Information

18,000-Year-Old Puppy Found Perfectly Preserved in Siberia

 Scientists working in a remote area of northeast Siberia have made a remarkable discovery.

The remains of an 18,000-year-old puppy were found by a team of Swedish researchers exploring a site near Yakutsk.

The canine - which was two months old when it died - has been remarkably preserved in the permafrost of the Russian region, with its fur, nose and teeth all intact.

But DNA sequencing has been unable to determine the species.

Scientists say that could mean the specimen represents an evolutionary link between wolves and modern dogs

. #FrozenPuppy #IceAgePuppy #SiberiaPuppy

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Wolves in Chernobyl Dead Zone
Wolves and other wildlife are living in the 30km 'dead zone,' which still surrounds the remains of the reactor in the city of Chernobyl near Belarus. This video shows bison, wild horses, beavers, bears, lynx and wolves that were hunted by Europeans many centuries ago

Brown bear hunting
Bear hunting has long traditions in Scandinavia. It is a very thrilling hunt, but maybe not suitable for anyone.  You've got to have guts!

Brown bear hunting and the Sami traditions and mythology
"Listen to your ancestors.  Listen to tales from an age gone by - a long, long time ago as the legend goes there was a time when animals could talk when they behaved like us.  There was a time when even the plants and the stones had a voice, a time when plants and animals were our brothers and sisters. There was a time when we worshiped the bear... a creature that has always lived side by side with us"


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Intact Ice Age Wolf Head From 40,000 Years Ago Found Preserved In Siberia

40,000 year old intact head of an ice age wolf was found perfectly preserved in Siberia. It has fur, teeth, brain and facial tissue. 


Irish Elk

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When Giant Deer Roamed Eurasia

Megaloceros was one of the largest members of the deer family ever to walk the Earth.

Woolly Rhinoceros
 European Bison (Wisent).
Auroch Wild Cattle
Picture on the right  showing wild Cattle and horses was painted over 15,000 years ago by Ice Age Europeans, and this cave complex can be found in Southwest France and contains some of the most remarkable Palaeolithic cave paintings in the world.  
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Paleontologists are struggling to salvage precious prehistoric bones discarded by mammoth-ivory hunters in Russia's remote Yakutia region. When hunters extract valuable tusks from the skeletons of the ancient buried animals, they also destroy evidence of past life on Earth. Scientists can't stop this illegal work, but they bargain and scavenge to preserve natural history. Originally published at -
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 Wild Wolverine filmed from Lake/Paradise/Forest Hide at Wildlife Safari Finland. My attempt to show the day of the Wolverine which are very afraid of Bears and mostly come when it is dark to eat before the Bears comes.
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 These are the 10 Interesting Facts About Wolverines You Must Know. Here, we are presenting interesting facts about Wolverines which is a beautiful animal in the nature. It is not about Wolverines movie or Wolverines red dawn but the secret information about Wolverines is as interesting as Wolverines vs deadpool. If you are Wolverines' biggest fan you will like this video.
Fact #1 The wolverine doesn't know what it is to lose a fight.
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 Video of a wolverine attacking and badly hurting a reindeer. We can see the reindeer fighting hard against the wolverine, but the wolverine jumps up and bites the reindeer in the neck. The reindeer barely escapes after the film ends, with severe injuries. The video is considered extremely rare, almost no footage at all exists of a wolverine hunting!
Wow! The Wolverine is relentless. And very tactical, smart, and evasive fighter/ Killer. Wolverine takes Deer.
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Persian leopards
  Inland Visions | Caucasus Nature Reserve

As cities grow and encroach on some of nature’s greatest wonders, how do we protect the habitat and animals that call it home? The Caucasus Nature Reserve is unique with its huge territory and diverse wildlife – and it’s cultivating an innovative program to reintroduce Persian leopards into the wild. Inland Visions heads to the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana to learn more about what they do – and meet those helping these beautiful creatures slowly return to their rightful home.

Check ‘Inland Visions’ out on social media to get an exclusive behind the scenes look into the show

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Cave Hyena

On right of the Hyena is that the Persian leopard in Ice Age Europe?

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"When modern humans first wandered into Europe some 50,000 years ago, this snaggle-toothed cat was there to greet them.

Painstaking genetic analysis of a jawbone dredged up from the bottom of the North Sea has now confirmed the theory that the so-called scimitar cat Homotherium latidens lived in Europe much longer than previously believed.

Until recently, the earliest fossil of a Homotherium in the region dated to about 300,000 years ago, and many paleontologists had assumed that’s when the large cat went locally extinct."

Saber-Toothed Cats

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Saber Tooth cats lived in the Americans, northern Asia and Europe.

The Extraordinary Truth About The Saber Tooth Tiger | Extinct Animals | Real Wild

For the record it's saber tooth CAT not TIGER. they were only distantly related to tigers they weren't even a member of the family PANTERA LEO (tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars). they were a branch of the feline family that is gone completely. and it's highly unlikely they were striped.
I live in Southern California I have been to the Rancho La Brea tar pits museum. The Tar pits were and still are lethal for animals. So many ice age predators are found there. The Short Faced Bear The American Lion Dire Wolves Sabertooth Cats as well as the prey they fed on. It's hard to believe as little as 11,000 years ago the Deserts in California Nevada and Arizona were vast areas of Forests and grassy plains and many species thrived but now are gone. The Forests and grass plains are gone replaced by arid dry deserts.


There was an experiment done a few years ago by a scientist, can't remember the name, who built a jaw out of metal put it on a small tractor and was able to try different methods of biting, in the stomach/ flank, and the neck. They were able to work out that the neck bite would rip the large blood vessels and windpipe. The flank bite would not work, because it put too much strain on the teeth and could break them. It was a interesting video. It was a very in-depth study of how the cat made the kills.
Members of the genus Smilodon are more properly nicknamed "saber-toothed lions" because their behavior is far more similar to that of lions than tigers, with Smilodon species known to hunt in groups called prides, which are mostly made of females with fewer fully grown males, like with lions, infanticide is present after the original lead males are defeated, mainly so they would ensure own progeny, however, despite common names, saber-toothed cats are a wholly distinct subfamily (Machairodontinae) from modern cats (subfamily Felinae), hence the division of cats (family Felidae) into only three recognized subfamilies: †Proailurinae (Primitive Cats), †Machairodontinae (Saber-Toothed Cats), and Felinae (Modern Cats).
A large proportion of their biting angle is spanned by their canines. Also, the canines and their support in the skull seem to be prone to breakage! Weren't they scavenger?
I think the issue of how the saber-toothed cats used their teeth has been been pretty well figured out. It can't be confirmed through observation, of course, but given the relative fragility of the teeth, we know they couldn't have been used to bit down on bone, so biting down to break a prey animal's neck is not a possibility -- and those dagger-like teeth wouldn't have helped in doing that anyway. The length, the sharp inner edge, and the powerful body all argue very compellingly for an ambush predator who uses its massive, powerful body -- more robustly built, and much stronger than other big cats -- to grab on and hold on, and possibly to wrestle prey down, to deliver a bite almost certainly to the soft tissues of the prey's throat. This would avoid breaking those teeth on bone, and the prey would quickly asphyxiate and/or bleed out from severed blood vessels. The throat is the only target that makes sense -- the prey's belly would be equally soft and unlikely to break those teeth, but that wouldn't result in a swift enough kill. Any other targets would probably be too well protected by bone for a smilodon to try and bite there, and risk breaking its teeth.
Also arguing for this is the comparatively weak bite they had. I know in the video, that one paleontologist noted the larger attachment area on the skull for the jaw muscles, and deduced they had a powerful bite, but I've read elsewhere that they had comparatively weak bites, because the zygomatic arches, through which the jaw muscles pass, are fairly small, and thus limit the size of the jaw muscle. This makes perfect sense if they are using their sharp teeth to slice through soft tissue; a super-powerful bite isn't at all necessary for that. The slicing action of the teeth would do the work, not the power of the bite, and this also accounts for how those teeth developed a sharp inner edge to make them better slicers of soft tissue.
Smilodon ultimately went extinct because it was just too specialized a predator. It was evolved beautifully to tackle the large megafauna of Pleistocene. But once they began to disappear, also thanks to the changing climate no doubt, it was simply too specialized to adapt and switch to smaller, fleeter prey.
Sabre tooth didn't kill it's prey with a bite, it killed it's prey with it's mouth closed and sneaking in an ambush attack with stabbing with an axe-swaying motion style of it's sabre tooth on it's prey's vital parts.
While interesting... some of the information in this is rather dated. More recent tests on the skulls have actually found that Smilodon actually had a weaker bite force ton an African Lion, which is quite telling, when the Smilodon species in California at the end of the Pleistocene was about the same size as the Siberian Tiger, with a max weight over 600 pounds, and Smilodons in South America at around the same time were even larger. But they had a proportionately weaker bite force than those of Pantherine cats.
Saber-Toothed Cats Mingled With Modern Humans
t cat
Saber-Toothed Cat
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The extinct Saber-Toothed Cat (Homotherium) lived in North America, Africa, and Europe.

When Lions Ruled Europe


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When Lions Ruled Europe

 "Cave Lions once lived all across Europe, Asia and even in North America and were clearly important to early humans. But what did these animals look like? Why did they go extinct? And how did people interact with them?"

When you look at this picture and see a man at 83kg and a lion ranging from 180 to 400kg, it would make you question how people back then defended themselves against lion attacks. Today's so-called experts have said the Neanderthals only had spear stabbers, not throwing spears. Many find it hard to believe Neanderthals didn't have a type of throwing weapon. I think they would have used wooden spear thrower to deliver wooden sticks with sharp points to hunt game and to defend themselves. Lions and Wolves must have killed many Neanderthals and Ice Age White Europeans.

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 Ice Age White Europeans painted female and male lions in Europe.

 Julian Doop

Very interesting! Pleistocene megafauna, particular those in Europa, always fascinated me. Even wrote my final project on them. Cave lions are fascinating for sure. Would you perhaps cover some of their fellow megafauna from that time and place? Such as their fierce rivals, the cave hyenas? Some new research suggests that cave hyenas were the most common and dominant predator of Pleistocene Europe. Here's a compliation of scources. It also has, in addition to hyenas, also some pretty interesting information on the likes of bears, dholes, homotheriums, cave lions, cave leopards and wolves.
Ice Age Lion
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 Third picture, Extinct baby cave lions, discovered in Siberia

Extinction || European or Eurasian Cave Lion || Facts & Photos

Ice Age Lion to be Cloned By Scientists 


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An analysis of the microscopic wear on the teeth of the legendary “man-eating lions of Tsavo” reveals that it wasn’t desperation that drove them to terrorize a railroad camp in Kenya more than a century ago.

The tale teeth tell about the legendary man-eating lions of Tsavo



It's been proven in recent years that after testing the skulls that they didn't kill anywhere near 135 people. One lion killed roughly 40 people and the other about half of that. Both of the lions' had missing canines so they couldn't hunt their usual prey. The cave from the movie was a burial site, not a den where the lions lived and ate. Their skulls and hides are in the Fields Museum in Chicago. Great movie but a lot of liberties were taken to make it seem much worse than the truth.

  The FULL Story of the Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo

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Siberian tiger the return of the kingiran tighter

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Siberian Tiger Documentary Russia's Wild Tigers 2022





 Right picture the extinct Great  Auk Bird

Extinction of Great Auk II Facts & Photos you want to see and know

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Capercaillie display in Mykland, Norway 2010

 Capercaillie display in Mykland county in Froland, Norway. The capercaillie male had 20 matings this day. Tiurleik i Mykland våren 2010. På denne leiken var det 7 tiur og trolig omkring 20 røy. Denne dagen paret sjefen 20 ganger.

He just keeps going around displaying and the females are all ready to mate with him and he just walks around them like they aren't there. The look on the females faces is: what the heck I said OK let's go and you just walk away. Maybe he has to rejuvenate himself after each mating.



 "Hardly any other species of bird has preoccupied mankind quite as much as corvids. They are exceptionally curious, teachable and intelligent birds. Ravens are the only birds that not only use tools, but also make them themselves."

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British Wildlife - Red Squirrels

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The battle to save the red squirrel


Moose Deer.

The Best Moose Documentary EVER.

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Facts about Reindeer

The scoop on reindeer!

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Muskoxen resettlement in Yakutia_eng

The Return of the Musk Ox HD

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Woolly Mammoth Elephants

Woolly Mammoth || Can We See Them Roaming On This Earth Again ?

Mammoth Tusk Treasure Hunt

  Hunting siberian mammoths documentary

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Mammoth Hunter

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  Raising the Mammoth pt. 6

  Raising the Mammoth pt. 12


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Dwarf Elephants

Dwarf Elephants of Sicily & Malta

Dwarf Elephant Odyssey?


Cliff Falling Walruses

Cliff Falling Walruses

Netflix, Attenborough and cliff-falling walruses: the making of a false climate ico...


Worms Frozen for 42,000 Years in Siberian Permafrost Wriggle to Life



This film follows a young bumblebee-queen through a year to experience the life of these little furry beasties.

Secrets of Bumblebees

Empire of Ants

" David Attenborough is in the Swiss Jura Mountains to discover the secrets of a giant. Beneath his feet lies a vast network of tunnels and chambers, home to a huge empire of ants. It is believed to be one of the largest animal societies in the world, where over a billion ants from rival colonies live in peace. Their harmonious existence breaks many of the rules for both ants and evolution, and raises some important questions."

Attenboroughs and the Empire of the Ants 2018| Ant Documentary| BBC



Rewilding Europe

Where the Wild Things Were

Rewilding Europe Trailer


"In Bohemia, at the very heart of Europe, south of the Golden City of Prague and guarded by medieval castles, lies a hidden mosaic of lakes and gently flowing rivers, of misty forests and mysterious peat bogs."

This important wetland, shaped both by nature and man, is a magnet for plant, animal life and blue frogs and carp fist are caught for eating.

Bohemia - A Year in the Wetlands - The Secrets of Nature


 "The wide, often untouched wilderness of the Baltic hinterland is home to many animals. More than 350 brown bears live in the primeval forests of Alutaguse. In the spring, the Soomaa National Park transforms into a huge lake. Europe's widest waterfall is located in Latvia. In the beginning of May, vimba bream follow the course of the River Venta.  More than 1000 wolves go on the hunt in Latvia's forests"

The Baltic forest and moorland


 "Gentle, green meadows, rugged rock faces, mysterious lakes, dense forests, tall mountains, low-lying river deltas, quietly meandering mountain streams and smack dab in the middle, a unique fauna - Switzerland is an alpine country, with rare, selected animal species and present their behavioural patterns, such as the Swiss or Arven jay, the lynx and albino catfish."

Switzerland - An alpine country

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4K Virtual Winter Walk - Walking in a Snow Forest - 3.5 HRS of Crunching Snow Sound

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Walking in a Snow Forest №3 - Winter Forest Scenery 4K - Squak Mountain Fireplace Trail, WA - 2 HRS

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The Oak Tree: The Tree of Trees - Full Documentary

 It has been revered as the symbol of fortitude, wisdom, perseverance, and power of resistance. Its life cycle comprises almost 10 human life spans and provides space for more than 500 different species of animals and plants. It is the tree of trees: the oak tree.

I was trying to imagine how many old oaks and other hard wood trees were used to build ships of all kinds throughout history, trees were instrumental in the development of civilization, not to mention trees replenish the oxygen we breath….
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Amber is filled with sunlight and mined from the Earth's crust, making it a darling of kings’ and alchemists' in the past. In this edition of Inland Visions, we head to Russia's Kaliningrad region to uncover its mysteries.

Host Sean Thomas discovers the source of this precious mineral with paleontologist Eduard Mychko, and then hears the legends that made it so magical from Amber Museum curator Irina Krivonos.

Will Sean finally get his hand's on some amber of his own? He's off to meet chief surveyor of the Kaliningrad Amber Combine Oleg Papin to see the mining process. And, artist Zhanna Lopatkina opens up her workshop to reveal the secrets of working with such a delicate material.

Pine Tree resin has the same color, it could be where amber comes from. Very Interesting Documentary.

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 Dear friends, today we would like to share with you the Free Food From Nature: How to Keep Wild Sorrel Fresh for Years video, we really hope you enjoy this video and share with your friends As a Country Life Vlog, we love to share what we do at countryside, engage with nature and make the most out of village life. Come and see the colorful videos of nature, unique cooking recipes and just the beautiful life at a countryside. Sit back and relax by watching our content!
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 So you think you've had strawberries- but have you had WILD STRAWBERRIES? Imagine the most delicious, tangy, sweet, juicy, and *strawberry* tasting strawberry you've ever had and then multiply it by ten! Then you'd come close to the flavor of a wild strawberry. As Wren, our narrator behind today's video puts it:
"Some people measure their riches in expensive cars, nice vacation homes, or luxury clothing. But that’s only stuff that you can buy with money. When I stand in my secret berry patch with a handful of strawberries, or when I look at a freezer full of wild berries tucked away, waiting the blustery winter day when I bring them out to give us a breath of spring-hope, I feel blessed beyond measure, and rich in something that no dollar could buy."

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Tree id: How to forage sloe berries & make sloe gin (Blackthorn - Prunus spinosa)

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Foraging for Bilberry (European Blueberry) - Vaccinium Myrtillus

 Learn how to safely identify Bilberry, often known as the European Blueberry!

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Foods That Originally Looked Totally Different


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15 Sheep You Won't Believe Actually Exist

We all love sheep! Who doesn’t love sheep? They’re cute, they’re fluffy- they give us wool! And let us not forget how charming and cute Aardman’s Shaun the Sheep is! But some sheep aren’t identical, like Dolly. Some are very, very unique and strange. THESE are sheep you won’t believe actually exist!

Domi Ro

I saw Jacob sheep in Scotland.... It's silly to say they look demonic..... they just have too many horns!!!!
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 For hundreds of millions of years, an abundance of large animals, the megafauna, was a prominent feature of the land and oceans. However, in the last few tens of thousands of years—a blink of an eye on many evolutionary and biogeochemical timescales—something dramatic happened to Earth’s ecology; megafauna largely disappeared from vast areas, rendered either actually or functionally extinct. Only in small parts of the world do megafauna exist at diversities anything close to their previous state, and, in many of these remaining regions, they are in a state of functional decline through population depletion and range contraction.
The last ice age peaked around 20,000 years ago. Glaciers covered huge areas of North America, Europe, South America, and Asia. The last ice age was during the Pleistocene epoch which was a geological period starting 2.6 million years ago and ending 11,700 years ago. This epoch saw many glacial and interglacial periods. When the climate was cooler, the glaciers advanced. When it was warmer, they retreated. During the last ice age, global temperatures were about 11 degrees Fahrenheit (or 6 degrees Celsius) cooler than today. This last ice age began 115,000 years ago and ended 11,700 years ago.
With cooler temperatures and a lot of ice cover, there was less precipitation and less rainfall. Snow and ice reflected more of the sun’s rays, only adding to the cold. In addition, sea levels were much lower as more of the oceans were locked up as ice. This resulted in land bridges that had previously been covered by the sea. These bridges allowed species to access islands from the mainland and even cross from one continent to another.


Please check the following articles


Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism & Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

White Guilt Exposed

 White Privilege

White Organization: Bloc & Generation Ide…

Genocide Whites & all Races

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)


New World Order Globalist

The European Holocaust


Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Women's Organizations

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Wom…

Fighting Genocide Worldwide


Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initiative Referendas ( CIR ) in Switzerland



Images courtesy of Wikipedia and The Coveners League





High European Suicide Rate. 3.

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  More COVID Suicides Than COVID Deaths Among The Youth3,474 views·Mar 23, 2021

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The Epidemic of White Male Suicide


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United States help information.

Warrior Breed MC Ohio


"Where brotherhood and the mission continues!"

The Warrior Breed MC, is a non-profit, Veteran based, traditional motorcycle club, focusing on Veteran issues to include, TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Veteran Suicide Prevention.

Warrior Breed MC Mission:

Our primary mission is to assist Military Veterans and service members having a TBI and/or PTSD, to aid in the prevention of Veteran Suicide, to assist those Veterans with combat and non-combat related special needs, and to provide needed education of the American public in these areas.


Membership eligibility within the Warrior Breed MC is possible to all male-Veterans, active, retired and honorably discharged servicemen regardless of combat experience, rank, or MOS.  Medically retired and Medical-General discharges are fully honored.  A cruiser or touring style/class motorcycle of 1000 cc's or more is required.  Prospecting tests commitment, patience and is required.  Full patch membership is earned.

Position on 1%ers:

The Warrior Breed MC is a non 1%er club.  The Warrior Breed MC follows MC protocol, fully understands MC tradition, and conduct ourselves accordingly.    The Warrior Breed MC is a neutral MC and treat all riders with equal respect.

Position on LEO:

The WBMC does not accept Law Enforcement Officers or Correctional Officers now or ever. Period.

Warrior Breed MC

Veterans Crisis Line

Confidential chat at:

1-800-273-8255 Press 1

Veterans Benefits Administration


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The Truth About America's Suicide Epidemic

This repord dated 9-2019

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We must become involved in reducing the high European Caucasian suicide rate and helping people overcome stressful situations.  This can be done through an all pro-European organization and we encourage everyone to help look out for all people in our community.  


The European suicide rate has greatly increased in the United States.  I have not researched it, but I do believe it is happening all over the world.  This is because of the attacks on whites through the ZioNazi Marxist Globalist media, and the massive immigration (invasion) into European countries, the demoralization of Europeans has led to people giving up and ultimately choosing to suicide.

"Does a decades-long rise in suicide among white Americans signal an emerging crisis for U.S. capitalism and democracy? Nobel prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, and his wife, fellow Princeton Prof. Anne Case, share their provocative theory with WSJ’s Jason Bellini in this episode of Moving Upstream."

Why ‘Deaths of Despair’ May Be a Warning Sign for America | Moving Upstream


I disagree with the reasons stated for the most part. The reason "whites" suicides are increasing is because we have had a all out war on whites for some time now. White male shaming.. Not being proud of our white heritage.. A world where everyone else thinks that we have it made because of "white" privilege.. Other races automatically thinking all whites are racist and or bigots etc. There is a war on straight white males because we are the ones who make a strong non controllable society. The media and entertainment is to blame for all of this and its the Zionist Jews in control of that. WAKE UP.

The sense of community has disappeared in the everyone for themselves age of Americans. How much of a rise do you see this in the Hispanic population? Close family and community ties. This country has turned into a shithole, where the value of fame via sports and Hollywood is greater than a teacher, public servant, etc.






In 2007, there were 34,598 suicides in America.  The breakdown is as follows:

  •  28,897 suicides were European, (White)
  •  2,394 suicides were Hispanic
  •  1,916 suicides were African-American
  •  1,248 suicides were other
  •  878 suicides were Asian
  •  370 suicides were Indian

This means that 83.5 percent of suicides in America is White.  Why?  Find out more by going here.

High White  Deaths from Despair

'Deaths of despair' are cutting life short for some white Americans

Why ‘Deaths of Despair’ May Be a Warning Sign for America | Moving Upstream

Middle class have no savings

Why so many Americans in the middle class have no savings


Please check the following articles


Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism & Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

White Guilt Exposed

 White Privilege

White Organization: Bloc & Generation Ide…

Genocide Whites & all Races

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)


New World Order Globalist

The European Holocaust


Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Women's Organizations

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Wom…

Fighting Genocide Worldwide


Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initiative Referendas ( CIR ) in Switzerland


Jew Whites & White's Tribal & Ice Age Heritage.29/9/2024

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 The Scythian princess was found in a burial mound in russia. 

The Scythians were whites.

  Seven Craziest Permafrost Discoveries From Russia & Alaska

The Ocean is often dubbed and considered the final frontier here on Earth, but many forgot that we still also have the Permafrost. Deep within the Permafrost's icy depths lies secrets that have been hidden for sometimes tens of thousands of years, and in recent times some of the craziest of these secrets have made their way to the surface, shocking even the most experienced scientist.


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White Europeans family and women is making ivory beads.

The Gravettian Culture: Ice Age Mammoth Hunters

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White Europeans developed different culture periods and one was called Gravettion culture.

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During the Ice Age White Europeans lived in tribal groups with their own culture and perhaps language.

For example the Solutrean Tribe and Epigravettian Tribe.

The indo-European language may have been spoken by the Neanderthals or the first white Europeans.


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During the Ice  Age White Europeans lived in tribal groups with their own culture and perhaps language in each circle area.

These tribes became the Germanic, Celtic, Latin and Slav tribes over time.


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The Ice sheets.

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Face reconstruction above of white European Sungir couple below.

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Lion carved from Mammoth Ivory.

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Kilns use for baking clay items.



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Neanderthal 20 Point Guide | What we Know So Far

 In this video we take a look at neanderthal origins, their art, tool technology and their eventual extinction. How they interacted with other human species and their environment.

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NEANDERTHAL Glue Works So Well #primitivetechnology #bushcraft #survival #neanderthal #stonetools

 Social media has been going crazy about the recent papers and assessments that group of researchers have done about glue made from Neanderthals 120,000-40,000 years ago. However their assessments were a bit wrong, despite it being the oldest complex glue ever recovered on a Neanderthal stone tool. Here is my assessment based on experience and the recreation of the stone tool!



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survivalonny Dust’s Paleo Tracks1.2M subscribers

 These myths can be a little hard to consume for some, but they are the truth. Clovis people did not use jigs, bird points are not for hunting small birds and women/children most definitely could produce stone tools for everyday use.

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Myth, Magic, Masks Inspired by the Great Weaver

The Acheulian Goddess - earliest human art a Mother Goddess?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Acheulian Goddess - earliest human art a Mother Goddess?

 recently re-discovered this, and felt like sharing it again.  This may be  the earliest work of art ever found* that represents a human/primate figure.  I learned of this a few years back from  The Goddess Timeline.    It is a female figure carved in all probability  by pre-human (homo erectus) people.

The Acheulian Goddess was carved by a nomadic hominid tribe who predated even the Neanderthal era, and  has been recently carbon dated as camping at Berekhat Ram (in the modern-day Golan Heights region of Israel) between 232,000 and 800,000 years ago!

The Berekhat Ram Figurine (The Acheulian Goddess)  is a 35mm high fragment of volcanic rock (basaltic tuff) that was found between two layers of volcanic flow in the Levantine area of southern Syria. It is thought to be between 233,000 and 800,000 years old, dating from the Acheulian paleolithic era, and has been attributed to either Archaic Homo Sapiens or to Homo Erectus. The artisan is believed to have taken a small stone with existing feminine features, and used a flint tool to incise grooves delineating the head and arms, thus creating the oldest known human image.  From scoria stone they carved the astounding figurine which, according to the Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society

"...might be considered the earliest manifestation of a work of art."

It is remarkable to note the similarities between the Willendorf and the far, far older Acheulian. Both figures are distinctly female, great breasted with featureless head and discrete limbs. Using flint tools, the maker of the Acheulian intentionally adapted an existing small stone which already had breast-like Mother Goddess features " adding incised grooves delineating the head and arms." Like Willendorf the Acheulian appears to have a groove suggestive of the sacred vulva.

Over a thousand miles and an amazing quarter-million years separate this piece from the famous Willendorf Goddess find in Austria.  Until the past few decades, the Willendorf, carved of bone circa 32,000 years ago, was held to be the earliest human crafted work of art and veneration.

In trying to find links to this for this article, I can't help but laugh at the "patriachal paradigm predjudice"  which is that these "venus" figures are somehow extremely ancient forms of pornography.  As if the image of life nurturing breasts, and vulva from which the miracle of birth ensues, could only  symbolize  male sexual pleasure.  

It took a brilliant women archeologist, Marija Gimbutas, to look at the  ubiquitious forms, previously called "fetish objects" and realize that they did not represent the Paleolithic notion of a playboy centerfold,  but rather, they were sacred talismens representing the Prime Deity, the body of the Goddess from which life issues and, as in cave arts, to which life returns as well.  They were probably carried for protection, fertility, and other spiritual reasons.  

An example of this extraordinary inability to see the obvious, not to mention an amazing dismissal of the abilities and needs of the female side of humanity going back half a million years............may be found in the article I quote from below, describing one of the "Earliest Representations of the Female Body"*** in which a (male) archeologist notes that the form is "sexually aggressive" and must have "been carved by a man to represent his girlfriend".  Amazing assumptions!***





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Making Stone Cleavers - The Story of Prehistoric Cleavers


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Sumerian Kingdom


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Neanderthals were light skin people like Europeans and many Asians.

Neanderthal DNA in Modern Human Genomes Is Not Silent

Resurrecting surviving Neandertal lineages from modern human genomes

. 2014 Feb 28;343(6174):1017-21.
doi: 10.1126/science.1245938. Epub 2014 Jan 29.

Resurrecting surviving Neandertal lineages from modern human genomes



Anatomically modern humans overlapped and mated with Neandertals such that non-African humans inherit ~1 to 3% of their genomes from Neandertal ancestors. We identified Neandertal lineages that persist in the DNA of modern humans, in whole-genome sequences from 379 European and 286 East Asian individuals, recovering more than 15 gigabases of introgressed sequence that spans ~20% of the Neandertal genome (false discovery rate = 5%). Analyses of surviving archaic lineages suggest that there were fitness costs to hybridization, admixture occurred both before and after divergence of non-African modern humans, and Neandertals were a source of adaptive variation for loci involved in skin phenotypes. Our results provide a new avenue for paleogenomics studies, allowing substantial amounts of population-level DNA sequence information to be obtained from extinct groups, even in the absence of fossilized remains.

The Scientist SEPT. 1, 2020

Genetics Steps In to Help Tell the Story of Human Origins

Africa's sparse fossil record alone cannot reveal our species' evolutionary history.

The Guardian AUG. 25, 2011

The downside of sex with Neanderthals

Some modern humans carry immune genes that originated in Neanderthals and a related species. But these genes may have come at a price

  Europeans looked down on Neanderthals—until they ... Europeans looked down on Neanderthals—until they realized they shared their DNA

Europeans looked down on Neanderthals—until they ...

Once upon a time, scientists were convinced that Aboriginal Australians were further down the evolutionary ladder from other humans, perhaps closer to Neanderthals. In 2010 it turned out that Europeans are actually likely to have the most drops of Neanderthal blood, metaphorically speaking. In January 2014 an international team of leading archaeologists, geneticists, and anthropologists confirmed that humans outside Africa had bred with Neanderthals. Those of European and Asian ancestry have a very small but tangible presence of this now-extinct human in our lineage, up to around 4 percent of our DNA. People in Asia and Australia also bear traces of another known archaic human, the Denisovans. There is likely to have been breeding with other kinds of human as well. Neanderthals and Denisovans, too, mated with each other. Many in the deep past, it seems, were pretty indiscriminate in their sexual partnerships.

Wolpoff has always been sensitive to the controversy he helped to stoke. He faced down plenty of criticism when he and Thorne published their work. “We were the enemy,” he recalls. “If we were right, there couldn’t be a single recent origin for humans. . . . They said, you’re talking about the evolution of human races in separate places independently of each other.”

And their theory remains unproven. Academics in the West and in Africa today generally accept that humans became modern in Africa and then adapted to the environments where they happened to move to fairly recently in evolutionary time—these are only superficial adaptations, such as skin color. But not everyone everywhere agrees. In China, there’s a common belief among both the public and leading academics that Chinese ancestry goes back considerably further than the migration out of Africa. One of Wolpoff’s collaborators, Wu Xinzhi, a paleontologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has argued that fossil evidence supports the notion that Homo sapiens evolved separately in China from earlier human species who were living there more than a million years ago, despite data showing that modern Chinese populations carry about as much of a genetic contribution from modern humans who left Africa as other non-African populations do.

“There are many people who are not happy with the idea of African origin,” I’m told by Eleanor Scerri, an archaeologist based at the University of Oxford who researches human origins. “They have co-opted multiregionalism to make a claim that this is a simplistic idea, that races are real, and that people who have come from a particular area have always been there.” She tells me that this thinking appears to be prevalent not only in China but also in Russia. “There is no acceptance that they were ever African.”


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Ancient DNA and Neanderthals


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Viking longhouse above Arctic Circle is protective half-buried dwelling

Three hundred kilometers north of the Polar Circle, on the Lofoten Island of Vestvågøya, a farmer discovered the remains of the largest Viking Era longhouse ever uncovered. Archaeologists later uncovered remains of boathouses used by Viking Era chieftans to build the boats that would take them all across Europe to sell their fish.

Abandoned around around 950 AD, today the reconstructed longhouse (the chieftain’s house) measures 83 meters (272 ft) long and 9.5 meters (31 ft) wide. Inside, the Lofotr Viking Museum hosts nightly Viking feasts and demonstrations of tools of the era: the vertical loom, a bowl lathe, a shaving horse for basket weaving and basic tools for natural tanning of leather.

The boathouses and Viking ships of the era have been reconstructed in accordance of the technology of the time: the iron nails that allowed for the building of “way bigger ships”. This allowed for a more flexible ship that would twist and turn in big waves and allowed for long distance travel (even to the Americas) reaching speeds of 20 knots with good weather using woolen sails and open hulls.

The Lofoten Islands were rich in marine life and during the winter months they caught abundant amounts of cod which they then dried naturally. Despite being located at he 68th parallel north, the same parallel as central Greenland or northern Alaska, thanks to the Gulf Stream, the climate here is much milder.

With winter temperatures averaging around 0˚C and a near constant wind, these are ideal conditions for air drying fish without the need to smoke or salt it. This stockfish was then loaded onto ships and sailed to the rest of Europe.

— Lofotr Viking Museum:

On *faircompanies:




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The Scythians were whites.

Scythians - Rise and Fall of the Original Horselords DOCUMENTARY

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Its a shame that like many of the nomadic cultures they barely wrote about their own histories, its lucky for us that they were close to the Greeks who loved writing things down.

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The Scythian tribe like Sacae & Massagetae that migrated to India have descendants in JAT tribe of Northern India & Pakistan. They still specialize in Agriculture & Animal husbandry and never give up the virtue of warrior as an example they are just 2% of Indian population but have largest number in Indian Army and have their own regiment in Army named after them as JAT Regiment.

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Before the Mongols, Turks, and Huns, the Scythians ruled the steppes.
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Thank you for mentioning the archeological evidence of Scythian women's participation in warfare, as I feel it is often overlooked. To anyone wanting to know more, I recommend Adrienne Mayor's book The Amazons.


Hey there everyone ! In my province Ardabil theres a subdivided part named Meshkin shahr in which these famous burial grounds and the sythian treasures used to be frequent to find ! Its trully amazing to see all these 4000 years old artifacts of intelligent people that used to thrive on the same lands that now we inhabit . The thing is untill recently genocial acts on persian regions are so little that certainly high percentage of those chad nomadic genes are still to be found in nearby cacuses region . Those slavs were soon to eradicate them in the western side of tge caspian sea i bet ...


I'm glad you guys touched on language! Yep, the last modern remnant of the Scythian language(s) is indeed the modern Ossetian language of the Caucasus. It is spoken in the Russian republic of North Ossetia-Alania, and just over the Caucasus crest to the south in the breakaway South Ossetia region of Georgia. A related linguistic relic is the minority Yaghnobi language of parts of modern Tajikistan. It is the last surviving form of the ancient and medieval Bactrian and Sogdian languages, including the language of the Khwarazmian Empire.


FYI: the museums in Odesa, Sevastopol, and Simpheropol (but especially the former) have outstanding collections of Scythian gold objects much of it derived from kurgan burials. The materials in Odesa are in fact dazzling.
An interesting detail about the Scythians that wasn't mentioned is that they might be the source of Greek myths about the Amazons. Modern archaeological excavations of Scythian burial mounds have found large numbers of women that were buried with weapons like the men, and in their bones evidence of war wounds & long lives spent in the saddle.
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Again a golden documentary by the best channel on YouTube. Many Turks believe Scythians are among their ancestors. These exciting videos will open everyone's eyes and hopefully drive people to make much more research. Thank you very much guys!!
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The Scythians were nomadic pastoralists and formidable warriors.


"Scythian" is a term used to denote a diverse but culturally related group of nomads who occupied a large swathe of grassland, or steppes, that stretched from north of the Black Sea all the way to China. Sometimes also known as Saka or Scyths, the name "Scythian" was coined by the ancient Greeks.


"Scythian culture flourished on the steppes from about 800 B.C. to about A.D. 300," Adrienne Mayor, a folklorist and historian at Stanford University and the author of "The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World" (Princeton University Press, 2014), told Live Science. 

The Scythians were known to many ancient civilizations, she said, including the ancient Greeks, Persians, Romans and Chinese, and they perfected the art of archery on horseback — even without the use of stirrups or saddles. They had a reputation for ferocity in battle and were masters of hit-and-run battle tactics. 


The origins of the Scythians and their empire

There is much debate about the origins of the Scythians. According to the fifth-century B.C. Greek historian Herodotus, the Scythians originally inhabited Asia but were pushed west by a hostile tribe. They eventually reached the Black Sea region and the eastern outskirts of Europe, where they, in turn, pushed out the existing inhabitants. By contrast, the Greek writer Diodorus Siculus, writing in the first century B.C., claimed that the Scythians moved north into the steppe region from the south, possibly from the modern area of Armenia or even farther south along the western border with India. 

In a different and far more fanciful origin story, Herodotus tells how the Scythians were the descendants of the mighty hero Heracles and a creature who was half woman and half snake. In this story, Heracles encountered the creature while traveling in the lands east of Greece. After stealing Heracles' horses, the creature demanded that if he wanted them back, he would have to stay and mate with her. The union produced three sons, one of whom was named Scythes, who became the ancestor of the Scythian nobility. 


Modern historians, however, have used archaeological and genetic evidence to reconstruct the Scythians' origins. 

"It appears that what we call Scythian culture emerged more than 2,500 years ago, as a combination of Siberian, East Asian, and Yamnaya Eurasian groups," Mayor told Live Science. "Just as the region of ancient Scythia had many different languages, great ethnic diversity is also found in Scythian ancestry, especially in the maternal line. All the studies so far confirm that Scythians were not a single homogeneous group." 

Although genetic studies are revealing a great deal about the makeup of the diverse peoples of the lands once known as Scythia, the full story is not yet known and still debated, Mayor noted.

Social organization and burials

The open grassland of the steppes — an environment of vast plains and low, rolling hills — was beneficial to pastoralism, and for millennia human populations in this landscape tended large herds of livestock. The Scythians were no exception. They tended herds of cattle and horses, according to Herodotus, and most people roamed the steppes rather than settling down in permanent habitations. According to World History Encyclopedia, the Scythians moved about the landscape in wagons driven by oxen. Some of these wagons were large and elaborate, with multiple rooms. When multiple wagons traveled together, the conglomeration resembled a city or large settlement. 

The Scythians were organized into tribes that were not united politically but shared a common language, culture, style of dress and art style. During certain periods, such as times of war or the celebration of ritual undertakings, different tribes came together to form larger political units or confederations. It is unclear whether Scythian society had sharp social divisions, such as hereditary elites, but in many respects they appear to have been relatively egalitarian, Mayor said — especially with regard to gender roles.

The historical and archaeological record indicates that Scythian women enjoyed considerable autonomy and privilege that would not be rivaled until modern times, according to World History Encyclopedia. For example, many Scythian women served alongside men as mounted horse archers (more on this below) and could hold leadership roles in Scythian society. Moreover, numerous Scythian burials show that women were often interred with as much elaborate offerings as men. In 2019, for instance, a burial containing four women was found that contained offerings typically reserved for men, including weapons and gold, the Smithsonian Magazine reported.

A fragment of Scythian-crafted gold found in what is now Kyiv, Ukraine. (Image credit: Andreas Wolochow via Shutterstock)

Herodotus mentioned the existence of Scythian "kings," using the term "Royal Scythians" to designate this group. He indicated that they were a separate tribe and lived in what is now the southern part of Ukraine, immediately north of the ancient Greek towns that clustered around the Black Sea. Herodotus indicated that they wielded considerable political and military power, and that they were a hereditary elite, but it is unclear what their relation was to the other Scythian tribes. 

When a Royal Scythian died, a large grave consisting of a "great four-cornered pit in the ground" was prepared, and the individual's body was placed inside, according to Herodotus. The individual was buried with his "concubines, his cupbearer, his cook, his groom, his squire, and his messenger, besides horses, and first-fruits of all else, and golden cups," Herodotus wrote (translated from ancient Greek.) The king's retainers then covered the grave with dirt and erected a mound, vying "zealously with one another to make this as great as may be." 

Archaeologists have excavated some of these high-status tombs, which are called kurgans. One of these, found in southern Siberia, dates from 2,800 years ago and was wider than the length of a football field, Live Science previously reported. It contained the burial of a man and woman and was filled with gold jewelry, weapons, richly decorated cups (some with traces of drugs like opium) and other grave goods.

Scythian clothes, tattoos and artwork

Several classical writers mention the Scythians' distinctive dress, describing the men as wearing peaked caps, colorful tunics and, most characteristically, long trousers that reached down to the ankles. The Scythians were fond of elaborate designs, intricate embroidery and bold colors. Men and women wore boots that were, like the Scythian attire in general, colorful and emblazoned with many designs and patterns. One of these, a woman's boot, was found in the Altai Mountains in central Asia and dates to around 2,300 years ago, ZME Science reported. 

The Scythians were famous for their practice of tattooing. Designs of real and mythical animals, many rendered in highly stylized patterns, were especially prominent on arms and legs. According to The Siberian Times, the mummy of a young woman, dubbed the Ukok Princess, was found in 1993; she displayed a series of elaborate tattoos, including depictions of a deer, a panther and a griffon. Other tattooed mummies have been found throughout the ancient Scythian region.

Many ancient accounts mention the Scythians' love of gold artwork and jewelry. Numerous pieces of Scythian art — including pendants, clasps, brooches, necklaces, combs and choker-like necklaces known as gorgets — have been found in kurgans. Like Scythian tattooing, these pieces are distinctive for their intricate designs and stylized ornamentation. There is evidence that Greek merchants may have been responsible for creating some of these gold pieces and that a lively trade existed between the Greeks and Scythians, according to Realm of History, with several pieces imported from the Greek mainland. Like Scythian tattoos, these works of art often depict animals.

The 2,400-year-old mummy of Princess Ukok, or Princess of the Altai, was found in 1993 in a kurgan in the Altai Republic of Russia. The "Ice Maiden" has elaborate tattoos and is a rare example of a single woman given a full ceremonial wooden chamber-tomb in the fifth century B.C., accompanied by six horses. (Image credit: CPA Media Pte Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo)

Scythian religion

According to World History Encyclopedia, the Scythian religion was an amalgam between Greek religion, which the Scythians may have adopted as a result of contact with far-flung Greek colonists, and older shamanistic elements, such as animal worship. Scholars are still largely in the dark about the specifics of Scythian religion, though the little that is known comes primarily from Herodotus. He claimed that the Scythians, like many ancient peoples, were polytheistic — that is, they worshipped a plethora of deities. Herodotus mentioned eight gods as constituting the Scythian pantheon, all of whom had Greek counterparts. This included the two main gods, Tabitha, who was a goddess of fire and the hearth and most closely associated with the Greek deity Hestia, and Papaeus, the god of the sky who resembled the Greek god Zeus. The other Scythian deities included Goetosyrus (Apollo), Argimpasa (Aphrodite), Api (Mother-Earth), and three additional gods whom Herodotus does not name but associated, respectively, with Ares, Hercules and Poseidon. 

One of the most revered deities in the Scythian pantheon was Ares, the Greek god of war. "It is their practice to make images and altars and shrines for Ares, but for no other god," Herodotus wrote. The Scythians frequently sacrificed animals to the gods, such as sheep, goats and cattle, typically using a garrote (iron collar or cord) to strangle the beasts. To Ares, however, Scythians sacrificed both animals and humans. In Book IV, Herodotus described how prisoners of war were occasionally sacrificed to Ares; this occurred at a shrine that had a built-in sword, the symbol of Ares. During human sacrifices, prisoners were reportedly killed with this weapon. "They pour wine on the men's heads and cut their throats over a vessel; then they carry the blood up onto the pile of sticks and pour it on the [sword]," Herodotus wrote

The older elements of Scythian religion are demonstrated through the propitiation of animals and shamanism. Herodotus described a class of shamans among the Scythians, using the term "diviners." He described them as hereditary and having the power to tell the future — a gift given to them by their Aphrodite-like goddess, Argimpasa. However, if a prediction didn't come to fruition, the diviner could be put to death, usually by burning. These diviners also had the ability to effect cures using herbs and various medicinal plants.

Scythian warriors and weapons

Herodotus wrote of the Scythians' military prowess, describing this aspect of their lives in great detail and categorizing them as "invincible and unassailable." Scythian warriors could achieve high status through skill in battle. "[A Scythian warrior] carried to his king the heads of all whom he has slain in battle, for he receives his share of the booty if he brings a head, but not otherwise," Herodotus wrote  (translated from ancient Greek).

The Scythians were especially renowned for their skill as mounted archers. 

"Scythian male and female mounted archers were admired and feared by Greeks, Romans, Persians, and the Chinese, whose Great Wall was built to defend against them," Mayor said. 

The Scythians' primary weapon was the composite bow, which was made of wood, horn and sinew. It was a remarkably durable and accurate weapon. Scythian warriors also carried an array of other weapons, such as axes, swords, spears and maces. Their military skill was recognized by the many civilizations around them, and Scythian warriors frequently served as mercenaries in foreign armies, such as with the Persian empire and the forces of the Greco-Persian king Mithridates VI.

Scythian women and the myth of the Amazons

The Scythians have often been associated with the legend of the Amazons — fierce women warriors who figure prominently in ancient Greek mythology. Diodorus Siculus was one of the ancient writers who asserted the prominent martial role of Scythian women. "For among these peoples the women train for war just as do the men and in acts of manly valor are in no wise inferior to the men. Consequently, distinguished women have been the authors of many great deeds," he wrote (translated from ancient Greek).

Mayor has explored the connection between the myth and reality of these stalwart women warriors. 

"Greek writers such as Herodotus, Plato, Strabo and Pausanias all linked the Amazons of myth to the real, flesh-and-blood women among the warlike Scythian nomads of the steppes," she said. "Now, thanks to recent and spectacular archaeological discoveries of more than 300 ancient women, some with combat injuries, buried with their weapons and horses across ancient Scythia, we know that Greek literature and art about Amazons were strongly influenced by the lives of steppe nomad mounted archers.

A battle between the Amazons and the Greeks depicted on a Roman period sarcophagus dating to the early third century A.D. (Image credit: PHAS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

The twilight of the Scythian world

Herodotus described a great war between the Scythians and the Persians, under Darius I of the Achaemenid dynasty. It began in 513 B.C. when Darius invaded Scythian lands, intent on subjugating the people living there and bringing them under the Persian yoke. But the campaign proved disastrous; harried by Scythian cavalry, tired by long marches and the unrelenting vastness of the lands they were trying to conquer, the Persian army ultimately turned back. This defeat enabled the Scythians to expand their influence by moving westward into northern Greece and Thrace. 

But the Scythians were not so lucky several centuries later. Their power ebbed as they suffered a series of military defeats, first at the hands of Philip II of Macedon (the father of Alexander the Great) in 339 B.C. and then by the Sarmatians, a people culturally and linguistically related to the Scythians, in a prolonged conflict that lasted from the fourth century B.C. to the second century A.D., according to Britannica. They also suffered a major military defeat during the second century B.C., when Mithridates VI, the king of Pontus, in northern Anatolia, decisively defeated Scythian forces and incorporated Scythian warriors into his own army.

A severe blow to Scythian society and political hegemony came during the fourth century A.D., when the Scythians were devastated by the Huns, mounted nomadic warriors from Eurasia who, under their ruler Attila, invaded Europe in the fifth century A.D. According to World History Encyclopedia, the Scythians may have been assimilated by the Goths at this time. Some scholars believe that the Ossetians, who occupy parts of southern Russia and the Caucasus Mountain region, may derive their ancestry from the Scythians.

Mayor, however, cautioned that tales of a culture's ultimate demise can be misleading.

"Although the ancient Scythian culture as the ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians knew them faded with upheavals in the Middle Ages, extinction or integration with other tribes, and the rise of Islam — and despite the modern history of continual conquests, displacements, oppression, and other turbulent events — Scythian traditions never really disappeared," she said. "Scythian customs and expertise in mounted archery continued with the Parthians, the Mongols, and others, and Scythian riding and archery skills and egalitarian values persist in some nomadic and semi-nomadic groups living in Central Asia today."

Additional resources

Originally published on Feb. 10, 2022. Updated on March 18, 2022.



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Were Ancient Europeans in Pre-Columbian America?

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vanish into the sea

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Guided tour through the exhibition 'Doggerland' at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden

Curator Luc Amkreutz guides you through the exhibition ‘Doggerland – Lost World in the North Sea' at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (Leiden, the Netherlands). He takes you on a trip through time of a million years and shows you the highlights of this exhibition
. The Doggerland exhibition presents a lost prehistoric world in the North Sea: Doggerland. You will learn about the prehistoric inhabitants of this special region, and how they survived in a landscape and climate that was constantly changing.


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Stone shaver

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White European decorated bone

barbed kj

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Red Dear

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Did Civilisation Begin At Karahan Tepe? - Humanity before Göbekli Tepe // Prehistory Documentary

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"Black cat superstition in Western culture dates back to Ancient Greece. According to Greek mythology, Zeus’s wife Hera once transformed her servant, Galinthias, into a black cat as punishment for impeding the birth of Hercules. Galinthias went on to become an assistant to Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, and black cats have had unique meanings in various cultures ever since.". As a Greek you owe that poor cat reparations for centuries of mistrust of black cats. I think it wants a new home and some Fanct Feast in reparations.




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 The Strange Rituals of Siberian Bear Cults



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The Black Sea was a fresh water lake before the end of Ice Age in Europe.

The Extraordinary Hunt For Preserved Ancient Shipwrecks From Civilizations Long Lost | Timeline

 Four years in the making, this two-part television series follows the world’s largest Maritime Archaeological Expedition in exploring how the Black Sea formed after the last ice age. Could it have been the origin of Noah’s flood?

Led by charismatic chief scientist Jon Adams, the team send space aged remote survey vehicles 2 kilometres underwater to scan the seabed. In seeking geological clues, they quickly make remarkable finds: over 70 shipwrecks almost perfectly preserved in the chilly, oxygen-depleted water of this near landlocked sea. The films reveal extraordinary ships from the Ottoman, Byzantine, Roman and Greek civilisations.

They include discoveries that are unique worldwide: the most perfectly preserved Roman vessel ever and the only preserved Greek warship known. The series witnesses the highs and lows of the handpicked international team of world-class scientists, on their remarkable journey into the past. Their adventures at sea include extreme dives to depths of 100m, tense recovery operations struggling to salvage amphora from Roman ships and costly equipment failures that threaten their entire operation.

Discover the past on History Hit with ad-free exclusive podcasts and documentaries released weekly presented by world renowned historians Dan Snow, Suzannah Lipscomb, Matt Lewis and more.



If it was a slow fill over thousands of years, you would have evidence of the lake shore beach the entire way to the modern shore not just 56km off the modern shore, unless there was a catastrophic flood from the Mediterranean, or global flood.
0:48: Exploring ancient shipwrecks in the Black Sea to uncover lost civilizations and maritime history.
10:38: Scientific expedition uncovers evidence of prehistoric lake before Black Sea flooding.
17:07: Cutting-edge technology aids in search for ancient shipwrecks in the Black Sea.
25:02: Uncovering well-preserved ancient shipwrecks in the Black Sea through delicate exploration.
33:43: Innovative methods used to retrieve ancient shipwreck artifacts with precision and caution.
43:50: Discovery of an ancient Greek shipwreck with a unique curved rudder different from Roman style.
52:06: Discovery of remarkably preserved 2,000-year-old shipwreck in the Black Sea. Tammy AI: Get video info faster & better




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44,000 Year Old Neanderthal Mammoth Bone Shelter

We are going to take a look at the oldest Mammoth Bone shelter, created around 44,000 by Neanderthals. This would be the oldest use of mammoth bones as building material, and this would mean that Neanderthals were the very first to create these and not Homo sapiens, us modern humans. As the oldest mammoth bone shelters discovered by archaeologists that were created by Homo sapiens date to 25,000 years ago.



Hey there, a tiny additional piece of information: Neanderthals never developed bows and arrows, their tool kits indicate that they created many cutting and working tools, but not small arrow heads. They instead exclusively used thrusting or throwing spears and not bows and arrows, or even atlatls and darts.


It's interesting. In junior college, we were introduced to Neanderthal as H. sapiens neanderthalensis. Later, as I worked on my degree, the academic fashion shifted to insisting that Neanderthal was its own species. And it did seem to be a mainly a matter of academic fashion rather than a matter of sound biological reasoning. Then it was discovered that our own ancestors had apparently partied with Neanderthals, at least so says the DNA. Which arguably suggests that the original designation as a subspecies still makes sense. So, now, we see that in the very same region where circular mammoth bone structures are known from the Upper Paleolithic, presumably H.s.s. sites, we now see earlier Terminal Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals using the same tactic for constructing whatever they were constructing. AND in this same general region (Western Asia and Eastern Europe) Homo sapiens, Neanderthal, and Denisovans also shared DNA. My personal feeling is that there should be no surprise. Neanderthals were people, with the ability to plan and create, just as their surviving descendants (we) have.

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Neanderthal napping process graphics showing top right hand corner.


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I think that like most of our pre sedentary ancestors, they used what they had to hand to build what they needed. Bones got recycled, hides became dwelling covers as well as clothing, blankets, etc. The Neanderthal were really good at this, as were other upright walking beings defined as homo whatever. I'm quite proud to acknowledge them as my distant ancestors, along with everyone else that walked the road to get to me.


Am I surprised that Neanderthal did this? Not at all. I think we sell them short.
Your point about the location of the site is significant. But maybe not be correct. The adjacent river and forest may not have been there 44,000 years ago, as they are today. One spin off from our fascination with climate today is a better understanding of climate in the past. With the glaciation still in effect 44,000 years ago forests were scarce as was wood in general. Some speculate that this is why bone was used in this way. I’m not up on the details of that river in Moldova at the site, but I’d wager it was neither as broad or as deep as today. It might not even be in the same place. That said something made the site attractive for long term habitation. If nothing else I was a good hunting ground. Nobody is going to pack large bones any distance just to make a camp.
As to selective hunting. All modern hunters do it. In some cases by law. And all native hunting cultures studied first hand do it by preference. So why not Neanderthal, who arguably were master hunters. The apex predators of their time.
Put aside your preconception of gender. When I used to hunt I’d seek a two year old doe. Not a scrawny little yearling buck. Not a mature old 3+ die, or a tough old buck. The older animals get a bit gamy tasting, especially when breeding. The young ones are simply small. But the 2-3 year old doe is always tender. If I as a hobby hunter can discern that surely the master hunters of the past could.


Once a hide dries, it becomes very hard and stiff. So all they needed was a frame to drape it over. A wooly mammoth hide harvested in the winter would have had really good insulating properties, assuming they shed in the summer like other mammals. They probably laid the hide over a frame, let it freeze to get stiff, then let it dry over time. Additional hides stacked on top would have made a very warm shelter. Large bones may have been preferred so the hides could be tied down and prevent the wind from blowing them away.
Very interesting video. Given the relative paucity of caves in Europe habitable by humans (and free of bears and other potential renters) it makes sense to see that Neanderthals used the material at hand to make their own simple shelters (or were they homes?). As for your video on Neanderthals, we are patient subscribers who prefer quality over speed. Do it right rather than do it now.

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 Women in Nagaoka, Japan celebrate the Hodare Festival by riding a large wooden phallus, which is believed to bring fertility and marital bliss. Participants of the festival were seen praying to and touching the phallic symbol, seeking prosperity in their marriages.



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How Dogs (Eventually) Became Our Best Friends

 We’re still figuring out the details, but most scientists agree that it took thousands of years of interactions to develop our deep bond with dogs. When did they first become domesticated? Where did this happen? And what did the process look like, in terms of genetics and anatomy?

Wealthy Ancient Romans used to construct entire mausoleums for their deceased pets, complete with funerary statues, tombstones, and epigraphs. One well preserved tomb at Herculaneum reads: “I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home in my own hands fifteen years ago." Another such inscription reads: “My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I carried you (to the grave)... So, Patricus, never again shall you give me a thousand kisses. Never again will you be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried you, as you deserve, In a resting place of marble, I have placed you for all time by the side of my shade. In your qualities, sagacious you were, like a human being. Ah! What a loved companion we have lost” If that doesn’t tear your heart apart, I don’t know what will. Humans and dogs have a relationship unlike any other two animals. We were made for each other to be best friends. Quite literally in the case of the dog lol

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Wealthy Ancient Romans used to construct entire mausoleums for their deceased pets, complete with funerary statues, tombstones, and epigraphs. One well preserved tomb at Herculaneum reads: “I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home in my own hands fifteen years ago.
" Another such inscription reads: “My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I carried you (to the grave)... So, Patricus, never again shall you give me a thousand kisses. Never again will you be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried you, as you deserve, In a resting place of marble, I have placed you for all time by the side of my shade. In your qualities, sagacious you were, like a human being. Ah! What a loved companion we have lost”
If that doesn’t tear your heart apart, I don’t know what will.
Humans and dogs have a relationship unlike any other two animals. We were made for each other to be best friends. Quite literally in the case of the dog lol


If anyone hasn't seen it, there is a documentary by a fantastic Scottish naturalist called Gordon Buchanan who lived for three months on an island where there are wild Arctic Wolves. He would allow some interaction and once he learned not to fear for his safety (completely natural although wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare) he allowed one to approach him, who sniffed around, looked at him and was just curious. He says at that moment "I think I can see, how this fearsome predator, eventually became, man's best friend". These wolves were wild, and the interactions over those three months on this island is probably extremely similar to how it first happened between wolves and humans when they met, and instantly knew they shared "something" in common and would soon work, live, love and die together for thousands of years until this very day. Dogs keep us safe, they keep our pets safe and our homes safe, they work for us, fetch things, save our lives and live with us. Dogs are amazing... even though I own a cat (which works better for my circumstances in life).


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Comment: Early writing in Europe.

Europe's First Civilization: the Vinča Culture



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The way those "idols" were arrayed on their platform, they definitely look like game pieces. 3 groups of six, 3 groups of 3, all with an equal amount of similarly shaped pieces per like-numbered group, and a single group with 8. Fascinating look and leaves a strong impression of a chess-like game.

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Comment: Early writing in Europe.


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Hello Dan! Greetings from Sibiu (Romania)! Tărtăria-Gura Luncii, Alba county ( the infamous incised clay tablets, with symbols, were discovered here in 1961-the autumn campaign, by prof. Nicolae Vlassa-long story...), is indeed a complex prehistoric archaeological site (in recent studies there were identified elements of fortifications-ditches and palisade postholes-Luca 2016, „Tărtăria Rediviva”). Now, I'm studying for a master's degree at „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (Department of History and Heritage Studies). The main subject of my Bachelor Thesis was about lithic industry (polished/ground and knapped stone tools) from Tărtăria. In 2021 and 2022 (summer campaigns), I have taken part in archaeological excavations here and I can assure all of you that, Vinča female clay figurines, are very THICC ;)!!! I'm pleased to see, that there is interest for the complex Neo-Eneolithic cultures in this part of Europe! Your high-quality documentaries contributed a lot to my passion for prehistory, so keep up the good work.

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Danube Script from Old Europe 5000 - 3500 BC

 Harald Haarmann (world's leading expert on scripts and languages) states that the Danube script is the oldest known writing in the world. Much older than Mesopotamian writing. The Danube culture was an egalitarian civilization which existed 8000 years ago in Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia .....) and is indeed the cradle of civilization, not the Middle East.


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Stunning Prehistoric European Artifacts Of Car Like Object

 Several fascinating ancient artifacts offer excellent evidence our ancestors were familiar with the wheel and produced small objects similar to our modern cars

. However, there are also a number of very interesting artifacts showing very curious car-like models. One of them was discovered by curator of the National Museum in Hungary F. Romer. It is a car-like object with a primitive deity depicted on it.

Many car-like ancient objects can also be traced to the Danube Valley civilization, a mysterious European culture, which left a legacy in form of valuable artifacts covered with an unknown, never successfully deciphered script. These artifacts have been excavated from sites in south-east Europe. The culture that flourished from about 6000 BC to 3000 BC, was named Vinca-Tordos Culture of Serbia and western Romania and derived its name from the village of Vinca located on the banks of Danube river, only 14 km downstream from Belgrade. Near the village of Dupljaja in the vicinity of Bela Crkva, Serbia 95 km from Belgrade and 35 km from Vršac, there are remains of a prehistoric settlement originating from the Middle Bronze Age. At this place archaeologists discovered two carts made of terracotta. Sitting inside the carts are bird-shaped humanoids. The artifacts are kept at the National Museum in Belgrade. It is clear that our ancestors were much more advanced than it is commonly believed.


March Of The Titans


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The origin of cheese: European prehistoric farmers quickly added cheese to their diet 7,500 years

 Researchers on Wednesday said they found the earliest known chemical evidence of cheese-making, based on the analysis of milk-fat residues in pottery dating back about 7,200 years. Not only did cheese provide a key source of nutrition for prehistoric Europeans, it also allowed them a way to store milk long-term.


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How Did Ancient Rome Begin? | Ancient Rome Documentary

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 This video is a special Epilogue to Chapter 2 of our series. It covers the origins of Rome, from a small Latin settlement, to the Roman Kingdom under its Seven Legendary Kings. It then goes through the early Roman Republic until the Sack of Rome and its rebirth in the early 300s BCE.

The Roman Kingdom (also referred to as the Roman monarchy, or the regal period of ancient Rome) was the earliest period of Roman history when the city and its territory were ruled by kings. According to oral accounts, the Roman Kingdom began with the city's founding c. 753 BC, with settlements around the Palatine Hill along the river Tiber in central Italy, and ended with the overthrow of the kings and the establishment of the Republic c. 509 BC.

The Roman Republic was a state of the classical Roman civilization, run through public representation of the Roman people. Beginning with the overthrow of the Roman Kingdom (traditionally dated to 509 BC) and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire, Rome's control rapidly expanded during this period—from the city's immediate surroundings to hegemony over the entire Mediterranean world.

Roman society under the Republic was primarily a cultural mix of Latin and Etruscan societies, as well as of Sabine, Oscan, and Greek cultural elements, which is especially visible in the Roman Pantheon. Its political organization developed, at around the same time as direct democracy in Ancient Greece, with collective and annual magistracies, overseen by a senate The top magistrates were the two consuls, who had an extensive range of executive, legislative, judicial, military, and religious powers. Even though a small number of powerful families (called gentes) monopolised the main magistracies, the Roman Republic is generally considered one of the earliest examples of representative democracy. Roman institutions underwent considerable changes throughout the Republic to adapt to the difficulties it faced, such as the creation of promagistracies to rule its conquered provinces, or the composition of the senate.

Unlike the Pax Romana of the Roman Empire, the Republic was in a state of quasi-perpetual war throughout its existence. Its first enemies were its Latin and Etruscan neighbours as well as the Gauls, who even sacked the city in 387 BC. The Republic nonetheless demonstrated extreme resilience and always managed to overcome its losses, however catastrophic.

Little is certain about the kingdom's history as no records and few inscriptions from the time of the kings survive. The accounts of this period written during the Republic and the Empire are thought largely to be based on oral tradition.


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  How was Rome founded? - History of the Roman Empire - Part 1

"The story of the founding of Rome it’s a tale that was often told by the Romans as the earliest history of their ancient city. As the legend goes… Rome was founded on April 21, 753 BC by twin brothers, Romulus and Remus. According to tradition, the boys were the sons of Rhea Silvia, a daughter of King Numitor of Alba Longa, who was impregnated by the god of war, Mars…"



A Neanderthal Odyssey: Everything We Know about the Neanderthals

Comment: Some light skin Neanderthal evolves in to White Europeans.

Billions of people today have Neanderthal DNA; which means that" they are us". They were absorbed into the population and were just another people group. In fact, their facial structures are very similar to White Europeans.

I actually have 60% more Neanderthal DNA than the average person at a 2% while the rest is Homosapian. This ought to be interesting while that may explain why I actually once had a beard that looked like a Neanderthal´s beard.

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While I personally have a very standard human skull, there's a lot of people in the Netherlands who have many of the typical Neanderthal characteristics. Like an elongated skull, a very blocky build, big ridge, deep eyes. If I were to guess a lot of Northern Europeans are a lot more Neanderthal than we realize. To say we are only 2% Neanderthal and 98% may be true for all of Europe. But if you would narrow it down to certain people I bet you could easily find numbers as high as 10% or even 20%. And I've even seen a person who wouldn't surprise me if he was more Neanderthal than Sapien. He's a sheep herder, probably because he doesn't like society so much.



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White people (White Europeans) during the Ice Age in Europe.

Europeans (Whites) were not black in the past. In spite of all this cheddar man crap, ancient European (Whites) people would look much like today. DNA shows ancient Egyptians are about the same as today. Same with a lot of people in the British Isles and Europe.


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white jew vrace bnm

The following information is to give evidence that the White European Caucasians (White People) who live in the British Isles across to Russia today including the rest of Europe are indigenous to those regions and they have been there for thousands of years.  

It is important to note that some White Jews may view themselves differently than whites. However, for centuries, Jews considered themselves to be white, which is equivalent to being European. In light of the historical persecution faced by both Jews and whites, it is crucial to avoid division and recognize that White Jews and whites share a common ancestry and European heritage.

This article aims to remind White Jews that Israel is their religious homeland and Europe is their racial homeland, and that they are indigenous to Europe along with other whites, forming a brotherhood and sisterhood. It is crucial to acknowledge the rich history of  White Jews, including their Ice Age ancestry, before their conversion to Judaism.

Our ancient European Caucasian ancestors(white &  white Jews ) were transient beings who migrated cross the lands that make up Europe and the British Isles and they are viewed by historians and the scientific community as one people.  It matters not what your religion or passport says; Christianity, Judaism, Scandinavia, Russia, France – none of these religions or nationalities existed in the original settlements of human beings in Europe.

White people (White Europeans) who live in the United States, Canada, South America, Israel, Australia, and South Africa are indigenous to Europe and should have the right of return to live in their ancient homeland.

Shlomo Sand Headshot The Inventions of the Jewish People. 

Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand is challenging notions of a Jewish people quoted in his new book, "those who claim to be all of the Jewish people cannot claim a blood connection with the original Jewish inhabitants of the holy land, but converts along the way."

Related Video:

Shlomo Sand - The invention of the Jewish People 

Israelis: Was your family here before 1948?

Arab Israelis: Where do you come from?

Jewish language

"The modern Hebrew language being a European hybrid......also is known to have copied Arabic words and Arabic roots to make up new "Hebrew" neologisms and calques."

There is scholarly view that goes beyond what even the famous linguist Ghil'ad Zuckerman States that:

 "modern Hebrew" is simply a form of Yiddish (Yiddish be an Indo-European Language) with some new made-up "Hebrew" neologism (often from Arabic) sprinkled in."

The majority of Jews did not come from Israel. They are European Caucasians with the majority from Europe, and some came from the Middle East or the Khazar tribes in Khazaria area in Southern Russia.  Many Jews have blue eyes and blonde hair, who's origins originated in Europe.

It is estimated that the majority of Jews in western countries are actually white Europeans and many have blue eyes, blonde hair and European facial features which only originated from cold climates.  Regardless of this most Jews are indoctrinated from birth into believing that they are a distinct race separate from their European brothers and sisters.  It is a belief that was started by the Globalist and anti-Semitic Zionists, ie. that they are different to all others and while there is a classical "Jewish" look held by some Jews due to the strong breeding within only Jewish families, most people of Jewish descent look no different to Europeans. The Japanese are the same race as Chinese and were indoctrinated from birth and during the Second World War, that they were different from the Chinese. This attitude resulted in the systemic killing and eradication of many innocent Chinese civilians and we need to ensure that this attitude of difference is stopped as it is now in the process of destroying Europe and the Europeans.  

Many white Europeans have been converted to the Jewish faith over the centuries and it is worth remembering that during the time of the ice age there were no Jews anywhere on earth.  The Jewish belief and faith has simply been invented over the centuries and used as a kind of class warfare against other groups to gain money and power by a small group.

 Clearly these Israelis from European backgrounds are not Semites. It's written all over their faces.

Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? Their Origins May Surprise You

 "It appears that the majority of the European converts to Judaism during the early years of the Diaspora were women. That helps explain why the Ashkenazim can trace their female lineage to southern and western Europe."

DNA Tests Cannot Be Trusted

The Mystery of European Hair, Eye, and Skin Color

White European and West Eurasians Videos

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Woolly Mammoth || Can We See Them Roaming On This Earth Again ?






What Race are you?

White European Racial Pride.  What race are You?


White European Caucasian Indigenous History and paintings

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Did The Earth Totally Freeze For 100 Million Years?

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cave painting lascaux

Picture on the right was painted in Lascaux cave in Southern France over 15,000 years ago by Ice Age white Europeans (White people).  The Lascaux complex contains some of the most remarkable Palaeolithic cave paintings in the world.  One of our organization's goals is to unite European Caucasians worldwide by teaching them about our ancestors before the advent of today's major religions – Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Today, White people are scattered all over the world and many no longer identify themselves with their homeland Europe,  which must change.  We must begin to truly think of the nations of Europe as sacred ground; it is the land and the blood of our ancestors going back thousands of years, many of whom fought to keep it safe for us, their descendants.  We need to do our part now in order to pass it on, intact to our future generations.

White people should be proud of their ancestors who have done many wondrous things including those who painted in caves and on cliffs in Europe.

The photo of the skull (pictured left) was taken at the British Museum, London, and is the oldest of human fossils found outside Africa from Georgia in Southern Russia, Eastern Europe as being 1.8 million years old.  People have been living in the regions we call Europe and the Middle East along with Central Asia for longer than many people realize.

If you walked behind the owner of this skull when he was alive and he was dressed in a modern outfit, you would think that he was just another human being until you looked at his face.  Then you would notice that he was slightly different, based on the brow ridge and facial features.

It is worth remembering that the average height of Homo erectus was 6 ft., they did not walk like monkeys. They walked around like human beings do today.  Homo erectus based on recent research lived between 1.8 million years – 100,000 years ago.

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European researchers claim earliest humans evolved in Europe

 European researchers stand by their study that the earliest humans evolved in Europe and not in Africa. But local scientists dispute the claims saying no reliable evidence has been provided to support that view.

I've actually seen people call this 'hate-speech', just because they don't agree with it.
After they found those teeth in Germany that are several million years older than anything from be Africa I don't see how any scientist that is unbiased can say all human ancestors started in Africa. People need to keep an open mind instead of pushing an agenda.
It's obvious because we are not the same. We are all human but we aren't the same types of human in the human race. Sort of like different breeds.
If we came out of Africa we would share the same archaic DNA as the Africans do
When scientists argue, you know something horribly wrong is going on
They will never tell the truth.we are the cattle to be mixed and culled as needed.human farming and they want there herds mixed
@SABC - I have a question. Why is it that when interracial couples mix together this happens?
White Caucasian + Asian = Caucasian looking child,
Black + White Caucasian = Black child,
Asian + Black = Asian looking child,
Native American + Native American = Asian looking child,
Native American + Black = Asian looking child with dark complexions.
I'm curious why because I've observed this a lot and have personal experience with it. I'm thinking that maybe there are two places of origin, even more and that all humans developed around about the same time but in different locations? I mean could this theory even be a possibility? Could this be the reason why there is no missing link yet! since there would have have to be multiple missing links right?
no one comes from blacks.
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Question, If the footprints are 6mill years old and they were found in Crete. Does this mean that the Origin of mankind was NOT in Africa 200.000 years ago??
one foot print
5 million years ago was the Messinian Salinity Crisis when the Mediterranean dried up and animals were able to walk to the island of Crete.
'pre-human' footprints found in village of Trachilos, Crete
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I thought two experts who studied primate footprints claimed that these weren't footprints at all, and definitely not belonging to hominids even through the small possibility that they were footprints?
They were pre-humans walking on their toes....probably wading. In chest deep water. Scientists should always get seasoned trackers to read footprints. i have studied photos of all these prints...and one or two of them are fully human-shaped (Gierlinski et al 2018).
If you even suggest that humanities story is more complicated than the Afro-hominid migration out of Africa, you’re labeled a pseudo scientist or worse some kind of racist.
Dogma has no place in science, sadly it's very prevalent even now. Leave dogma to religion, science is where the old should be replaced by the new as evidence, understanding and knowledge increases. The whole 'out of africa' thing is a good working hypothesis based on what evidence there was, but it should never be carved in stone when we are constantly finding new evidence, which apparently is very Inconvenient to the dogmatic. It should not matter whether this new evidence supports one hypothesis or another, science doesn't care about your politics, agendas or biases, sadly the so-called scientific community is full of all three. If your hypothesis isn't supported by the evidence, it's probably wrong.
Colin Barras wrote in in New Scientist: “The association of fossil remains with stone tools at the new site is important, says Eudald Carbonell at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain, who led the research team. “We have human remains, stone tools and bones with cut marks,” he says. “It’s all very consistent with occupation here 1.1 million years ago.” Carbonell says the fragmentary remains have been tentatively assigned to the species Homo antecessor, also known from 800,000 year-old remains at Gran Dolina in Spain and Ceprano in Italy. “Our hypothesis is that antecessor is derived from Homo georgicus, found at Dmanisi, Georgia, in 1.8 million year-old deposits,” he says. Chris Stringer, a palaeoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London, UK,, who was not involved with the study, is more cautious. “Even if antecessor is a valid species, we don’t know where it originated,” he says. \*\

Early Pleistocene human mandible from Sima del Elefante ...

We present a detailed morphological comparative study of the hominin mandible ATE9-1 recovered in 2007 from the Sima del Elefante cave site in Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, northern Spain. Paleomagnetic analyses, biostratigraphical studies, and quantitative data obtained through nuclide cosmogenic methods, place this specimen in the Early Pleistocene (1.2-1.3 Ma). This finding, together with ...

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The Petralona Human Skull That Challenges the 'Out of Africa' Theory



The skull (pictured right), discovered in Northern Greece has the potential to change what we know

about human evolution.  This skull, known as the Petralona Skull was found in 1959 embedded in a wall and was given to the University of Thessaloniki from the Petralona community with the conditions that after examination it would be put on public display by the museum with information about the skull that was discovered. 

Petralona skullThe ‘Petralona man’, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human Europeoid (presenting European traits), of that age ever discovered in Europe. The academic responsible for researching the cave and skull, Dr. Poulianos, argues that this hominid evolved separately in Europe and was not an ancestor of a species that came out of Africa.

Independent researchers tried to dismiss these findings, arguing that the skull was only 50,000 years old and was indeed an ancestor that came from Africa. Then only a decade later in 1971, research from the US was published backing up the findings that the skull was indeed 700,000 years old.  This case was made on the analysis of the cave’s stratigraphy and the sediment in which the skull was embedded.  Further research in the cave discovered isolated teeth and two pre-human skeletons dating back 800,000 years, as well as other fossils of various species.

Today, most academics who have analyzed the Petralona remains say that the cranium belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, but showing characteristics of all those species and presenting strong European traits.  A skull dating back 700,000 years ago which is either Homo sapien or part Homo sapien is in direct conflict with the 'Out of Africa' theory of human evolution.  Dr. Poulianos’ findings contradicted conventional views regarding human evolution, as a result his research was suppressed.  He and his team have been denied further access to the cave to complete their research and study, and the whereabouts of the skull is now unknown.  

Petralona cave

Dmanisi Skull 5It is interesting to note that there has been completely separate research completed and published in the last 5 years which also shows evidence that Homo erectus was found in Eurasia as far back as 1.8 million years ago. The discovery of the Dmanisi Skull 5 (pictured left) has certainly caused a lot of discussion in the paleontological world with new theories being that Homo erectus possibly evolved in Eurasia, and then migrated into Africa considering the dates.

New discovery suggests Homo erectus originated from Asia

"How "African" was the early human dispersal out of Africa?"

Skull discovery sheds light on human species

Bacteria found in Otzi the iceman could turn the Out of Africa theory on ... Video for otzi stumps ' out of africa' theory





The table below shows the different glacial and interglacial periods as there were actually more than one..

  Ice Age Britain


750,000 – 350,000 Cromerian Interglacial Warm
350,000 – 250,000 Anglian Glacial Cold
250,000 – 200,000 Hoxnian Interglacial Warm
200,000 – 125,000 Wolstonian Glacial Cold
125,000 – 72,000 Ipswichian Interglacial Warm
72,000 – 12,000 Devensian Glacial Cold


During the cold stages, the sea levels would be much lower than today, by up to 120 metres. Today, we can see the remains of the cold stages through fossilised tree trunks, submerged in today's seawater but visible at extremely low tides. During the lower sea levels animals and man could walk freely towards Europe. Amazing remains of Ice Age beasts were unearthed from Kents Cavern during the Victorian period.


As the planet's temperature rose, the ice sheets melted and the sea levels began to rise once again, closing off the established links to Europe. Plant life would flourish and warm weather animals began to appear, in Joint Mitnor Cave just 20 miles from Kents Cavern. Remains of straight tusked elephants, bison and even hippopotamus were found.


Hippos & mammoths in Worcestershire?

  • 30th October 2018

The Ice Age was not always cold: hippos once wallowed in Worcestershire’s warm pools. Over the last 2.5 million years – a period we call ‘The Ice Age’ and known geologically as the Quaternary – the climate fluctuated between icy glacials and warmer interglacials. As temperatures rose species were able to expand into new areas, before being pushed back further south as the climate turned icy.

During warm interglacials, herds of horses, bison and aurochs would have roamed the open grasslands of Britain. Beavers and dolphins swam in our rivers; at the height of the Hoxnian Interglacial (around 400,000 years ago) oak forests were home to deer and macaque monkeys. The gentler climate meant that early humans gradually returned to Britain and the stone tools that they left behind have been found at places like Swanscombe in Kent and Boxgrove in West Sussex.

Lions, bears, wolves and these early humans would have hunted large animals like rhinoceros and the straight tusked elephant. Straight tusked elephants are now extinct but they were once the largest Ice Age animal of all, twice as large as elephants today and even bigger than a mammoth. They could grow to four metres in height and ten tonnes in weight and their straight tusks could grow to over three metres in length.

Around 130,000 – 115,000 years ago, a particularly warm interglacial allowed tropical species to live in Britain. Hippopotamus bones have been found in Worcestershire at Eckington, Bengeworth and Stourbridge. Spotted hyenas, lions and narrow-nosed rhinoceros are also known to have lived in Britain during this time.




"Researchers estimate the prints are between 800,000 and 1 million years old".



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Oldest Human Footprints Outside of Africa Found


View of footprint surface looking north. Credit: Simon Parfitt Citizens of Britain can now trace their origins several large steps backward in time. Archaeologists recently discovered the oldest set of human footprints outside of Africa along the eastern coast of Britain. Rough seas last summer in the village of Happisburgh, Norfolk, washed away portions of the shore revealing a set of about 50 footprints. Researchers estimate the prints are between 800,000 and 1 million years old.

Footprints' History

Due to the various sizes of footprints, researchers believe a mixed group of at least five adults and juveniles were walking along mudflats of what was then the Thames River estuary. Based on the size of the prints, researchers believe the group was related to Homo antecessor, or “Pioneer Man,” which died off some 800,000 years ago. The group was likely scouting the area for food, and could have been related.


Researchers found 50 footprints from a group of five adults and juveniles. Prior to the Norfolk find, the oldest human remains found in Britain were a set of tools dating back 700,000 years. Older human evidence tends to be found in southern Europe where researchers, for example, have unearthed 780,000-year-old skull fragments in southern Spain. The Norfolk find sheds new light on the tenacity and adaptability of northern Europe's earliest human ancestors, Chris Stringer, an archaeologist with the project, told the Associated Press:

"This makes us rethink our feelings about the capacity of these early people, that they were coping with conditions somewhat colder than the present day,” he said. "Maybe they had cultural adaptations to the cold we hadn't even thought were possible 900,000 years ago. Did they wear clothing? Did they make shelters, windbreaks and so on? Could they have the use of fire that far back?"

A Rare Find

The discovery is significant to our understanding of human origins, but it’s also incredibly lucky. Finding preserved footsteps is difficult, given the punishing forces of erosion along seacoasts. Previously, the record for the oldest set of footprints in Britain was 7,500 years old, which pales in comparison to the Norfolk find. The Norfolk team called the Happisburgh prints a “one in a million” find. Fortunately, archaeologists captured plenty of photographic evidence to study Britain’s oldest footprints in May 2013, because what the sea gives it also takes away. Most of the ancient footprints have already disappeared due to erosion. However, researchers are optimistic that the same forces could someday unveil new evidence, as well.

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Discovering the oldest human footprints in Europe


Earliest evidence of humans in Britain

By measuring the footprints, the team were able to estimate the height and weight of the individuals who made them. It appears a small group of adults and children, between 90 and 170 centimetres tall, left the trails as they walked along the mudflats of a river estuary.

Using pollen in sediment layers, the scientists dated the footprints to between 850,000 and 950,000 years ago. This age means the footprints may have been left by Homo antecessor, an early human species known to be present in Europe at that time.



 Homo erectus




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 Homo erectus, our ancient ancestor

Homo erectus

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Reconstruction of a Terra Amata dwelling

In 1962, a 366 cm × 427 cm × 30 cm (12 ft × 14 ft × 1 ft) circle made with volcanic rocks was discovered in Olduvai Gorge. At 61–76 cm (2–2.5 ft) intervals, rocks were piled up to 15–23 cm (6–9 in) high. British palaeoanthropologist Mary Leakey suggested the rock piles were used to support poles stuck into the ground, possibly to support a windbreak or a rough hut. Some modern day nomadic tribes build similar low-lying rock walls to build temporary shelters upon, bending upright branches as poles and using grasses or animal hide as a screen.[99] Dating to 1.75 Mya, it is the oldest claimed evidence of architecture.[100]

In Europe, evidence of constructed dwelling structures dating to or following the Holstein Interglacial (which began 424 kya) has been claimed in Bilzingsleben, Germany; Terra Amata, France; and Fermanville and Saint-Germain-des-Vaux in Normandy. The oldest evidence of a dwelling (and a campfire) in Europe comes from Přezletice, Czech Republic, 700 kya during the Cromerian Interglacial. This dwelling's base measured about 3 m × 4 m (9.8 ft × 13.1 ft) on the exterior and 3 m × 2 m (9.8 ft × 6.6 ft) on the interior, and is considered to have been a firm surface hut, probably with a vaulted roof made of thick branches or thin poles, supported by a foundation of big rocks and earth, and likely functioned as a winter base camp.[101]






 Swanscombe Woman


Swanscombe Heritage Park

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Swanscombe Skull Site or Swanscombe Heritage Park is a 3.9 hectares (9.6 acres) geological Site of Special Scientific Interest in Swanscombe in north-west Kent, England.[1][2] It contains two Geological Conservation Review sites[3][4] and a National Nature Reserve.[5] The park lies in a former gravel quarry, Barnfield Pit.[6]

Hand axes from Swanscombe at the British Museum found by Marston (not on display)
Mammoth tooth excavated from the site

The area was already known for the finds of numerous Palaeolithic-era handaxes—mostly Acheulean and Clactonian artifacts, some as much as 400,000 years old—when in 1935/1936 work at Barnfield Pit uncovered two fossilised skull fragments. These fragments came to be known as the remains of Swanscombe Man but were later found to have belonged to a young woman.[7] The Swanscombe skull has been identified as early Neanderthal[8] or pre-Neanderthal,[9] dating to the Hoxnian Interglacial around 400,000 years ago.[6]


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It is actually believed some parts of the skull belonging to the face may still be missing.

The 400,000 year old Swanscombe skull and the Ebbsfleet Elephant at the heart of Kent's prehistoric metropolis

They say if you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going.

Thankfully for the residents of Swanscombe and Kent they don't have far to travel to piece together a vital piece of early human history.

The Swanscombe Skull site as it was prior to the introduction of the heritage park.

It's hard to imagine now but homes along the Thames Estuary were once on land which hyenas, cave lions and huge mammoth-sized elephants freely roamed.

They were joined by perhaps the town's oldest resident – a 400,000 year old ancestor to the Neanderthal species – known as the Swanscombe woman.

Swanscombe is one of only two sites in Britain where actual human remains of this very early period have been found.

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Between 1997 and 2004 a series of archaeological excavations were carried out in the Ebbsfleet Valley in advance of High Speed 1's passage into Kent .

They were led by Dr Francis Wenban-Smith, a research professor of archaeology at the University of Southampton, working in partnership with Oxford Archaeology who commissioned the dig, near the Swanscombe Skull site.

Together they safely removed a 400,000-year-old elephant tusk from a building site near Swan Valley Community School on Southfleet Road, now Ebbsfleet Academy.

The mammoth find was one-and-a-half metres long and belonged to an extinct species of straight tusked elephants, capable of resting their chins on the back of their African Savannah equivalents today.

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The Ebbsfleet elephant

People Killed Elephant.

The marshy valley teems with life. Herds of deer, aurochs, and a troop of macaque monkeys jostle for space as they wait their turn to drink from a sluggish, spring-fed stream. On the far bank a rhinoceros laps steadily at the water, its horned head obscured by thick reed-beds carpeting the valley floor in verdant green. Encroaching forest has been trampled down by heavy hooves to form a clearing, while nearby vegetation has been stripped almost bare by voracious grazing. On a low chalk cliff overlooking the valley, a huge male lion lazes watchfully near the carcass of a day-old kill. And towering over everything is a majestic, solitary bull elephant, ambling down the valley side towards the water’s edge.

Without warning, a pack of strongly built men burst from their hiding place in the undergrowth. Brandishing sturdy wooden spears and uttering harsh hunting cries, they close in on the startled elephant. It is a well-practised ambush. The men have been hiding patiently for many hours at a favoured hunting site. They approach cautiously at first, snapping like wolves at the elephant’s flanks, wary of tusks that slice through the air like scythes. Some of the group fling their spears at close range, while the more experienced hunters aim for the elephant’s eyes in the hope of blinding the enraged animal.

More than twice the height of a man, the lumbering beast cannot turn quickly enough to protect itself from every direction. The hunters dart close to fling their spears with terrific force, before leaping clear, and the elephant gradually weakens, succumbing to the deadly hail of spears. As the mighty beast collapses onto a patch of sun-baked clay beside the mire, its blood is oozing from numerous puncture wounds. The hunters close in for the kill.

As their initial excitement subsides, one of the men searches the ground for suitable flint nodules, which are plentiful along the stream bank. Using another flint as a hammerstone, the hunter squats beside the elephant and, with a few deft strikes, splits the nodule into a handful of razor-sharp blades and scrapers. Before long the whole group, brandishing similar tools, is butchering the carcass, expertly stripping away the most prized cuts. Several of the hunters slice at the fatty foot-pads, another smashes the skull open with a rock to scoop out the brain. Working together, two others lever the jaw off with a branch and start cutting at the elephant’s tongue. When they are done, only the hide, bones, and tusks are left to mark where the beast fell. The death of this elephant means life for their tribe. Almost everything they need to survive can be won from its bloody carcass.

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 Astonishing recent finds include eight complete wooden spears from a 300,000-year-old wild-horse hunting camp at Schöningen in Germany. These well-preserved wooden artefacts exhibit a high level of craftsmanship. At Lehringen, another German site, a spear was found apparently embedded in a straight-tusked elephant’s ribcage. The Southfleet Road evidence is less explicit, but a wooden spearpoint has been found in the Thames Estuary at Clacton-on-Sea, indicating that early hominins with comparable capabilities were active in southern Britain around 400,000 years ago.



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 How Doggerland Sank Beneath The Waves (500,000-4000 BC) // Prehistoric Europe Documentary

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Since Ice ages took up most of the timeline of human evolution, and sea levels were about 200 feet lower, most the history of man is beneath the waves. If we could just have a look of that part of evolution... The first Asian, first Australian and the first American trekked along coasts which are under water today. This video makes you realise that complete landscapes were there were is now ocean. Fascinating what traces of human development one could find there .


 The Thames and Rhine flowed into the same delta ????. So many small aspects of this documentary could be a long interesting documentary themselves.

Britain Before The Ice Age

Landscape Mysteries presented by Aubrey Manning.Britain before the Ice, Secrets of the flood.

Europe Before the Ice Age

 Britain became Island

 Tony Robinson reveals astonishing new evidence that shows how, 8000 years ago, a huge tsunami swamped the east coast of Britain and killed thousands of Stone Age white Europeans. Before the tsunami Stone Age people could travel over the land bridge (Doggerland) between Great Britain and continental Europe and the tsunami and melting ice made Britain an island.

  Time Team Special 51 (2013) - Britain's Stone Age Tsunami

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Doggerland  now called the Dogger Banks off the east coast of Britain

Hidden Histories: Doggerland

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  Underwater Lost City in England | Lost Cities With Albert Lin

This is amazing!!! I was wondering what that might be about till I get speechless when it was affirmed: "We don't know yet", "nothing like that in the country" and "the most ancient boat-building site yet on Earth"!!!!!! I DO LOVE IT. Thanks for the video!!!!!
Looked like a big old wooden spike wall. I don’t know about an underground city. Cool. A Bit misleading tho.


 Homo Heidelbergensis


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  Die Sandgrube Grafenrain - Fundort des Homo heidelbergensis

Homo heidelbergensis Homo Heidelbergensis

3D interactive model of (Homo heidelbergensis) skull cast

  Species Shorts: Homo heidelbergensis



Schöningen spears

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The age of the spears, originally assessed as being between 380,000 and 400,000 years old,[5][6][7][8] was estimated from their stratigraphic position, "sandwiched between deposits of the Elsterian and Saalian glaciations, and situated within a well-studied sedimentary sequence."[9] However, more recently, thermoluminescence dating of heated flints in a deposit beneath that which contained the spears date the spears to between 337,000 and 300,000 years old, placing them at the end of the interglacial Marine Isotope Stage 9.[10][11] The Schöningen spears thus postdate the earlier fragmented Clacton spear point, attributed to Marine Isotope Stage 11,[12][13] but remain the oldest complete wooden weapons.

To date, hominin remains have not been discovered from the Schöningen Pleistocene deposits, and therefore the species that crafted and used the wooden weapons and other tools at Schöningen remains uncertain. The most likely candidates are Homo heidelbergensis. or early Neanderthals.[14][15] The spears provide clear evidence of the importance of wood as a material for Palaeolithic tools, and also further support the practice of hunting by Middle Pleistocene humans.

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One of the spears

The Schöningen spears are a set of ten wooden weapons from the Palaeolithic Age that were excavated between 1994 and 1999 from the 'Spear Horizon' in the open-cast lignite mine in Schöningen, Helmstedt district, Germany. They were found together with animal bones and stone and bone tools.[1][2][3][4] The excavations took place under the management of Hartmut Thieme of the Lower Saxony State Service for Cultural Heritage (NLD).

Shaft section



Description and function

A spear in situ

Most of the spears were made using trunks of slow-growing spruce trees, except for spear IV, which is made from pine. The complete spears vary in length from 1.84 to 2.53 m (6.04 to 8.30 ft), with diameters ranging from 29 to 47 mm (1.14 to 1.85 in).[26] The wooden finds were exposed to sedimentary pressure, and there are varying degrees of deformation.

The spears were debarked and have evidence of working traces at both ends, demonstrating that they were shaped to be double pointed.[27] One exception is Spear VI, which does not appear to taper at the back. The points of the spears made use of the bases of trees, which is harder wood, while the soft inner pith is offset from the tip.[28] These features suggest an awareness of the properties of wood, and the design in such a way as to maximise the hardness of wood.

Like today’s tournament javelins, the greatest diameter and therefore likely the centre of gravity is located in the front third of the shaft of at least some of the spears.[29] In addition, most of the spears, with the exception of Spear VI, taper at both the front and the back, which may assist flight aerodynamics. This led many to suggest that they may have been designed as thrown spears, similar to a modern javelin.

Experimental research using experienced athletes to throw replicas of Spear II show that the spears are capable of being thrown at distances of at leat 15–20 m, and are similar in weight and balance to javelins.[30][31][32] However, Spear VI, which does not taper at the back and also has a natural kink, is interpreted as a thrusting spear,[33] and replicas of Spear II have also been experimentally tested as thrusting spears.[34] Ethnographically, wooden spears were used as both thrusting and throwing spears.[35] Together the evidence suggests that the Schöningen spears most likely had multiple uses including for self-defence against dangerous predators such as saber-toothed cats, with whom the humans shared the landscape.[36]

Other discoveries

In addition to the spears and double-pointed sticks, a charred wooden stick made of spruce and measuring 87.7 by 3.6 cm was also found at Schöningen 13 II-4, and is interpreted as a possible skewer.[37] Hundreds of additional wooden fragments from the site are the subject of ongoing research by a multidisciplinary team.

Also among the finds are the so-called 'clamp shafts', excavated from locality Schöningen 12b, a site that formed earlier than Schöningen 13 II-4. These tools were made from the extremely hard wooden branch-bases of the European silver fir. They are noticeably worked and may have been used as handles for stone tools.[38]

As of 2015, around 1500 stone tools and over 12,000 animal bones were found.[39] The stone tools comprise denticulates, some bifacially worked tools, retouched flakes and scrapers, but there are no handaxes or handaxe thinning flakes.[40] As such the stone tools are interpreted as late Lower Palaeolithic in nature. The majority of animal bones with signs of butchery belong to an extinct species of horse (Equus mosbachensis). Also present are red deer and large bovids.[41][42] Marks on the bones suggest that the humans had first access to the carcasses, and that carnivores such as wolves and sabre-tooth cats accessed the bones later. Marks from stone tools suggest that humans worked together to butcher their prey.[43] Bone tools have also been discovered in the 'Spear Horizon', and are suggested to have been used for knapping flint and for breaking open other bones for marrow.[44]

Thanks to excellent preservation conditions, there are many finds of small animals, among them small mammals, fish, mollusks and insects. Together with the carpological remains, they enable a detailed reconstruction of the climate and the environment, and show that the site of 13 II formed towards the end of the interglacial.[45]



The Neanderthals in Europe and the Middle East


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Neanderthals - White people in 400,000 - 24,000 BC - Wardruna - Gibu


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Who were the Neanderthals? | DW Documentary

 Long before Homo sapiens populated the earth, the Neanderthals lived in Eurasia.

Now, paleoanthropologists in England and France are using new archeological methods to shed light on some previously unexplained Neanderthal mysteries.

In an age clouded by the mists of time, the first early humans colonized the Eurasian continent. They settled on land that had only recently been covered by glaciers. This species, called Neanderthals, died out about 30,000 years ago -- but at one time, they formed the largest group in an area that stretched from northern France to the Belgian coast and from the Channel Islands to southern England.

During the last Ice Age, the North Sea was frozen over -- and the English Channel was a small river that could easily be crossed on foot. The Neanderthals lived in close harmony with their perpetually changing environment. They had everything they needed to survive: the meat of prey animals, edible wild plants, water and wood for cooking and heating. How did these early humans develop over almost 300,000 years? What were their lives like before they became extinct?

Our documentary is based on the latest research. We investigate various populations of Neanderthals, and visit archaeological sites in northern France, southern England, and on the island of Jersey.

Renowned researchers such as the British paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer and his French colleague Ludovic Slimak describe how the Neanderthals lived, and discuss their cognitive abilities. Was this species capable of structured thinking? Did they have cultures, languages, and societies? How intelligent were they, and what sort of adaptive strategies kept them alive for 300,000 years? How similar were they to modern-day humans?

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 Map of remains of Neanderthals.

My Ancestors on my Father's side, were from England. My DNA results showed I have a good amount of Neanderthals I my blood. Iva always wanted to learn more about them. I thank you so much for sharing this important History with us. I'm thrilled to learn about my Ancestors, finally. My Father's side had similar Characteristics that you mentioned, with the height nose etc. I share some as well. Please share more info if you can. I loved this. Thank you!!!
Victorian humans were shorter on average than modern humans due to chronic malnourishment. Perhaps on average slightly taller than Neanderthals.


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How scientists recreated Neanderthal man

  • 23 October 2012

A team of scientists has created what it believes is the first really accurate reconstruction of Neanderthal man, from a skeleton that was discovered in France over a century ago.

In 1909, excavations at La Ferrassie cave in the Dordogne unearthed the remains of a group of Neanderthals. One of the skeletons in that group was that of an adult male, given the name La Ferrassie 1.

These remains have helped scientists create a detailed reconstruction of our closest prehistoric relative for a new BBC series, Prehistoric Autopsy.

How Scientists Recreated Neanderthal Man

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Ancient genomes 2: Neandertals within us

 Neanderthal Gene Cluster More Common in Europeans

Neanderthals are not entirely gone. Their DNA lives on within us, but more in some people than others. People of European ancestry are much more likely to have inherited a bundle of Neanderthal variants in their genome as compared to those of Asian or African descent.

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Reconstructed Face Of Neanderthal Woman

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Posted on April 3, 2014

Europeans Have Three times More Neanderthal Genes for Lipid Catabolism than Asians or Africans

Science Daily, April 2, 2014

Contemporary Europeans have as many as three times more Neanderthal variants in genes involved in lipid catabolism than Asians and Africans.

Although Neanderthals are extinct, fragments of their genomes persist in modern humans. These shared regions are unevenly distributed across the genome and some regions are particularly enriched with Neanderthal variants. An international team of researchers led by Philipp Khaitovich of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai, China, show that DNA sequences shared between modern humans and Neanderthals are specifically enriched in genes involved in the metabolic breakdown of lipids. This sharing of genes is seen mainly in contemporary humans of European descent and may have given a selective advantage to the individuals with the Neanderthal variants.

The researchers analyzed the distribution of Neanderthal variants in the genomes of eleven contemporary human populations of African, Asian and European descent. They found that genes involved in the lipid synthesis contained a particularly high number of Neanderthal variants in contemporary humans of European origin, but not in Asians and Africans.

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Neanderthal, 'The lost face of Humanity'!

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White Neanderthal group picture taken from above video

Neanderthal family.

Ancient Music - Cavemen

175,000 year old evidence that the first inhabitants of Europe were highly underestimated. The best forensic artists reconstruct their faces from the actual skulls with staggering result. Our cousins were beautiful. If you do not have any African genes, science says you are related to these folks from the beginning.

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Some Neanderthal females and males wouldn't look out of place in most parts of the western world. This assumes early 21st Century clothing and hairstyles, of course.

2 pictures on right taken from the video above " 175,000 Year old evidence that the first inhabitants of Europe were highly underestimated. The best forensic artist reconstruct their faces from the actual skulls with staggering result.   .The most deeply rooted Morphological comparison between Neanderthals and modern Europeans immediately reveals striking similarities in unique physical traits not found among Africans."

Neanderthal Hair  and Skin Colour.



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 The Red Headed Neanderthal


 "Some Neanderthals were redheads, a DNA study has shown."
Neanderthals 'were flame-haired'

...Genes for skin colour and hair colour are obvious early targets for scientists engaged in these efforts.
Pale skin - along with red or brown hair - appears to be the product of lower levels of sunlight present in areas further from the equator such as Europe.

...In Neanderthals, there was probably the whole range of hair colour we see today in modern European populations, from dark to blond right through to red.
Dr Carles Lalueza-Fox

Did the Neanderthal DNA give European blue eyes?

"DNA from our shorter, stockier cousins may be influencing skin tone, ease of tanning, hair color and sleeping patterns of those of present-day Europeans, according to a study from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology published Thursday in the American Journal of Human Genetics."

Neanderthal DNA Influences the Looks and Behavior of Modern Humans

DNA taken from Neanderthals show they had the same colouring as modern Europeans and Middle Eastern people. Some Neanderthals had light hair, eyes and skin, while others had olive skin and dark hair, eyes:

Struggling to get a tan? Blame your Neanderthal ancestors

"Both fossil and genetic evidence indicate that Neanderthals and modern humans evolved from a common ancestor at least 500,000 years ago."

How are blue eyes represented in the DNA of Neanderthals?

Imagined drawing of a Neanderthal based on skeletal remains and research.DNA from Neanderthals shows they influenced the way some modern humans look:

Neanderthal Genes Help Shape How Many Modern Humans Look

Europeans carry a Neanderthal gene, BNC2 which affects skin colour and is found in 70% of Europeans:

Surprise! 20 Percent of Neanderthal Genome Lives On in Modern Humans, Scientists Find

Neanderthals had different hair, eye and skin colour just like modern White Europeans. DNA taken from two female Neanderthals showed they had brown eyes but also carried genes for blue eyes:

Were Some Neandertals Brown-Eyed Girls?

"The new study, to be published in the American Journal of Human Biology later this spring, looks at the genomes of three female Neandertals from Croatia. Their DNA was the basis of the first effort to compile a complete Neandertal genetic sequence, which was published in 2010.

The researchers focused their attention on 40 well-studied stretches of genetic material that help determine pigmentation in living people. A particular form of the gene known as TPCN2, for example, bestows brown hair in modern humans; any other form means hair that's another color.

One complication is that traits such as hair color are controlled by multiple genes. To determine the cumulative impact of multiple genes on one trait, the authors assumed they could simply add together the impact of individual genes. The female Neandertal known as Vi33.26, for example, had seven genes for brown eyes, one for "not-brown" eyes, three for blue eyes, and four for "not-blue eyes." By the researchers' reckoning, that means a six-gene balance in favor of brown and a negative balance for blue, so Vi33.26's eyes were probably brown. According to this method, all three Neandertals had a dark complexion and brown eyes, and although one was red-haired, two sported brown locks.

Study author Tábita Hünemeier of Brazil's Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul says she's not surprised by the results. "There was a large population of Neandertals in Europe," she says. "It's impossible that an entire population has red hair or blue eyes."

 "Other archaeological evidence unearthed at Neanderthal sites provides reason to believe that Neanderthals did in fact have a diverse diet. Microfossils found in Neanderthal teeth and food remains left behind at cooking sites indicate that they may have eaten wild peas, acorns, pistachios, grass seeds, wild olives, pine nuts and date palms depending on what was locally available."

I am clearly descendant of Neanderthal. Don't know how far back and what other ancestors were but I have a triangular face, stocky built, bump in the back of my head and I can tolerate cold climate. On top of that the outline of the hand left by Neanderthal matches my hand. In short, I am a white European descended from people that lived there for hundreds of thousands years.

Neanderthals vs Cro-Magnon (Modern European Caucasians )



The Neanderthals first appeared in Europe about 700,000 years ago and died out some 28,000 years ago. Some DNA testing on Neanderthal bones has revealed they were light-skinned as European Caucasians are today and some had red hair. They had a brow ridge and were shorter than the Ice Age Europeans. The Neanderthal skull image (below), displays the brow ridge.  The drawing of the Neanderthal man (pictured right), demonstrates their features are not too dissimilar to Europeans today.

400 thousand year old Neanderthal skull remains found in Spain.  Displayed in Natural History Museum in London.The globalist promote that the first Ice Age White European Caucasians are believed to have moved into Europe approximately 40,000 years ago. The question is; where did the Caucasoids people from Europe and the Middle East come from?  Their skeletons have not been found in Africa so it is believed by many, the Caucasoids originated somewhere in the Caucasus region of Southern Russia and developed from Neanderthals.

The skeletons of Europeans and many people who live in the Middle East are the same and some people in the Middle East have European features and some have the Middle Eastern looks, and both groups are called Caucasoids. These Caucasoids migrated into Europe and the Middle East who replaced the Neanderthals.

When Modern Caucasoids migrated into the Middle East and Europe certain changes occurred within both these groups.  Those who moved into Europe had brown eyes and over time many developed blonde hair and blue or green eyes, while many of those who went into the Middle East have predominantly kept their darker hair and brown eyes.

When discussing why Neanderthals became extinct and Modern Caucasoids survived, it has been estimated there has been no more than 50,000 Neanderthals living in Europe and one predominant theory was that physical conflicts resulted in the demise of Neanderthals. They had a lower birth rate and could not compete against European Caucasians therefore, over time they disappeared. Article in Nature recently published research on archaeological cave settlements which were found in Western Galilee, Israel, demonstrating both groups of modern humans and Neanderthals lived at the same time just a short distance from each other with peaceful interaction being demonstrated. 

Scientists in Western Galilee, Israel, unearthed skull remains of both modern man and Neanderthals who lived in the same area about 55,000 years ago.  New theories have shown the Neanderthals were not as resourceful as mankind today.

Map of Europe during the last Ice Age The map on the right shows Europe during the Ice age approximately 10,000 years ago showing a very different world than to what it is today.

During the Ice Age in Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East there was no Christianity; no Islam; no Jewish religion; no Talmud; no Hindu religion. Over a period of time religions have been created by man who adapted their ancient family custom beliefs and has taken over and claimed by the modern religions of today. Many people today have become religious fanatics resulting in millions of people being killed causing much suffering. We the People should learn our family history, customs and beliefs which were practiced before modern religion took over.

During the Ice Age, Europeans lived in small family groups often wandering over large areas they controlled and expanding their numbers from small groups into tribal groups leading into nations.

Genographic Project/Neanderthals  

For Neanderthals to kill their prey, they had to be very close to an animal to spear it and many were injured due to their hunting methods.  For example; some Neanderthal skeletons revealed broken bones which had healed. The average Neanderthal probably lived no more than 30 years. Around the end of the Ice Age, there was great fluctuation in the climate with periods of heavy snow and warming. During this time many animals became extinct. 

During this period, some inland Neanderthals appeared to have starved with evidence showing that they practiced cannibalism to survive. Remember that historically, people have resorted to cannibalism in extreme cases such as plane crashes.  Neanderthals living along coastal areas survived without the same hardships due to fishing.  This is particularly the case with the Neanderthals who lived around the Rock of Gibraltar, Southern Spain, where there are many caves. Some of these caves today are filled with water, however, during the Neanderthal period, the ocean was about 300 feet lower than it is today.  The Neanderthals who lived there survived by eating seafood and did not practice cannibalism.  DNA testing today shows that Neanderthal men bred with women from other Neanderthal groups, but due to the fact that their population was reduced in inland areas, subsequently the shortage of women led to inbreeding amongst themselves. Neanderthals lived in small groups and due to their harsh lifestyle, very few Neanderthal children reached adulthood with all these factors leading to their gradual decline.

 The Real Neanderthal Man 1-of-5

Discovery Channel Neanderthal Part-7-10

Decoding Neanderthals


Neanderthal Caves



They just can't have lived primarily in caves. There just aren't that many caves. How would the population of one cave make it hundreds of miles to the next viable cave, not to mention finding it. Nor do caves offer obvious protections superior to those of primitive man-made dwellings like yurts and teepees. What caves do, is help preserve the bones, so that we can find them. The bones that are not in caves or mashes or mud pits would have rotted away. Of the probably tiny percentage of Neanderthals who actually did happen to live in caves, those are the ones whose bones we find(Hominids don't tend to live in mud pits or marshes.)

"La Cotte de St Brelade is a Paleolithic site of early habitation in Saint Brélade, Jersey. Cotte means "cave" in Jèrriais. The cave is also known as Lé Creux ès Fées (The Fairies' Cave).[1][2]

Neanderthals lived there at various times between around 250,000 years ago and after 48,000 years ago—making it the earliest known occupation of the Channel Islands by a hominin species, and also possibly one of the last Neanderthal sites in northwestern Europe. It is the only site in the British Isles to have produced late Neanderthal fossils.[3][4]

At that time, with sea levels slightly below those at present, Jersey was part of Normandy, a peninsula jutting out from the coast, and La Cotte would have been a prominent landmark on the dry plain that linked Jersey to the French mainland. It was not until after the last Ice age that the sea eroded the coastline, separating first Guernsey, then Jersey and finally the Écréhous from the mainland."Wikipedia.

At home with the Neanderthals: Excavations at La Cotte de St Brelade

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Caves at Gibraltar.

Gorham's Cave Gibraltar in Europe

Our Neanderthals - Episode 1

Our Neanderthals - Episode 2

Other areas used mostly wood if trees were available, and places that had caves were the last to build houses, they had little dwellings for hunters when they went out on hunting trips before houses were made too, also there were houses found in the czech republic area that date to around 30,000 bc, so different areas start building houses at different times-

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10 Surprising Facts About The Neanderthals Who Were Not As Primitive As Previously Thought

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Excellent demonstration and the success was fast . Good quality pyrite is hard to find and the sparks are difficult to see unless in low light . The Old Ones must have considered viable pyrite like gold . Congrats for living where Daldinia is . Thanks again for another great video and all the best .

 Glue Makers

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Neanderthal Glue Makers | National Geographic


acerb45666555  edited

 They made glue from birch trees, this means they sometimes lived in a thickly wooded area.
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 Neanderthal Breast Feeding and Teeth.


 "From drinking mom’s milk to nursing a winter illness, the new study reveals some surprising details about our ancient cousins."

What's more, the researchers used oxygen isotopes to determine that one Neanderthal youngster was born in the spring. After nursing for 2.5 years, the hominin was weaned from its mother's milk in the fall.

 Neanderthal teeth reveal intimate details of daily life

 "Neanderthals shows that our earliest ancestors practiced a primitive form of dentistry, using a toothpick-like tool to help alleviate a toothache".

Study: Neanderthals Practiced Primitive Dentistry To Treat Toothaches

Neanderthal tools and boats.


IT LOOKS like Neanderthals may have beaten modern humans to the seas. Growing evidence suggests our extinct cousins criss-crossed the Mediterranean in boats from 100,000 years ago – though not everyone is convinced they weren’t just good swimmers.

Neanderthals lived around the Mediterranean from 300,000 years ago. Their distinctive “Mousterian” stone tools are found on the Greek mainland and, intriguingly, have also been found on the Greek islands of Lefkada, Kefalonia and Zakynthos.

Neanderthals were ancient mariners

  Prehistoric Craft

They made nice tools


“The tools we’ve found at the site are technologically advanced and potentially older than tools in Britain belonging to our own species.”

Give Neanderthals Some Credit: They Made Nice Tools

"It appears that Neanderthals created specialized tools before they met Homo sapiens."

Neanderthals Prove Crafty



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Levallois Core Technology: An Alternative Way of Making Stone Tools

 In this video, Dr. James Dilley explores the Mousterian (Mode 3) style of flintknapping known as “prepared core technology” or the “Levallois technique”. The Levallois technique requires a high level of skill and cognition to plan several steps ahead during the flintknapping process (Schlanger 1996) as the shape and preparation of the core determines the shape of the flakes that are removed. By creating a prepared core, successfully removed flakes are detached which have a size and shape determined to some extent by the maker. This allows a flintknapper to detach large flakes with razor sharp edges that would make suitable cutting tools, or triangular flakes suitable for spear points.

I started studying American Lithics in 1993 and have found Lavallios points and a Lavallios Prepared Core. Our Lithics are coming across the Atlantic Ocean from Iberia and North Africa. We do not have Asian lithics.


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How To Make A Palaeolithic Handaxe - Flintknapping for #KnapTime (E2)

Join experimental archaeologist, Dr. James Dilley, for #KnapTime where he will be explaining and demonstrating the prehistoric technique of flintknapping. This week we'll be taking a trip back to the beginning of the human timeline, exploring the Palaeolithic period and its most iconic tool - the handaxe.

Before you join in and have a go at flintknapping yourself, be sure to watch the all important Flintknapping Health & Safety video:







 Prehistoric string theory


"CALL it prehistoric string theory. The earliest evidence of string has been found – apparently created by our Neanderthal cousins".

 World's oldest string found at French Neanderthal site



 “It’s really well understood that bacteria are swapped between people when they kiss,” says Weyrich. It’s possible that humans and Neanderthals kissed during sex 110,000 years ago, which could explain why the descendants of those interbreeding events – including both the El Sidrón Neanderthals and modern humans – ended up with similar forms of M. oralis bacteria in their mouths."

/ Neanderthals may have medicated with penicillin and painkillers



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Story of Neanderhtal Man's Flute

In 1996 archaeologists led by dr. Ivan Turk found the femur of a young cave bear with four holes in the palaeolithic Divje babe site. The age of the find was estimated at more than 45.000 years, which means that it is originated from Neanderthal times. Archeologists tried first to answer the following questions: is the find the work of human hands and can we assume that it is a flute? Videofilm shows the path that led archeologists to find answers to these questions.



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WORLD'S OLDEST INSTRUMENT played by Ljuben Dimkaroski (Divje babe cave)

 Ljuben Dimkaroski performs on the worlds oldest instrument replika in front of Divje babe cave. / Ljuben Dimkaroski igra na repliko najstarejšega znanega glasbila pred jamo Divje babe.

World's Oldest Musical Instrument

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Neanderthal Bone Flute Music

 "Short film, full title is Playing the Neanderthal flute of Divje babe, is authored by Sašo Niskač, music is performed by Ljuben Dimkaroski, scientific adviser is Dr. Ivan Turk, archaeologist. Extraordinary find from 1995 in Divje babe cave site, western Slovenia, it is most comprehensively described in the paper at, was met with great enthousiasm on one side and with great scepticism on the other side of the scientific audience, for details see Only in 2009 the dilemma if the holes in the bone were accidental or purpose-made, was finally resolved."

 Jim Walker

60,000 year old flute. There is no way a carnivore made those holes by chance. If it is true that Neanderthal had music and art we have to reevaluate everything we think we know about our mysterious cousins.
I am speach less. Hearing sounds of a musical instrment dating back 60,000 years.
I agree. I don't think Neanderthals were dumb, and I also feel that they had cultures, languages, and even spirituality, if some of their alleged burial rituals are anything to go by. I believe they were, in essence, just as 'human' and I am.

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Prehistoric bear jawbone from Potočka Zijalka cave -- also the oldest musical instrument

Edited. The Bear " jawbone's nerve canal is a natural whistle pipe. Jawbones from Potočka Zijalka cave, Mokriška Jama (Mokrica cave) and Betalov Spodmol cave, with snapped off crown outgrowths (and such is the case with the majority of the finds) and with one hole or more (or indeed even without) could all serve as musical instruments. If the crown outgrowth is snapped off, it is easier to get to the natural, sharp jaw flute mouthpiece (a sharp opening into the nerve canal). When the prehistoric hunter sipped the nutritious marrow out of the canal, the jawbone would have become audible as a result. Thus a spontaneous discovery could have led to the deliberate use and making of these prehistoric instruments, which closely linked man with the bear in rituals of worship -- at the time of the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (White Europeans), the bear was the most venerated being. The jawbones, or supposed musical instruments, from Potočka Zijalka do indeed date back to the Cro-Magnon period (30,000 to 35,000 years before the present), while the jawbone with one hole from Betalov Spodmol dates back to Neanderthal times (40,000 years ago) and therefore to the same period of time as the now already famous flute from Divje Babe. Many of the finds from Potočka Zijalka were unfortunately destroyed during the bombing of Celje during World War II. It is quite likely that these bear jawbones, which are above all a Slovenian peculiarity, are of the same age (certainly at least the one from Betalov Spodmol) and equally important musical instruments as the flute from Divje Babe, which is today considered among the oldest in the country and indeed the world. All of them are probably the work of human hands.

In short, jawbones are instruments if they have holes in them and even if they do not, as even an empty mandibular canal can sound a few tones."

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Neanderthal Engravings



Groundbreaking discovery at Gorham's Cave: Neanderthal engravings found

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Using a relatively new dating technique, archaeologists determined that paintings found in three caves in Spain were created by Neanderthals more than 64,000 years ago — about 20,000 years before some scientists believe white Europeans arrived in Europe.

  Newly-Found Ancient Cave Paintings Show Neanderthals Were Artists Before Modern Humans

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Neanderthals unite around shared beliefs, forming the basis for early religion.

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Neanderthal, 'The lost face of Humanity'!

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Neanderthals placed cave bear skulls in stone walled pit.

Cave Bear - Ancient Animal

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Cave Bear - Ancient Animal

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Cave Bear - Ancient Animal

Truly a monster of a bear, especially for it being primarily vegetarian. Cave lion bones are found in cave bear dens. Would almost certainly be a death sentence for any predator to walk into a cave and the bear wasn’t fully hibernating


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6. Hunting with Neanderthals - OUT OF THE CRADLE [人類誕生CG] / NHK Documentary

 Neanderthals were a hominin species closely related to modern humans that appeared around 400,000 years ago and relied on their superior physical strength as they hunted in the forested areas of Eurasia.

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Grizzly bear takes shotgun blast at point-blank range and keeps charging | New York Post

 When a Canadian family noticed a group of bears on their property, the father attempted to scare them off by firing a warning shot into the air. Unfortunately, this provoked the mother bear, who charged. Amazingly, the man was able to fire off his last shot, momentarily knocking the beast off her feet and giving him enough time to make it back to safety. He later tracked the bear family, and believes while the mama bear is sore, she's okay.

We’re literally witnessing a man that was feet away from being mauled and ripped apart alive by a Grizzly. Dude literally saw death in the face. Was saved by his shotgun
Never try to intimidate a Momma bear with Cubs. That's when they are most willing to attack and defend. I know a woman who was killed walking her dog because she encountered a Momma bear with cubs and the dog starting barking and being aggressive and the momma bear went after the dog and killed it and turned on the woman and mauled her to death in a matter of just a few minutes.
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Explorer Returns With Chilling Information About Deepest Cave On Earth


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 Neanderthals were thoughtful and cared about each other.

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  The Neanderthals That Taught Us About Humanity

Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Neandertals were thought to have been…primitive. Unintelligent, hunched-over cavemen, for lack of a better word. But the discoveries made in that Iraqi cave provided some of the earliest clues that Neanderthals actually behaved -- and likely thought and felt -- a lot like we do.

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Cecily Cook

Love these videos. Was able to trace my fathers lineage all the way back to Neanderthal (bad joints, osteoarthritis/arthritis, degenerative diseases are common on my dads side as well)

Harry G-man

Maybe the tribes of Neanderthals looking after these old boys thought that they had earned a more comfortable life. They had done so much and endured so much for the tribe that they wanted to look after them and keep them around, even crippled and old, because of the knowledge and experience they had.

 J So

This is incredible. I remember when I first heard of evidence of Neanderthal burial rites, and how shocking that was, but as the evidence grows it seems shocking that we doubted.

 J R

Made me feel sorry for a guy who's been dead for thousands of years.

 Ian Macfarlane

This really shouldn't be that surprising - all Great Apes care for each other and many other animals do the same. There's no reason to imagine that Neanderthals didn't share the full gamut of human emotions including love, empathy and respect for each other. The Old Man of La Chappelle (Dave?) and Shanidar One presumably lived with their extended families, and particularly with the latter his injuries might have occurred during a hunt as a youth - either an interaction with a large animal or a fall from height, and in that case he'd have sacrificed his mobility for the group. When I see how similar we are to Chimps, Benobos, Gorillas and Orang Utan I can only imagine that Neanderthals were almost exactly like us in every regard.

 Sungill Kim

If the Neaderthals were similar to us, the length of pregnancy and helplessness of the newborns would have made essential the need for community caring.

Neanderthals dosed themselves with painkillers and possibly penicillin, according to a study of their teeth.

One sick Neanderthal chewed the bark of the poplar tree, which contains a chemical related to aspirin.

He may also have been using penicillin, long before antibiotics were developed.

The evidence comes from ancient DNA found in the dental tartar of Neanderthals living about 40,000 years ago in central Europe.

Microbes and food stuck to the teeth of the ancient hominins gives scientists a window into the past.

Flower Burial

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https:/ Neanderthal -Shanidar cave Kurdistan

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Shanidar Cave, Barzan-Kurdistan

Shanidar Cave

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shanidar Cave (Kurdish: Zewî Çemî Şaneder ,ئەشکەوتی شانەدەر‎,[1][2] Arabic: كَهَف شانِدَر[3]) is an archaeological site located on Bradost Mountain in the Erbil Governorate of Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq.[4] Anthropologist Ralph Solecki led a crew from Columbia University to explore the site beginning in 1951. With the accompaniment of Kurdish workers, the group excavated the Shanidar Cave and found the remains of eight adult and two infant Neanderthals, dating from around 65,000–35,000 years ago.[5][4] These individuals were uncovered amongst a Mousterian layer accompanied by various stone tools and animal remains. The cave also contains two later proto-Neolithic cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 individuals, and is considered by Solecki to belong to the Natufian culture.[6]

The skeleton of Shanidar 4, an adult male aged 30–45 years, was discovered by Solecki in 1960,[21] positioned on his left side in a partial fetal position.

For many years, Shanidar 4 was thought to provide strong evidence for a Neanderthal burial ritual. Routine soil samples from around the body, gathered for pollen analysis in an attempt to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and vegetational history of the site, were analysed eight years after its discovery. In two of the soil samples in particular, whole clumps of pollen were discovered by Arlette Leroi-Gourhan in addition to the usual pollen found throughout the site, suggesting that entire flowering plants (or at least heads of plants) had been part of the grave deposit.[22] Furthermore, a study of the particular flower types suggested that the flowers may have been chosen for their specific medicinal properties. Yarrow, cornflower, bachelor's button, St Barnaby's thistle, ragwort, grape hyacinth, horsetail and hollyhock were represented in the pollen samples, all of which have been traditionally used, as diuretics, stimulants, and astringents and anti-inflammatories.[23] This led to the idea that the man could possibly have had shamanic powers, perhaps acting as medicine man to the Shanidar Neanderthals.[24][21]

  Neanderthals collected shells at the beach, just like us


 Cro Magnons (European Whites) vs Neanderthals

Neanderthal vs Cro Magnon

 Modern White Europeans

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female skull offers ‘oldest modern human genome’

Remains thought to be more than 45,000 years old have been used to reconstruct a complete set of DNA – known as a genome – of an early modern human.

The genetic information comes from a skull unearthed at a site near Prague in the Czech Republic. It was named Zlatý kůň, ‘golden horse’ in Czech, and is believed to be the oldest reconstructed modern human genome to date.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, suggest the woman had 3 per cent Neanderthal ancestry and lived nearer the time when Neanderthals were interbreeding with modern humans.

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 Kostenki 14. Image from the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.

 Groundbreaking genetic analysis of a 37,000-year-old human bone from Russia has revealed that modern Europeans have remained genetically identical from that time onward—and that there are increasing numbers of holes in the “out-of-Africa” theory of human development.

Groundbreaking Study of Ancient DNA Reveals Genetic Commonality to Modern Europeans

 Oldest remains found outside Africa may rewrite human migration to Europe



'Oldest remains' outside Africa reset human migration clock

 "A 210,000-year-old skull has been identified as the earliest modern human remains found outside Africa, putting the clock back on mankind's arrival in Europe by more than 150,000 years, researchers said Wednesday." Quote from Stormfront 

The Story of Humans and Neanderthals in Europe Is Being Rewritten

Ed Yong, Atlantic, July 10, 2019

In 1978, in a cave called Apidima at the southern end of Greece, a group of anthropologists found a pair of human-like skulls. One had a face, but was badly distorted; the other was just the left half of a braincase. {snip}


The one with the face, known as Apidima 2, is a 170,000-year-old Neanderthal—no surprises there. But the other, Apidima 1, was one of us—a 210,000-year-old modern human. And if the team is right about that, the partial skull is the oldest specimen of Homo sapiens outside Africa, handily beating the previous record holder, a jawbone from Israel’s Misliya Cave that’s about 180,000 years old. “I couldn’t believe it at first,” Harvati says, “but all the analyses we conducted gave the same result.”

Until now, most researchers have focused on the more complete (but less interesting) of the two skulls. “Apidima 1 has just been ignored,” says Harvati. But its antiquity matters for three reasons. First, it pushes back the known presence of modern humans outside Africa by some 30,000 years. Second, it’s considerably older than all other Homo sapiens fossils from Europe, all of which are 40,000 years old or younger. Third, it’s older than the Neanderthal skull next to it.

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Collectively, these traits mess up the standard story of Neanderthal and modern-human evolution. According to that narrative, Neanderthals slowly evolved in Europe, largely isolated from other kinds of hominins. When modern humans expanded out of Africa, their movements into Europe might have been stalled by the presence of the already successful Neanderthals. That explains why Homo sapiens stuck to a more southerly route into Asia, and why they left no European fossils until about 40,000 years ago. “The idea of Europe as ‘fortress Neanderthal’ has been gaining ground,” says Rebecca Wragg Sykes, an archaeologist from the University of Bordeaux, but identifying a 210,000-year-old Homo sapiens skull from Europe “really undermines that.”

“It suggests that early Homo sapiens groups got farther than we may have previously thought, occasionally occupying territories that later became that of Neanderthals,” adds Shara Bailey, an anthropologist at NYU. {snip}

The identity of Apidima 1 could also cast doubt on other archaeological finds from Europe, such as stone tools with no accompanying fossils. Researchers had long assumed that within a certain time window, “any archaeology was all the work of Neanderthals,” says Wragg Sykes. But if modern humans also occupied this “safe range,” which species actually created those artifacts?


How much information can scientists really glean from just the back of the skull, and just the left half at that? Actually, quite a lot, Harvati says: That region is very informative when telling different hominins apart. Apidima 1 lacks several traits that are distinctively Neanderthal, while its rounded shape “is considered to be a uniquely modern human feature that evolved relatively late,” Harvati says.

But “it doesn’t look like classic Homo sapiens,” says Wragg Sykes, who wonders whether it represents a group of humans that had been interbreeding with Neanderthals or other ancient hominins. “Obviously everyone is going to want to see DNA out of that skull,” she adds.


The Apidima skulls also suggest that the accepted story of Europe, in which modern humans eventually replaced the long-dominant Neanderthals, is too simple. Instead, Harvati thinks that modern humans were already in Greece about 200,000 years ago; they were then replaced by Neanderthals, who were themselves replaced by humans about 40,000 years ago. A similar cycle of competition, where Neanderthals and humans repeatedly replaced each other, seems to have happened in the Levant, the Middle Eastern region that includes Israel and Syria. {snip}


Greece is a good place to start. “It’s at the crossroads of three major continents, and it’s a refuge where animals and humans could survive at the height of the ice ages,” Harvati says. “You’d predict population dispersals and range contractions in these areas, the possibility for contact [between different groups], and a more diverse human-fossil record than you’d find in distant parts of Europe. There aren’t many fossils in the region, but it hasn’t been much of a research priority.”


First religion - they worship Life and Mother of Life *First abstract idea - Lion Man, representing Natural Law of Life *First social idea - Egalitarianism (almost unrealistic today).


AURIGNACIAN - the World's First Abstract Mindset Man from Europe

The video reveals the lifestyles of Ice Age hunters, how they started fire, type of hunting weapons they used and goes into some detail how the women contributed to their lifestyle and diet.

 Mystery of Life in the Paleolithic Age: Documentary on Stone Age Archaeology (Full Documentary)

Europeans,  Middle East Caucasoids, and Asians have Neanderthals DNA.



Genetic studies have indicated that non-Africans, (i.e. today’s Europeans and Asians), have between 1% – 4% of the genes from Neanderthals. The theory is that we obtained these genes from interracial relations with Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon (European Caucasians). This might be true in some cases however, there are some researchers who believe that a group of Neanderthals directly developed into Cro-Magnon man possibly in Eurasia. This means that Europeans and the rest of the Neanderthal population existed simultaneously for a very long time till the Neanderthals eventually died out and were replaced by Cro-Magnon man as the dominant hominid in Europe and the Middle East.  

For more information, have a read of David Duke's article discussing new research completed in 2012.

Ice Age White European houses and Culture






 Many people believe that early Europeans lived in caves, but evidence shows that this was not always true because there are not many caves people can live in.  Archaeological sites show that our European Ice Age ancestors made teepee type shelters.






Screenshot 6make tents

Imagine how much more ingenuity White European ancestors had to have before the advent of iron axes, scissors, and metal knives and moving to another campsites. This film was so fascinating.

  A Tent in Arctic Siberia - Living, Moving, and Making a Reindeer Skin Tent.

 In the far north of Siberia on the Yamal Peninsular a remote group of nomadic reindeer herders still live in tents whose design may date back thousands of years. The precursor to the modern tipi (tepee), the choom is made of fir poles and has covers of reindeer (caribou) hide. They move every few days throughout the winter so that the herd can gain access to the hidden fields of lichen that lie beneath the snow

What a barren landscape, nothing but snow and unforgivable cold. The women are amazing , so strong and resourceful. They can do anything. Also thank you very much for the person who filmed it in that brutal weather.

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  A Tent in Arctic Siberia - Living, Moving, and Making a Reindeer Skin Tent.


Nomadics Tipi Makers - Traditional Model Teepee (Tipis, Teepees)


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 25,000-Year-Old Building Made of 60 Mammoths | Science ...

Mar 16, 2020 — A Mysterious 25,000-Year-Old Structure Built of the Bones of 60 ... A jaw-dropping example of Ice Age architecture has been unearthed on Russia's forest steppe: a huge, ... Location of the mammoth bone structure found in modern-day ... them to be dwellings or “mammoth houses” that helped their builders .

 A Mysterious 25,000-Year-Old Structure Built of the Bones of 60 Mammoths

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25,000-Year-old Ice Age House Made From Mammoth Bones Discovered in Russia | Ancient Architects

 Back in 2014, researchers discovered a ‘mammoth house’ – a large circular structure that was built around 25,000 years ago, using the bones of 60 woolly mammoths. In this Ancient Architects video, I take a look at the discovery.

Excavations at the site began in 2015 and took three years to complete and have only just been published in the journal Antiquity and the findings are hugely important for our understanding of ancient humans.

The site of the large mammoth house also contains smaller buildings that were discovered back in the 1960s and 70s. It is located 310 miles south of Moscow and is now home to a museum.

The mammoth bone structures are not unique, examples are found right across Eastern Europe but until now, the oldest one was dated at 22,000 years old. Therefore the new discovery in Russia’s is the oldest example.

Experts have always said that these structures were built by roaming hunter-gatherers of the Palaeolithic, for refuge to survive the harsh winters of the ice age.

But the mammoth house found in Russia measures 30 feet by 30 feet. It is made from hundreds of mammoth bones and it would have taken considerable time and effort to make. For so-called hunter-gatherers, who roamed and didn’t spend a long time in one location, why would they go to so much trouble?

 Alain Vollant

Why looking so hard to explain what they have found? For whoever have lived close to a nomadic culture, you come to understand a few things... a wooden frame would have indicated a temporary structure to fit their nomadic lifestyle... so a bone structure is definitively a permanent encampment. Another fact often overlooked by archaeologist (specially when dealing with the north american tribes) is that a lost of those group were migrating following a repeating pattern or circuit... after a while, caches of food first, then certain structures (camp or cabin) were built to give the tribes an immediate shelter when arriving. The only rule was that you have to replace everything you have consumed so that the next group can use it too. After a while, those caches/camp became the part of a network of relay for the migrating groups. In regard of this particular one, I wont be surprise if they discover the site was use to process the mastodon meat and furs. Thus this camp would have been in use for 2-3 months then abandoned until the next migration.

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In Focus: Mammoth Bone Huts of Mezhirich


Extreme cold

"The last ice age swept northern Europe between 75,000 and 18,000 years ago, but it reached its most bone-chilling temperatures during a period lasting from about 23,000 to 18,000 years ago, when the circle at Kostenki 11 was built. 

During this time, the summers were short and cool, while the winters were long and cold, reaching temperatures as low as minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 20 degrees Celsius). These freezing temperatures prompted many human groups to head south, where prey and other resources were more abundant. Eventually, the community that built this bone circle left, too, even though there was a river nearby that could have provided them with fresh water, Pryor said."

 White Women Address In The Ice Age.

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 what north nomads ladies wear when -50C. Chukchee hygiene

Screenshot 11never wash skins

Using urine to process rain deer skin and moss for children’s urine must have been passed down for many generations! So incredible.















































Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before present

Pre Indo-European peoples of Europe From the Neanderthals and Cromagnon/Aurignacian modern humans in the upper paleolithic to the Minoan earliest .

What could be the oldest lifelike drawings of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. La Marche: (Magdalenian Cave Art). The cave .

Human figures, sculpted and engraved, found at Mas d'Azil - La Grotte du Mas d'Azil (Magdalenian, 16 000 - 15 000 BP) Disc showing a man and the paw of a



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This carving shows a woman holding a cattle horn and appears to be using it as a drinking item, similar to what the Vikings did. The horn could have been use as a trumpet with a hole at the pointed end.

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 Black Africans of the Zulu Tribe

Shembe: uDwendwe luka Msizi Sibiya esinelwa u-Andiswa Mbuyazi [ 1 6 - 0 5 - 2 0 2 1 ]

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Traditional culture is so powerful and vitally important, it represents the the ancestors who have put in place for us the seen and the unseen power to guide us. This was beautiful to see but I wish the majority of the people would not have worn European clothing for such a spiritual occassion.



Are these Goddess virgin? If so, they're the most holly women of Africa.
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If you look at the picture below, you will notice the women's clothing. It appears to show little function, with it simply appearing as a presentation piece. My guess the clothing is a decorative piece for dance. Similar to the young women in African tribes, especially the Zulus. They celebrated not being with a man in the form of a virgin dance. Some of the dances that Europeans celebrate today are presumably descendants of virgin dances practiced during the ice age.

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White female in Europe during the Ice Age showing dance outfits.

Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before presen

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Black African dancers.
Great dancers amazing way they moved their body to rhymed with the instruments played br
The Solutrean

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The Solutrean

 Solutreans and the earlier Ice Age Europeans

The Solutrean European (Epipaleolithic 22,000 to 17,000 years ago) Preceded by Gravettian. Followed by Magdalenian



White Men In The Ice Age


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(INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATIONS HERE: https://ultimatefashionhistorytransla...) In this first Ultimate Fashion History video, we're practically riding on dinosaurs (*joke) as we travel back to Prehistoric times, looking at clothing in the Neolithic and Paleolithic Eras, we'll speculate on The Birth of Style with those groovy Gravettians, and ultimately, we'll meet Otzi the Iceman.
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White Europeans made Clothing from animal skins and we can learn from other races

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 Tuktu- 1- His Nice New Clothes (making clothes from animal skins)

 Learn about traditional Inuit culture from this fascinating series. This series documents cultural practices, skills, and values in Nunavut in northern Canada. Each episode focuses on a different topic, and does a good job of celebrating the skills and resourcefulness of the Inuit.

A woman is a wife, mother, home maker, dress maker, food maker ,shoe maker, house builder....and what not? She is all in all! The epitome of "Shakti" or The Energy! ?


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  Una historia de vasconia | 1.- El mito de la caverna

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The Atlatl, or Spear-Thrower


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 Spearthrower made of antler showing a young ibex (or possibly a chamois) with an emerging turd on which two birds are perched, found around 1940 in the cave of Le Mas d'Azil, Ariege. This was one of the first examples of mass produced art. Fragments of up to ten examples of this design have been found, which means that scores or hundreds must have been manufactured originally. The joke must have been very popular amongst the people of the time! The ibex figure alone is about 7 cm long, and dates to about 16 000 BP. The entire propulseur is 29.5 cm in length. The engraved line along the body of the animal possibly represents a change in the colour of the coat. Although most authorities give the interpretation of a turd with birds above, Bandi (1988) proposes that the 'sausage' coming out of the back of the ibex/chamois is the sac of an infant, and the animal is giving birth. The reasons given are that animals never look back to see their own excrement, but usually do so when giving birth. In addition, the author says that the object is too thick to be excrement, it is much more likely to be the sac of an infant. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Facsimile, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye

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The atlatl, or spear-thrower, was a revolutionary invention.

7. The Prehistoric Missile - OUT OF THE CRADLE [人類誕生CG] / NHK Documentary

White people were less robust and muscular than Neanderthals, but they compensated for their physical disadvantage by harnessing technology. In the series "Out of the Cradle," NHK tracks the evolutionary journey of prehistoric primates over the course of 7 million years as they grew into the dominant species on Earth. This series uses CGI technology from the world’s foremost video game creators to tell the story of human ancestors with extraordinarily lifelike visuals.

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Atlatl throwing

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Bows and arrows.


The invention of spears and bows and arrows may have helped early humans drive Neanderthals to extinctio

Around 45,000 years ago Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted in mainland Europe. However, over the course of the next 5,000 years the human population increased dramatically, allowing them to occupy new territories, while Neanderthals gradually died out

Exactly why this was the case has long eluded archaeologists, but now, an international team of researchers may have found the answer – modern humans developed projectile weapons such as spears and spear-throwers and bows and arrows to enable them to hunt more successfully than Neanderthals.

As a result, modern humans had ready access to food and were able to thrive while Neanderthals struggled to find sustenance and eventually went extinct.

The team found evidence of projectile weapons dating back 40,000 to 45,000 years, more than 20,000 earlier than any similar weapons found previously, in the Grotta del Cavallo, a limestone cave found in Southern Italy known to have been used by early modern humans during the Paleolithic era.

  48,000-year-old arrowheads found in Sri Lankan cave

 An international team of researchers have found a cache of immaculately preserved bone arrowheads in the cave of Fa-Hien Lena, deep in the heart of Sri Lanka’s rainforests. The find is evidence of the earliest use of bows and arrows anywhere outside of Africa, they say.

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Holmegaard bow

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The Holmegaard bows are a series of self bows found in the bogs of Northern Europe dating from the Mesolithic period.[1] They are named after the Holmegaard area of Denmark in which the first and oldest specimens were found, and are the oldest bows discovered anywhere in the world.

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  Maple Mollegabet (Holmegaard) Bow

67" 2" wide at bending limbs, hard maple bow. Pulls well over 65lbs. at 28" draw. In this video it is an unfinished self bow needing tiller adjustments and finish work. There are many variations to this design of bow. It is extremely versitile, fast, and was mass produced in its time. This design is one of my personal favorites in bow making.

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  Bringing a 23,000 Year Old Mammoth Ivory Boomerang to Life!

 Occoquan Paleotehnics demonstrates replica of paleolithic hunting weapon

The Mammoth Ivory Boomerang

Our first project in throwing technology here was replicating this famous archaeological find from 23,000 years ago, in what is now Poland.    The original was made in ivory, and is thought to be a throwing stick for hunting.  

Although called a boomerang, it would never have returned in  flight and was designed to go in a straight path toward target, with enough ballistic power to cripple even large game animals. Please check out our video here of the testing of our replicas.


Replica of the Oblazowa Cave Boomerang

 A functional replica of the 23,000 year old mammoth ivory boomerang found in Oblazowa Cave, Poland.   The original artifact belonged to the Pavlov Culture in paleolithic Europe.   It measured 70cm long(around 27.5 inches) and 6cm width.   The thickness was 1.5 cm.

Whites in Europe made rock weirs to obtain fish, we can learn from Tuktu people in North America.

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Tuktu- 7- The Ten Thousand Fishes (how to fish with a rock weir)

Just unbelievable. These films were financed by Henry Ford. So they wouldn't be lost in time. I think they were filmed about 70 to 80 years ago. There are at least 15 or more they are all great. Thanks Henry ford.
I grew up in the far northern Arctic Alaska, I was born 1954 and grew conscious of those around me at about 3. My grand parents wore exactly as you see the Natchelik wearing, but for us younger one already western shirts, pants, and for some that could afford parkas. My mother made me water proof mukluks, and fur parkas made from caribou skin. I believe we were the last generation to witness the fishing style of Canadian Natchilik. We are closely related the Natcheliq, my grandmother Ahqnagituak was from the area.
Fishing barbs
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What I find fascinating is the sharing of knowledge and skills from generation to generation, from community to community. There's a move to preserve this knowledge through bush craft. I wonder how much has been lost to time and so-called technology.
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Middle Neolithic, 6 300 - 6 200 years ago This fishing spear appears to have had three points, the classic trident, two of wood chosen and carved so as to be of a useful shape, with the third point formed of the extension of the spear shaft itself. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Artwork: © Roel Bakker.
Source and text: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden.
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This type of fishing barbs have found in white European Ice Age campsites

The detachable spear tip is a smart design. If the spear tip were just carved into the big piece of the spear, if the spear was one piece, after the tip pierces the fish and the one big piece floats to the top of the water, the fish would be able to more easily wiggle off the tip because of the stability of the long piece of wood floating in the water giving the fish something to have leverage against. But when the tip detaches from the big part of the spear and is in the fish underwater, as the fish wiggles to try to get free, the tip and sinew cord moves much more freely underwater with the fish's movements, giving the fish little resistance to wiggle away from. It's like a little Taoist Sun Tzu style yielding strategy mixed in: Let the spear tip move with the fish's struggling so the struggling is relatively made to be less movement. 
Although maybe it wouldn't matter if the spear was one big piece, because it looks like the fish are speared through pretty far. Is the detachable tip just so that if the tip breaks he doesn't have to make a whole new spear? Did I overthink it? He's just trying to save time making spears and I'm sitting here plotting how the fish will have no chance of escape? Or maybe the tip is for both reasons. Conveniently time-saving and providing more opportunity for the fish to help make the children happy.
That spear setup system if very clever, the string is attached to the spear tip, probably a piece of bone with a lot of time spent carving the point and barbs. This would be very light and compact while travelling and then any old stick could be used when you arrive at the destination.....This kind of thing is the biggest reason I still watch old doco's like this.
Yes they were eating fish raw.
Btw, I STILL don't get how they were able to keep their caches from the bears. Bears are stronger than any humans obviously, and they have an unmerciful sense of smell. So what's to stop a bear easily smelling the fish, then just as easily flinging those stones and snow and ice aside to get at them??? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Ropes and Fishing Lines and Hooks
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Fish on line .
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Join James as he takes you back to The Solutrean (22,000 - 18,000BP), a sub period of the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe. This relatively short period in the European Palaeolithic saw the production of some of the finest stone tools in the entire Palaeolithic. The tools produced were spearheads, flaked on both sides to a leaf shape. Watch Dr. Dilley as he demonstrates the prehistoric technique of flintknapping as he recreates a Solutrean Spearhead.
 Forest Dweller
"The evidence for the Solutrean theory is based on some similarities between the flaking of Solutrean points and Clovis points." No that is simply not true at all James. That hypothesis includes geographical or climate studies, pre-clovis technology and much much more. And there were not just "some similarities" in the technology The objects were so similar that discussion became about parallel evolution of the stonework possibly being the case. I love your channel mate but that is rather disrespectful of Stanfords work. It seems to be the trend to rag on him and he cannot defend himself anymore. Stanford spent decades in Alaska trying to prove the Bering land bridge theory and found nothing. He readily admitted there were multiple migrations happening and seafaring was the likely way this happened. As we now know boating was indeed underestimated hugely anywhere on earth. Stanford also mentioned the cave art of the Solutreans in Europe. Seals being hunted with spears. Halibut and obviously oceanic prey items. So there is no doubt at all the Solutreans went way out in the oceans. The fact Siberian ingress was proven by DNA in Anzick does not exclude other people arriving in America at all. It rather proves what Stanford said. The Solutrean hypothesis is the best evidenced of any by far. How many Polynesian or Siberian artifacts were found in America compared to that?
 J. B.
I have not rejected the Solutrean hypothesis. Ancient man did amazing things, and the Clovis people weren’t related to modern American Indians. They completely disappeared (archeologically) right before the immigration of those Siberians, who settled the Americas.
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  Solutreans: The First Americans Were White Europeans DNA proof

Join James as he takes you back to The Solutrean (22,000 - 18,000BP), a sub period of the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe. This relatively short period in the European Palaeolithic saw the production of some of the finest stone tools in the entire Palaeolithic. The tools produced were spearheads, flaked on both sides to a leaf shape. Watch Dr. Dilley as he demonstrates the prehistoric technique of flintknapping as he recreates a Solutrean Spearhead.


Ice Age White Europeans set foot on North America

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SOLUTREANS of EUROPE Settled America First

SOLUTREANS of EUROPE Settled America - Native Legends Describe Race of White Giants of Pre-Flood Stone Age. ~~ Links: 1) 2) Dr. Dennis J. Stanford speaks at the Emerson Center Stanford is director of the Smithsonian's Paleoindian/Paleoecology Program and Head of the Division of Archaeology. Stanford and Smithsonian.

STONE AGE EUROPEANS were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years, new archaeological evidence suggest

Solutreans:The first Americans. Dr Stanford Emerson centre 2012

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Lecture by Dr. Dennis Stanford, Head of the Archaeology Division, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution at the 2008 Nobel conference at Gustavus Adolphus College.

Solutreans:First Americans:The Ice-Age Discovery of the Americas: Constructing an Iberian Solution

Ice Age White Europeans came to American from Europe along the ice sheets and over time, interbred with the people who crossed the land bridge. That might explain why many Native Americans have European facial features.

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Picture taken from video below

European Ice Age Boats with Sails

Solutreans: The First Americans Were White Europeans DNA proof

 Finding America - Seeking New Paleolithic Paradigms

Ice Age and Clovis Culture - Dennis Stanford

 "Did you know that a sea-faring American tribe explored the shores of North America 7000 years ago? Or that these ancient Americans rivaled their European counterparts in navigational skills several millennia before the Vikings? Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist"

  Red Ochre, Red Paint, and the Peopling of the Americas - ROBERT SEPEHR

 Whites in America before the Vikings

Man created the dog 40,000 years ago.

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Dogs 10,000 Years Ago

While its fearsome ancestor, the wolf, was created by natural selection-it is man that created the dog. This film explores the greatest inter-speciesfriendship on Earth over the course of 40,000 years.

 Man Created Dog

Ancient canine DNA reveals diversity of Ice Age dogs

At least five different types of dog with distinct genetic ancestries existed in Europe around 11,000 years ago when humans were still hunter-gatherers, scientists have found.

The analysis is based on DNA sequenced from 27 ancient canine specimens from across Europe, the Near East and Siberia. Researchers say the findings, published in the journal Science, could shed light on the “inextricable bond between dogs and humans”.


  Case studyOpinionProfileSledding dogs are far older than previous

Sledding dogs are far older than previously thought, enabling man to hunt hibernating polar bears

By Anna Liesowska
26 June 2020

Remains from the Zhokhov island in the East Siberian Arctic show trained sled dogs existed almost 10,000 years ago.

The genome of the Zhokhov dog is directly related to the iconic modern-day Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute and Greenlandic sledge dog. Picture: Guide to Greenland

The training of these dogs happened thousands of years earlier than had been appreciated, according to new research published in Science on Friday.

DNA from dog bones from Zhokhov Island indicates that domesticated sled dogs were used by man in the Siberian Arctic at least 9,500 years ago, some 6,500 to 7,500 years earlier than many scientists had believed. 

The genome of the Zhokhov dog is directly related to the iconic modern-day Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute and Greenlandic sledge dog, but can also be traced back to Siberian wolves from 33,000 years ago.


DNA Sheds Light On Ancient History Of Dogs All The Way To The Ice Age

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26,000-Year-Old Footprints In Chauvet Cave: Oldest Evidence Of Human-Canine Relationship

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 Russian man feeds a wild wolf



Sorry to disillusion you,wolves kill many times only for bloodlust. A single wolf sometimes kills a herd of sheep for no rational reason.

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Bear hunting in the Siberian taiga in a den with huskies

 The hunters disturbed two bears in their den in the taiga and hunted them, almost shooting their own dog

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How Dogs (Eventually) Became Our Best Friends


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White people from ancient times used dogs for hunting.

Boar after Boar! WHAT A RUN! Pig hunting Australia

I really enjoyed this video. The dogs are in doggie heaven working together, they love working. Nice also to see the hunters working together with the native people for a common goal. I assume you dispatched the hogs with a strike to the heart? Many thanks for this video!

  WolfKiller dog vs Wolf real fight 2021 | TOP 10 most epic moments catch on Cameras

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Hunter in Spain using dog to kill deer.



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 Many ancient people in Europe protected their campsites with dogs to stop lions trying to enter tents to eat them.

Unhappy Campers Escape Lions At Night

 Unhappy campers surrounded by lions trying to enter their tent to eat them. Not a very pleasant situation to say the least.

Husband: "Honey, do you want to go tent camping in the middle of lion country?" Wife: "Sure babe, that sounds fun. Should we bring the hunting rifles?" Husband: "Nah. We don't need them. We will be perfectly safe from the lion's razor sharp claws in our paper-thin nylon tents. I will just use my big manly shout to scare them away if they try to get in the tents. Then, I will pop my head out of the tent to make sure they are gone...they wouldn't dare bite my face off, for I am the real KING OF THE JUNGLE!"


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How Doggerland Sank Beneath The Waves (500,000-4000 BC) // Prehistoric Europe Documentary




White people unite around shared beliefs, forming the basis for early religion.

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Prehistoric Beliefs - OUT OF THE CRADLE [人類誕生CG] / NHK Documentary

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In the picture above, you can spot the man on the slight left from the middle, he appears to be dressed up in bison skin and horns. The man appears to be acting as the animal in a dance ceremony. I believe our ancestors would dress up as their prey to get close enough to hunt them easier.

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Pre Indo-European peoples of Europe From Cromagnon/Aurignacian modern humans in the upper paleolithic to the Minoan earliest . What could be the oldest lifelike drawings of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. La Marche: (Magdalenian Cave Art). The cave .

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Cave Paintings and Art.


We've included some wonderful images of various cave painters and paintings and art found within Europe.

Europeans have lived in Europe for thousands of years and about 32,000 years ago painted at Chauvet Cave in France, Europe.

Many people believe that early Europeans lived in caves, but evidence shows that this was not always true because there are not many caves people can live in.  Archaeological sites show that our European Ice Age ancestors made teepee type shelters.

If you had mixed the ocher with animal fat, it would have acted like paint, and you could spread it much easier on the rock face. You can make finer lines or as wide as you want. The fat seeps into the rock and carries the color much better than dry powdered ocher. Ancient peoples did mix ocher/charcoal with fats to use as paint.


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The Worlds First Artists - A View into the Stone Age


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as an artist myself and a huge archeology and history enthusiast, i would probably cry visiting those caves and seeing those paintings. These ancient, beautiful art already send shivers down my spine just from watching this video.
Gordon Frickers
A facinating post thank you. I amazed and in awe of cave artists. I'm widely considered one of the foremost artists in my field today (with two websites) and yet when I see the achievements of 'cave artists' I am humbled by their skill knowing I could not do under their conditions what they did. I sincerely salute their achievements

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Roger Lynch
Interesting are also the more modern studies to Cave Painting. Some, were the light had reached them, even had been used as an astronomical calendar To certain times of years the light spot drops exactly on the same significant picture or drawing detail. So Caveman could follow the exact season changes. 2:02 I seriously like your maped overview about cave findings. It is worthwile to stop the the clip exactliy on this point and give this card for a moment it deserves. Guess East Europe is a bit underrepresented due to the political surcumstances of the COLD WAR age. Not to many studies went back and forth through the Iron Curtain. For example studies to the Bernstein trade routes were comming in fashion just after the Politcal Cnditions had changed because now the inter scientific exchange became much more room.

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Ruth Thinking, Outside.
The skills of the paleo artists in caves is just AMAZING.. some is SO realistic and evocative.. it’s stunning in its own right.. but when you factor in it’s FORTY THOUSAND YEARS OLD ??? just WOW.. so so so amazing.. ??? I love that they keep finding MORE!! It’s FANTASTIC ??

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They painted symbols.


Finger sign language

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  Cave Paintings May Depict Ice Age Sign Language

 Ancient stencils of hands with "mutilated" fingers may actually show a type of sign language used for hunting or silent rituals.


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Carving of European bison

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The Venus statute above represents women of all shapes and sizes; we think these represent female fertility.

From Lascaux to Chauvet in Europe to Australia, in this video discuss the many illustrations of now extinct prehistoric animals and how they can be significant to palaeontologists. Additionally, artwork created by our long dead ancestors can actually tell us a lot about prehistory we wouldn't know otherwise from cultural norms to religious beliefs. So I've taken the time to examine what prehistoric art can tell us. We will talk about everything from Irish Elk in Europe to Marsupial Lions in Australia.

 What can Stone Age art tell us about extinct animals?

When cavemen are more talented than art school graduates.
Personally, I think the most fascinating image is that last image outlining a human hand. If that is truly thousands or tens of thousands of years old, than isn't it amazing that we still do the same thing today? Children playing or in school paint their hands and create a hand print, a way to say "this hand print is mine, I was here", and in a way it's a relate-able message from a person whose lifestyle might not have been like ours, but who thought, felt, and imagined just like any other human. There's something incredible in that, that thousands of years ago another human sat in a cave, and wanted to say "I was here". It's a message that we shouldn't ever lose. When I saw the image, I turned and put my hand up to the wall, and tried to make the same shape, and that's something just about everyone can do. It's simply amazing.

Cave man porn, definitely cave porn. After all if these people had no civilization to say porn is wrong, there'd be tons of it.

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 What can Stone Age art tell us about extinct animals?

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"The sculptures are a unique wonder of the Art world. Two foot long, eighteen inches high, three to four inches thick, modelled in clay, the surface given a wet finish to make them smooth. The finger strokes of the artist can be seen running down the length of the animals. The mane and beard are etched with a tool, but the marking along the jawbones are done by the artist’s fingernail. The horns are rougher and not water treated. The clay has cracks running across the bodies, indicating that the sculptures have dried out, although the clay we were sitting on is still quite pliable". CAVE ART: BISON OF TUC D'AUDOUBERT


 Click on cave painters to enlarge.

Sketch of early humans creating works of art via cave paintings

Cave Paintings Beneath The Sea

Archaeology: The Cave Beneath The Sea (Documentary)

Ice Age Boats

In Northern Spain is the El Castillo Cave has many Ice Ages painting and it cannot be ruled out that some earliest paintings were created by Neanderthals, which were estimated to live in the Cantabrian regions until at least 42,000 to 36,000 years B.P.  The El Castillo Cave has Ice Age paintings that look like boats with sails.

Paleolithic Cave Arts in Northern Spain(1) El Castillo Cave, Cantabria

Lascaux Cave Paintings

Altamira Cave Paintings

Altamira: Magdelanian Cave Art

Lascaux Cave: Palaeolithic Cave Art

Cave Paintings and Sculptures in Europe

Trailer for Werner Herzogs incredible documentary – The Cave of Forgotten Dreams

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams – Trailer

Werner Herzog takes us on an incredible 3-D journey into the Chauvet caves in Southern France.  Enormous chambers with some of the oldest prehistoric art known to man.

Werner Herzog gains exclusive access to film inside the Chauvet caves of Southern France and captures the oldest known pictorial creations of humanity. For full Everest and other mountaineering.

  Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010) Full Documentary by Werner Herzog

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 2018 Hallam L. Movius, Jr. Lecture and Reception Randall White, Professor, Department of Anthropology, New York University

The earliest evidence of artwork made by modern humans, Aurignacian art, was created more than 35,000 years ago and has been found in French, German, and Romanian archaeological sites. Randall White will discuss the rich corpus of Aurignacian painting, engraving, bas-relief sculpture, musical instruments, and personal ornamentation that was studied before World War I in southwest France, along with recent discoveries from classic Aurignacian sites.

  Modern Humans’ Earliest Artwork and Music: New European Discoveries2,610 vie

Thousands of years before developed writing systems, todays Europeans Ice Age ancestors scrawled geometric signs on walls of the caves in Europe.

 Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe | Genevieve von Petzinger

 Prehistoric Cave Drawings Suggest Early Humans Were Advanced Astronomers


Cave paintings reveal ancient Europeans’ knowledge of the stars

 "Some of the world's oldest cave paintings have revealed how ancient people had relatively advanced knowledge of astronomy. Animal symbols represent star constellations in the night sky, are used to mark dates and events such as comet strikes, analysis from the University of Edinburgh suggests."

  Ancient Cave Paintings Show Early Humans Understood Complex Astronomy

Paleolithic Venus figures

Taken from Ancient OriginsScreenshot 2lionss

 'We all know what the perfect woman’s body looks like. Or do we?"

The Ideal Woman’s Body – a Gift of the Gods?

  Timeless Beauty of the 25,000-Year-Old Venus of Brassempouy

Ice Age Venus Figurines of the Eurasian Continent

An exploration of the revolutionary period of prehistory which began when humans abandoned the nomadic hunting and gathering existence they had known for millennia to take up a completely new way of life. The decisive move to farming and herding the nation of permanent settlements, and the discovery of metals setting the stage, for the arrival of the world's first civilization.

Ice Age Europe - Early Modern Cro-Magnon Human Culture

World's Oldest Flute Shows First Europeans Were A Musical Bunch

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  The DONG Of Humanity, Phallic Symbolism In History

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Very interesting information, it shows how many cultures were fairly open about the importance of Fertility and not ashamed to exert it. Though I find a lot of art works containing the 'Dong', I can't understand the censorship and taboo put on these items, why do they always have to hide them away in secret ? many collectors are serious and forced into the closet with labels of obscenity. As a wood carver I'd love to make some examples of these objects and alas it becomes difficult to advertise. Perhaps the more religious, liberals should be less judging. As T. Rex once said, 'Bang a Gong, Get in on'.

One observation I remember reading which I found interesting was that Ancient Greece, though its art was focused around the male form, also was specifically, simultaneously not 'Phallocentric' like some other cultures. Like the Egyptian statues you show which have the common magical association with the erection (probably as a kind of magic charm associated with childbirth), in Greece the 'dong' is depicted as unimposing, with the figures more graceful, dynamic, instead of being jagged and linear. It seems like different figures associated with sex/gender may have been used as charms, maybe idols imbued with powers, talismans, and often probably represented the type of culture, how they survived- which 'force' they became more dependent on, how it conflicted and crossed over into other areas. Erich Neumann's 'Origins of Consciousness' is still one of the best on this, I think, because he goes into the different core images, along with Eliades older work.
Sad to say that Anthropology started to take a dive after a certain point, especially in the 2000s, and a lot of that great work became co-opted and weaponized for military purposes (as detailed in David H Prices 'Cold War Anthropology')


Ancient humans were just as "cultured" as we are today!  While the Kanamara Matsuri in Kawasaki is arguably the most publicized phallus festival, outside of Japan, several rural communities throughout the country still hold a phallus procession when they celebrate the honensai - the harvest festival. My parents once told me that a few towns have been parading a phallus carving around, each year, for well over two thousand years. Usually, a seasoned log is carved into the required shape, with work starting a couple months before the day of the procession.
A wood phallus statue may be ritually burned in a bonfire at the end of the festival, but there exist examples which are erected in a shrine to keep it safe from the weather. The oldest, giant phallus carving that I know of is something like 300 years old and is kept in Aichi Prefecture.



Without ancient dongs....none of us would exist. Thank you ancients, right on.


This is a story about the oldest dong I have ever seen. While I was assigned to Udorn RTAFB. I was on my way home. We had a layover in Bangkok Thailand. While there, I visited the Wat Po, the temple the Reclining Buddha. On the temple grounds, they had a a statue of a dong that was over six feet tall. It was called the God Priapus. Women in Thailand would come and pray to it in hopes that they would get pregnant. They would also leave gifts for it. I don't know how long it had been there. This temple is the home of the largest Buddha in the world, the Reclining Buddha, over 90 feet long.


In Pompei I only saw one Phallus in a wall but it was like every building had a Phallus in a wall painting, of course in the brothel there were in every painting just about. Very amusing video Kayleigh.



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  The world's oldest musical instrument (40,000 BCE) Mammoth ivory and bird bone flutes Germany

 "First Musical Instruments (40,000 BCE) Mammoth ivory and bird bone flutes The discovery suggests the musical tradition was well established in Europe over 40,000 years ago. This mammoth ivory and bird bone flutes are oldest musical instruments ever found. "

 Isturitz, Oxocelhaya and Erberua Caves, in Europe where many prehistoric flutes were found

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  Isturitz, Oxocelhaya and Erberua Caves, where many prehistoric flutes were found

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If you look to the right you can make out two women or one man and women crawling through what appears a small tunnel, they both appear naked, and the last one appears to be wearing a foot, neck, and wrist bracelet.

There are a number of interesting representations of humans and anthropomorphic figures represented in the artefacts found in the cave. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya

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 This is a superbly realised sketch of a chamois head. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Facsimile, display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya

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Magdelanian (left): Spear tip with a double bevel. (right): Spear tip with a forked base. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2018
Source: Original, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye

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Magdelanian Needle polisher from la grotte d'Isturitz. Dimensions: length 97 mm, width 59 mm, thickness 42 mm. Catalog: MAN77155E1 Photo: Don Hitchcock 2018
Source: Original, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye

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(Left): Eyed needle.

(Right) Spear tip with a single bevel, grooved and engraved. This spear tip is of the Lussac-Angles type. These are from the Middle Magdalenian, and are rather short and wide to lanceolate, on a single bevel, sharp at the distal end, with a long unstriated bevel, always on the upper side, and a groove frequently on the underside. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2015
Source: Original, Musée d'Archeologie Nationale et Domaine, St-Germain-en-Laye

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 This phallus from Isturitz has very little documentation, and is mentioned only briefly in scholarly works. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya

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If you look for the 4th ivory task to the left, you will notice familiar symbols: The swastika is an ancient symbol of good fortune.

Magdelanian Baguettes demi-rondes from Isturitz. Photo: Don Hitchcock 2014
Source: Facsimile, display, Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya

Cooking secrets of the Neolithic era revealed in groundbreaking scientific tests

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  Case studyOpinionProfileCooking secrets of the Neolithic era revealed in groundbreaking scientific tests

Cooking secrets of the Neolithic era revealed in groundbreaking scientific tests

By The Siberian Times reporter
01 February 2020

Salmon dishes were a firm favourite on the lower Amur River, while meat was on menu upstream.

Reconstruction of Osipovka Culture vessel (right) and pot shards found at Gasya and Khummi (left). Pictures: Vitaly Medvedev, Oksana Yanshina

Ancient potteries started to appear in the Amur region in the Russian Far East between roughly 16,000 and 12,000 years ago, as the Ice Age slightly eased. 

But what was cooking?

A new international study asks not only why the pots evolved at this time - but examines the type of food they served.

It turns out some ancient Siberian hunter-gatherers survived the Ice Age by inventing pottery which helped them to maintain a fish diet. 

Others used their new pots to cook meat.

 I even think that they came up with the idea of permanent dwellings. One of the earliest permanent dwelling appears in the Osipovka culture as they allowed to stay at the same place during the winter season, having stored big amount of fish. 

‘They had no need to relocate together with migrating animals, as did hunters. Their dwellings were dug into the ground. They dug a round holes, put the pillars and covered them with roof of birch bark, turf. 

‘It is great that the resent research from our international team confirmed our suggestions and helped us to get closer to understanding of this unique and amazing culture.'

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 The Swastika is viewed mostly as a symbol of evil nowadays, but the real origins of this symbols is anything but, it has a history of over 12,000 years and appears in cultures from around the world.

The TRUE Meaning Of The SWASTIKA & Its 12,000 Years Of History

Ice Age White Europeans craved the Swastika on mammoth tusk dated 12, 00 years ago. The ancient European Celtic, Germanic, Scythian, Tocharian, Thracian all used it as "Good tidings." The Swastika is found in India, China, and the northern Americans used it. It would be impossible that people over the world would have the same symbol if not introduced.









Rock Paintings in Spain



Rock paintings discovered in Spain

The stone age Europeans who lived in Spain left many rock paintings of themselves depicting hunting, honey collecting and other activities, women with long hair, fully covered with skirts down to just above their knees, men in real trousers, or sometimes naked. The paintings show that they used bow and arrows and sometimes wore headdresses that may have contained feathers.

Neolithic Cliff PaintingsThis artwork is also referred to as Levantine art. These sites are now classified as World Heritage Sites by Unesco. Rock art shown here have been found at over 700 sites. The paintings feature Europeans and the animals they hunted were in the Eastern part of Spain. These date to the Upper Palaeolithic or, more likely, the Mesolithic periods of the Stone Age.

This artwork spans a large period of time and reflects much cultural change in the area. It shows beautiful images of hunter-gatherer economic systems which over time incorporated the beginnings of settlement showing the use of domesticated cattle and dogs.

 Nets and skis from ancient times


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 Man gathering honey, from the Cuevas de la Araña, Bicorp

  Rock art of the Iberian Mediterranean BasinFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


 7,000 years old rock art in Northern Europe.



animal traps

7,000 year old rock art in Norway ?? [S3 - Eps. 28]

In this episode I am quickly leaving North Cape as bad weather is coming this way! It's a fantastic ride back south and this time I stop at Alta to admire thousands of years old rock art. I end my ride in Trømso, a city in Northern Norway with a beautiful setting.


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Loving your videos and glad you took the path to Norway but i doub't this rock art could be 7000 years old because all of Norway would have still been under ice 7000 years ago.
Can't see northern lights without dark sky... Midnightsun during summertime, 4 months with 24h daylight makes it impossible to see the aurora borealies - even though it is still there. September we get some darkness in the evenings where you can see some, but best time for northern lights is in february- march. 2022 has a lot of solar activity, so will be a good year for northern lights
Hallo Noraly. You talked about seeing the northern light, and I can tell that I often have seen it in the winter of 1980/81 when I worked 150 km north of Trondheim in Norway. At best, you must be away from city light, street light, and car light, and of course there must be clear open sky without too many clouds. At first when you see it, it may look like the light from a powerful moving searchlight hitting some clouds (but there are no clouds) very high up and far away, and the colours are mostly green, but can change into blue, white, or maybe even red. It is not steady - the northern light is always moving and changing. But there is a problem - clear weather this time of the year, is normally combined with cold weather, and that is not what I want for a biker like you. Promise me to beware of cold weather. Safe riding - regards Jens from Denmark.
There is also carvings in Nämforsen close to Sollefteå and Tanum north west of Gothenburg in Sweden. Many spectacular carving of ships. The climate in Scandinavia is quite warm considering it's the same latitude as in Anchorage in Alaska, much due to the Golf Stream .
Blue skies.Topography that made the kaiser's head spin. And an ambassador that would make old queen wilhelmina glow with pride :) From patagonia to the north cape, and everywhere in between , WE are all the same ! Though the 'media' would have you believe that those unfortunates with white skin and blond hair, are 'genetically' 'supremacist/racist'.. Just one criticism. That scenery was dying to be viewed from the air ;)
The petroglyphs are carved in pale rock (reported sandstone in "The World Heritage Rock Art in Alta," but possibly dolomite or volcanic tuff) over which a glacier previously traversed and later melted. The glacier left behind a smooth surface of glacial polish (ideal for rock carvings), glacial striations (linear groves in the rock surface which point in the direction the glacier moved most recently before melting), concave-shaped chatter marks (from cobbles at the base of the glacier which were pressed down against and gouged the rock face), and long, smooth scours. Classic glacial geology!

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 "Researchers were undoubtedly smiling over a 14,000-years-old tooth that revealed the oldest known dentistry techniques, dating back to the Late Upper Paleolithic (between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago)."

 Paleolithic Toothache: Oldest Dentistry Revealed in 14,000-Year-Old Tooth of Young Man

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Testing twined clothing in Mesolithic

 In 2008–2010, some experiments, testing possibilities of (re)constructing twined clothing, were held. They were based on a find from the middle–late Neolithic settlement of Šventoji 2B (Lithuania), dated back to ~4000–2900 BC. The found two specimens were made of lime bast. They were compared with other extant European twines of similar or close periods. Three pieces of rectangular shape were produced, in order to test some technical and functional questions. In 2012, it was decided to come back to one of the objects, which had inspired some construction and wearing possibilities of the (re)constructed twined clothing.

It was an engraving on the aurochs bone, depicting five anthropomorphic figures, which was found in Ryemarksgård settlement (Denmark) and dated back to ~8000 BC. A set of photos, testing various variations of wearing the three pieces of clothing, was taken. There were tested more than 25 wearing possibilities, both male and female. Then it was tried to find out poses and actual pieces of clothing, which would best match the depicted figures. According to the congruous silhouette and constructional lines of the clothing, it was presumed, that most of the figures wore a rectangular long cloth (“a cloak”), just in 3-4 different ways. Some of the figures possibly wore a shorter rectangular cloth (“a skirt”) underneath. Repeating parallel lines of the depicted clothing clearly indicate twining, and actual qualities of the (re)constructed twines do confirm the indication. Thus, it is highly possible, that twined clothing was produced and worn by some Mesolithic communities, i.e. much earlier than the dates of the extant finds had allowed presuming.

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Primitive Technology Hunter Gatherer




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When Time Team Found Incredibly Rare 5000-Year-Old Stone Age Tools | Time Team | Odyssey

 Stone age finds are incredibly rare in Britain. As such, this neolithic site buried under a holiday resort is hugely exciting for the time team. Join Tony and the gang as they uncover some of their oldest ever finds.


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  Tranchet Axeheads: The First Axeheads in British Prehistory

 Dr. James Dilley explores one of the first types of hafted axe in Britain: The Tranchet Axe. Dating to the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), these axes are unlike later examples, but what is a tranchet? Why did people make axes like this? And how do you make one? We look at the meaning behind the word “Tranchet” and some of the possible origins. As well as making a couple of examples, he also tests a Tranchet axe in some tree felling.

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  Making Pine Pitch: The Woodsman's Glue. How I make Pine Pitch Glue



The World’s First Temple, Gobeklitepe


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 NEW: 11,400-Year-Old Karahan Tepe Archaeological Update: November 2022 | Ancient Architects

 As you may know, things are moving quickly with regards to Turkish archaeology, and the one project that really stands out is Taş Tepeler, an upland area in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, near the city of Şanlıurfa.

Taş Tepeler means ‘Stone Hills’ and it consists of a number of Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites, including Gobekli Tepe, Sefer Tepe, Harbetsuvan Tepesi, and the incredible Karahan Tepe.

Karahan Tepe is dated to between 11,400 and 10,200 years ago and in this video I’ll be showing you the latest update on the site – all the new finds and all the news from the latest excavations as I have attempted ti transcribe and translate the words of site lead archaeologist, Professor Necmi Karul.

Karul recently took part in a 4-and-a-half-hour presentation on the Arkeolojihaber YouTube channel, where a number of archaeologists discussed the latest findings and most recent work at 7 of the 12 Tas Tepeler sites. What I'm presenting in this video comes directly from this presentation.

Arkeolojihaber was founded in 2009 by a team of dedicated archaeologists who wished to convey the latest archaeological news from Turkey in a socially responsible way. Follow their social media and subscribe to their YouTube channel by following the links below:

Arkeolojihaber YouTube:    / arkeolojihaber  

Arkeolojihaber Twitter:

Arkeolojihaber Facebook:

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 Top 10 Amazing Artifacts from Karahan Tepe | Sanliurfa Museum Exhibition, Turkey | Megalithomania


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 Göbekli Tepe: The Place That Rewrote History

Video info: On our fourth stop on our tour of the historical and archaeological sites of Turkey we visit the ancient ruins of the oldest temple in the world. Today known as Gobekli Tepe, the "Potbelly Hill" has been the site of one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the past century. Yielding the remains of an ancient ceremonial center that dates back a shocking 11,500 years. These ruins are home to elaborate carvings, massive stone constructions and other artifacts that shed light on the lives of ancient people. Join me as we attempt to piece together one of the best known but least understood sites in our ancient past.

I am so happy that people are exploring Turkey and sharing it. I lived there from 1998-2002 and I was obsessed with all things ancient. At the time my local professor didn't even know that Chatal Hoyuk was being excavated after the Mallard debacle! We went to Chatal Hoyuk for a visit and it was not much more than a tent and small museum (in the middle of winter). We knew in our hearts there was so much more. I would love to go back and visit :-)


  The World’s First Temple, Gobeklitepe … a pre-historic site, about 15 km away from the city of Sanliurfa, Southeastern Turkiye. What makes Gobeklitepe unique in its class is the date it was built, which is roughly twelve thousand years ago, circa 10,000 BC.

Gobeklitepe | The Oldest Temple of the World

 Gobekli Tepe - Turkey - Trip Historic

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Celebrate the summer solstice at Stonehenge - 360 Video

 Every year thousands gather at the mysterious prehistoric site in southern England to watch sunrise on the longest day of the year.


Operation Stonehenge What Lies Beneath 1of 2

Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plains east of London, England is a prehistoric Megalithic structure; it simply means it is a structure made of large stones. If you're standing at Stonehenge you'll see some mounds only a short distance away which are possibly where high ranking people were buried.

Stonehenge is the Tip of the Iceberg

 "23 November 2017. Ordinary Meeting of Fellows. 'Science and Stonehenge', lecture by Prof Michael Parker Pearson FSA."

 November 2017: SAL OM, (Mike Parker Pearson FSA)

"Eminent archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson gives the Council for British Archaeology's 37th annual Beatrice de Cardi lecture on the Stonehenge landscape."

  Mike Parker Pearson Stonehenge Lecture

Below Mound near Stonehenge



Below West Kenneth long barrow.

A short drive from Stonehenge you'll come across West Kenneth long barrow, situated near Avebury, Wiltshire which has chambers which served as tombs and is the largest of its kind in England. Some of these tombs seem to have been used by the same family for several hundreds of years. What is striking about it is that it was built about 400 years prior to Stonehenge using stone blocks slabs which formed the ceiling. It once again demonstrates the ingenuity of early man.



Silbury Hill 

 Silbury Hill, shows an amazing ability for the immense technical skill of European people's ancestors, even in prehistoric times. The builders must have been able to call on a large and organised labour force and to exercise broad ranging control across the southern area of Britain. Constructed approximately 4750 years ago, it is estimated to have taken 18 million man hours to build.


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Sweden's most mysterious rocks ?? [S3 - Eps. 17]

In this episode my Honda CB500x "Ronin" and I are riding from Denmark into Sweden. We explore the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen on the way and also admire the mystical rocks at Ales Stenar, Sweden's own Stonehenge...


The Iceman


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The Iceman- 5000 Year Old Mummy



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 Otzi -Iceman lived at the beginning of the Bronze Age.

The Iceman is older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. He lived during the Copper Age, a period of the late Neolithic. He was still using stone tools but owned an innovative and very valuable copper axe. The skill of extracting and processing metal had recently arrived in Europe from Anatolia in Turkey.  The advent of copper marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.                                          
Anatolia, also known as Asia Minor, Asian Turkey, the Anatolian peninsula, or the Anatolian plateau, is the westernmost protrusion of Asia, which makes up the majority of modern-day Turkey. Wikipedia 

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At the time of Ice Man some Whites lived in villages in lakes.

An interesting an often overlooked subject which concerns the local communities living in the regions surrounding the Alps in the time at which the "Ice Man" lived.

The Iceman's World

The picture above taken from video above.

A later autopsy revealed the iceman was killed by an arrow.

Iceman Documentary | Otzi - Iceman Murder Mystery in the Italian Alps

Iceman Documentary | Otzi – Iceman Murder Mystery in the Italian Alps | Copper Age English subtitles

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How to make Otzi items

Otzi the iceman arrow part 1,how to make 5000 year old primitive archery hunting arrows


Primitive Archery Copper Age Yew Longbow Part 1 - Otzi the Iceman ...



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Runes: Facts And History About Odin Secret Language

  Runes Were Just As Advanced As Roman Alphabet Writing – New Study



 Archaeologists say they have uncovered Britain's "Pompeii" after discovering the "best-preserved European Bronze Age dwellings ever found" in the country.

ᴴᴰ [Documentary] Britains Pompeii

Eastern European Slavics Tribes and The Huns …

European Celtic Tribes

 The Hittitie Nation founders Came from Europe

The Sea People came from Europe

 Caucasian Egyptians & Debunking Afrocentrism…

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 The Beautiful Women of Bronze Age Europe

Bronze Age Europe saw the increasing expression of individual and group identity through clothing, hairstyles, and objects of personal ornamentation. But it’s in the artistic tradition of the civilisations of the Aegean that we most clearly see the emergence of ideals of beauty that we well recognise even today. So how was female beauty represented? What jewellery and clothing did they wear? How did women enhance and emphasise their beauty? How were women represented in Minoan and Mycenaean art? And what did beauty mean to the people of Bronze Age Europe?


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address with fur

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I know this might sound childish, but hear me out. I am an art Historian and as such I notice patterns and similarities between artworks. I haven't had the time to do much research on this, so this is a preliminary theory, but I think the rosettes on the Mycenaean plaster face goddess are meant to represent the nipple on the breast. If you look at the fresco seen at 10:24 and compare it to 19:06, they are painted the same way, a thicker dot in the center surrounded by smaller dots. Now, this makes sense to me as the breast is by which a mother feeds their child and so has a very important function. Breasts and "child rearing" hips have been emphasized on artworks depicting females for millenia. It would make sense to me that a mother goddess or fertility goddess would wear the design of the most important body part that facilitates the feeding/child care part of procreation. This being said, I am also aware that a majority of the frescos associated with the Minoans and similar groups are touched up. Most of the original paint is gone. The ransom, jagged chunks are what's left and what's been painted in is interpretation, meaning that from the little bit of research I was able to do while listening to this video, the painted nipple may just be an interpretation and I'm making connections that don't exist. It's still absolutely fascinated to get a glimpse at those before us and absolutely infuriating that we'll never know for sure.


Re: red painted dots on the women's faces - Tunisian brides still adorn their faces this way in traditional weddings. Maybe this is a look women have always been partial to? It appears through the ages all over the world. It does look hot.
It strikes me as odd that the fashion of Minoan women in these depictions hasn't been interpreted as pants rather than skirts or dress. In so many various art pieces displayed or referenced here, there seems to be an obvious seam dividing the legs. The curve and angle of the material as depicted is obviously shaped to show the individual legs like a split skirt or hippy pants, rather than one whole piece of material with gathers or pleats. I sew couture fashion and see a lot of fashion illustration. It seems to me, these women weren't wearing pants!!

Ancient Greeks Apartan

Documentary | Ancient Greeks Golden Age | BBC Documentary

 Documentary | Ancient Greeks Spartan | BBC Documentary | National Geographic History Chann

real brest


 In this episode of The Ultimate Fashion History, "it's all Greek to me"! And it will be to you, too, as we look at clothing in The Minoan, Mycenaean, Hellenic, and Hellenistic eras. Enjoy.


Pagan Things We All  Do

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  Activities That Can Be Traced Back to Pagan Culture

 Links between holiday traditions and pagan culture are well established - and occasionally celebrated - but there are also a lot of misconceptions about paganism that make the word itself a bit taboo.

Paganism isn't something to be feared or shunned. In Latin, "pagan" was simply the word for villager or civilian. Religious connotations that developed during the Middle Ages made pagans into heathens rather than outsiders.

With all that in mind, there continues to be a pervasive presence of paganism in the modern world.

Queen of the Elves
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Forget the queen of elves, we prefer watching the "Queen of Moto" Noraly of Itchy Boots. Finally in Iceland...I'm so excited. Thanks for taking us along with you my queen
I am certain the Queen of the Elves spied on you while you were walking around, and as famous as you are she was excited to see you visit, and bestowed upon you a huge blessing,
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sp 4
The Beltaine Festival, an ancient pagan fire ceremony and celebration at another sacred site in Ireland. A Druid earth Magick ritual from over 5000 years ago being reenacted to honor indigenous traditions of the Celtic people. Witches practicing Witchcraft, Wizards, Magicians, & Merlin.
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These fertility festivals date back to 500 BC, Achaemenid Empire. Their religion was Mithraism, and the fire was a holly element. So, when the Romans invade Persia, they took Mithraism with them and it became their religion. After the world war, II archeologists found Mithraism temples around London, which were ruined by Christians. So, this festival comes from Iran. It is exactly what you described. They jump on the fire, wear red clothes, and believe in the power of fire and god.
I am so craving this kind of community and ritual. In my part of Northern germany people are still coming together and lighting fires in the beginning of may, but there's no intention behind it. It's an empty Ritual and people are just getting mindlessly drunk.
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 Samodivas are woodland fairies found in Bulgaria and Eastern European folklore and mythology, commonly depicted as ethereal maidens with long hair, and in some cases, wings. In Macedonian folklore, they were said to inhabit oak or willow trees, and in Romanian mythology they are known as Iele, with magic skills and attributes similar to nymphs found in Greek mythology, sometimes reported to have been seen in the springs or at crossroads. Another important aspect of the Balkan myths surrounding Samodivas is their dance, with similarities to ancient Thracian and Greek legends, which included songs and dances performed by fire-priestesses.
The Varna culture belongs to the later Neolithic of northeastern Bulgaria, dated ca. 4400-4100 BC. The Balkans, also known as the Balkan Peninsula, is a geographic area in southeastern Europe.
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Interesting to me the similarity to Irish dancing, certainly the fairies, nature spirits & connections to seasons, especially spring. What I see in your presentations is a culture of people with fair hair & complexion having been around much of the earth at one time. Of course much of the dating of this seems to be at the end of the last ice age. The supposition you seem to have is that these people may have been here at a much earlier time. When the cataclysmic times came, with floods or other turmoil, some survived in caves. So we cannot be clear how far back in time these people were here. Yet, this so closely follows the early, by hundreds of thousands of years, timeline given by the Annunaki story.
The Tribe of Dan are the “tribe of gods” from Irish history called the Tuatha de Dannan. Irish historians speak about descending from Scythian kings.
This reminded me so much of the folk-dance I was taught as a child, and I smiled when you used a clip of people in Swedish Folk costumes.
Robert! Being an Appalachian, and having a daughter with fiery red hair; deep-green emerald eyes, and ivory skin like some of the Ladies featured here on your video - not to mention, countless nephews, nieces, cousins, Aunts and Uncles similarly featured...! - I can't help but see the 'connection' with what's locally called "clog-dancing", and with the infamous, historical, mis-guided "Christian" persecution of ANY women found dancing at midnight, in the forests, doing no thing more harmful than what I'd say - and they, too HAVE said - is...: praising 'God' (Whoever She, He or 'It' IS) in the song, and with the dance, and amoung the company of other True believers in that Truth.
I am born in the south of Romania. In my grandparents village the Samodiva was the most frightening word mentioned in my childhood. The name I guess is from Sanskrit Sama Deva. We also have 'hora' since immemorial times. My people is Dacian/Thracian. We have the same customs and traditional clothes since BC era. The same arian symbols are found here from BC era until now - you can find them on wooden gates and on traditional clothes and pottery. You should study us. Also, our language, it is said that is very influenced by latin, but I found many words similar in sanskrit, which is much older than latin. In sanskrit and actual spoken romanian the same word -form and meaning - and in latin, a corrupted form, and vaguely similar meaning.
I’m German (Swabian) I have very long blonde hair and have never cut it, I feel like there is a certain power to long hair. It feels like it enables you to become more receptive to energies if that makes sense? I have bad nightmares always that someone will cut my hair, it’s my biggest fear. I grew up near the Black Forest and always felt so drawn to nature and the spirits that live there because I always would take long walks wether it be spring or snowing. I love watching these videos on because it just confirms some speculations I had about certain things. Great work Robert
Great Video. I hope Robert will cover in greater detail the indigenous Proto-European people of the Balkans, as described as the tribes in the video that the Indo-European (Scythians, Sarmatians) mixed with. The indigenous Paternal Haplogroup I2 Cro-Magnon peoples that were present back to the upper Paleolithic era today known as Vlachs, Morlochs, Aromanians and Dalmatians. Their descendants are present throughout the Balkans and most of Europe.

 The Minoans on the Crete Island

The Minotaur's island




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Did The Amazons Really Exist? Truth Behind Myths Of Fierce Female Warriors



The White Roman Empire

 The preface last 14 minutes and the main text starts at 14:47 mark. The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a major literary achievement, was written by the celebrated English historian Edward Gibbon. [History] The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1, Part 1, Audiobook

[History] The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1, Part 1 ...

The main text starts at 01:28 mark. [History Audiobook] History of Julius Caesar (by Jacob Abbott)

[History Audiobook] History of Julius Caesar11,820 views

Julius Caesar Crossing the Rhine

Biggest city in the western world until London during the Industrial Revolution and the biggest city the world had ever seen until it was supposedly equaled by Chang'an in China in 700.. But that assumes the 1 million population number. If Rome actually had 2 million residents, it remained the biggest city that the world had EVER seen until the 1840-1850 when London topped 2 million!!!! London passed Beijing in the late 1820's and had grown to almost 2 million by 1840. It remainded the biggest city of the world until it was passed by the New York metro area in 1925.

Ancient Rome

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100 Proofs The Israelite's Were White (REPOST)

 Many dug up Egyptian mummies from the early dynasties show them with distinct white features, such as blue eyes, blonde or red hair.

White German Tribes
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Great video, very informative. I do wonder though, you make it seem as if the general depiction of germanic warrior or Barbarians is that of dumb, simplistic brutes. I have literally NEVER seen this depiction in any popular media. Barbarians are always shown as the clever underdogs, unforgiving, but ultimately good at heart. On the opposite end, Romans are always shown as evil and arrogant. This video makes it seem like contemporary people adopted the "civilized" Roman view of barbarians, I mean everyone understands the stereotypical dumb raging barbarian but I have never seen anyone actually hold this view, aside from actors portraying Roman senators.

   White German Tribes

There are books written by people who lived during the time of the Roman empire about the Germanic tribes who lived in today's Germany, Holland and Demark. The Germania (Latin: De Origine et situ Germanorum, literally The Origin and Situation of the Germans), written by Gaius Cornelius Tacitus around 98, is an ethnographic work on the Germanic tribes outside the Roman Empire. Germania fits squarely within the tradition established by authors from Herodotus to Julius Caesar. Tacitus himself had already written a similar essay on the lands and tribes of Britannia in his Agricola. The Germania begins with a description of the lands, laws, and customs of the Germanic people; it then segues into descriptions of individual tribes, beginning with those dwelling closest to Roman lands and ending on the uttermost shores of the Baltic, among the amber-gathering Aesti, the primitive and savage Fenni, and the unknown tribes beyond them. (Summary from Wikipedia.) [The Pre-History of the Germanic peoples] Germania (Ancient History Audiobook) by Publius Cornelius Tacitus (Roman historian).

The Pre History of the Germanic Peoples Germania Ancient ... - YouTube



 European Germanic Tribes

Armanius lead a 1st time unified German army in 9-AD, in the Toutoburg Forest Germania defeats 3 Roman legions(20,000men) lead by Quintilius Varus. History channel "Warriors".

There was no Germany, the area called Germania was divided by many tribes.

  Germania defeats Roman oppressors, WARRIORS

The Germanic tribes were not "undisciplined". They lived an entire culture of constant impending combat and they were, also to a man, ENTIRELY disciplined as warriors. They used formations, spears, slings, axes, shields, swords AND javelins, so essentially all the same weapons the Romans used minus siege weaponry. They even used formations, specifically the boars head.

Since Thomas Gordon's translation of Tacitus' work on the ancient Germans is in the public domain.

Tacitus on Germany

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1000 AD - A Tour of Europe / Medieval History Documentary

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 White Vikings

The west coast of Greenland was the site of a thriving Viking colony for hundreds of years. Originally settled by explorers who had bravely sailed across the treacherous North Atlantic from their homes in Scandinavia, the Greenland outpost grew into a farming community of thousands.

The Lost Vikings

The crap history we have been fed of "Columbus discovering America" is CRAP History.....the VIKINGS have been 100% archaeologically PROVEN to landed and settled in Canada, the Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Iceland over 400 YEARS before the voyage of Columbus to.....Puerto Rico....! So you can cancel that fake news chapter from ALL history books........and it is also a fact that Chinese artefacts have been found in Mexico and California.....some 650 years before Columbus ran smack dab into Puerto Rico......more to follow.....and there has just been archaeological evidence of early settlement in Alaska and northern British Columbia Canada.....some 1600 years before Columbus stuck his sea-sick nose into Puerto Rico.....

The Ancient History of the Vikings 1

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Vikings - Helvegen

No blood, no battles, no violence. Just a peaceful video about departures and homecomings of the northmen :) MUSIC: Wardruna - Helvegen. CHECK OUT lyric video here:
Screenshot 92 the same boats

Bronze Age Vikings | Prehistoric Scandinavian Rock Art

 Prehistoric Scandinavian rock art displays scenes of warriors and long, narrow boats. Are these figures showing some kind of Bronze Age Vikings? The world famous ancient petroglyphs in Sweden, dating to the Nordic Bronze Age, portray a world of sword-wielding warriors and their ships. But these figures - holding aloft axes and spears and shields - are usually said to be carrying out rituals, not warfare. Is that true? Are there any scenes of violence here amongst the thousands of weapon-bearers? If this is about ritual then what were the rituals for? And what can all this tell us about the lives of these seaborne Nordic warriors who lived 3500 years ago?

top right @ 4:38 is very similar to the a mammoth tusk from Gontzi in the Ukraine its has what appears to me a boat with 2 people with water reflection' I did a satellitet view of the area because i though it may represent a map a river ? there was an area that had a 2 river that joined &empted into the black sea which could be a representation of the river but its 1000s of years older upper late Palaeolithic ; Marshak proposed in his book the roots of civilisation(fig 5 a,b) they may represent time of journey markers using the moon, woman reckon birth of children as native Americans did ?
One more half attempt at deciphering the past ,the canoe's, they are clearly full size ships in some of the rock art , but you quickly dismiss that fact , what about the horned helmets , no connection to the people's of the med . you talk about trade , but quickly say it was back water trading not over vast distances , you were close on some idea's , but failed to make the connection on others , to bad some of this was on the right track to find the truth , but you are going to have to step outside the box , and look at it one more time.thanks good luck.
Herbs Medical Care

Medical Care in the Viking Age

Dear Viking Answer Lady:

I have a question about how the Norse would treat wounds and lacerations. In The 13th Warrior" (maybe not the best reference, I know) they used boiled-down cow's urine to keep a wound from getting infected. Other than that I have a hard time finding anything dealing with how the Norse treated their sick, or wounds in particular
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Living in the Iron Age.
Living in the Iron Age

Living in the Iron Age

In 1978 12 adults and 3 children were selected from around 1000 volunteers for the ...

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Bog Body Of The Elling Woman: Was She Sacrificed To The Gods Because Of Climate Change?


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 Hello and Welcome to Motherland! This channel has been created by Robyn (aka Critical Condition) and Rebecca (Blonde in the Belly of the Beast) as a resource for pro-natalist people who are interested in following our journey into motherhood. We hope that you will join us in this incredible journey to become mothers and that you will find something of value to your own life along the way. All support is greatly appreciated.
My friend only managed one feeding a day to be breas milk and she had to pump the entire day. Im still in awe at her dedication to pump on and off for the entire day just to give her son one meal a day
Screenshot 7slings
As a young boy on the farm, before I was allowed a BB gun , an uncle showed me & helped me make this sling. I was amazed at the distance it could be accurate to, probably 50+ yards I really don’t remember exactly. And it didn’t take long before I got very accurate with it. It could easily take a rabbit, squirrel and rats. Great silent weapon
Tip #1: Only do about 2-3 spins before releasing the stone, this way you mitigate a sort of pre-shot anxiety while improving consistency. Heck you can do just 1 spin or even 4, just make sure you pick a number below 5 and stick with it. (I personally just do 2 spins, 1st is just to gain momentum) Tip #2: If you can make ammo, make them football shaped, those are the most aero dynamic. I used to make mine in my grandpa's forge out of scrap steel, though clay ammo also works well :)
Screenshot 7making sl
romans used
Great video! As a balearic islander I would like to add a couple bits of information: There's another technique for slinging, you can spin the sling vertically on your side and realse it at a 45 degree upward angle to make a parabolic shot and make stones rain on the enemies. Also, ancient balearic mercenaries used to wear 3 slings of different sizes on them for different distances and projectiles and the legend says they were capable of sinking boats from the top of cliffs. Not the most accurate weapon but certainly a cheap and fun to use one
Guide from a Celtic open air museum here. To my knowledge Roman glandes (lead shot) could pierce shields and helmets. They also used whistling glandes. Those were modified glandes with a little drilled hole in them. Also when the Romans tried to conquer the Balearic Islands they had to put up extra shielding on the ships because of the amount of stones slung in their direction. The Balears were famous for their slinging skills. They were hired as mercenaries through the Classical Antique world. So too where the slingers of Rhodos.

Balearic Islands - Wikipedia

The official name of the Balearic Islands in Catalan is Illes Balears, while in Spanish, they are known as the Islas Baleares. The ancient Greeks usually ...
As David said to Goliath... "Typical Philistine, bringing a sword to a sling fight"
Some of the Roman sling bullets even had taunting messages molded in to them. One of my favorites is "Here's a sugar plum for you!"
Herbal Remedies
Screenshot 7animal traps
 writing on sex im
The sheila na gig is originally found on the doorways of Hindu temples and homes. One touched the vulva before entering.
Shepherd Dogs

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KANGALS vs WOLVES : Shepherd dogs organise to push back wolves ! Night infrared monitoring

 Kangals vs wolves . how do shepherd dogs organize to push back the wolves at night . this video is a monitoring study of kangal pack behaves at night in the flock basic on the hierarchy levels dogs take different positions . When the The dangerous came close they regroup the force and push back the wolf . Its Night monitoring by Infrared Cameras Realise by French team.

Screenshot 7dogs killlamb

People in the past had a different attitude towards animals than what we have today. That is because various animals attacked their livestock and family members; therefore, they were relieved to get rid of them to gain safety for one another. 

 Camera record: wild dog killed lamb

The other lambs watching there friend get mauled like: RUN JERRY RUNNN!!!!!1!!11!!!!
This is the harsh reality of life . There are many lambs bt did not stand and fight against the dogs . They all run away . Unity and bravery is the main thing to stand up against a common enemy .
The harsh reality of this video gives an excellent example of the nature of human beings in the modern world. The sheep represent the people; they are what we call conservatives; they will rarely help their people, and those that do are what we call nationalists. The dogs represent socialism/communism and liberalism. They will kill for the sake of killing or kill and injure and have no remorse for the damage they have done. Giving the note that families in the past were nationalist because they would not have survived otherwise, their families and tribes came first.
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Wolves will kill five head of cattle and eat one letting the rest rot.
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Screenshot 7wolf kil sheep
Screenshot 7birds kill lamps
Would never have believed this if I hadn't seen this video. This should be shown to Government Ministers to overturn the recent change in shooting crows and pigeons. They are very intelligent the crows etc, must have taken years for them to learn how to do this, just like in Australia where they learnt to put poisonous toads on their backs and eat them from the belly. Never shot an animal myself, but Im fully supportive of the Farmers on this one.

Quick History of Europe

 This video shows the borders and populations of each country in Europe, for every year since 400 BC. Vassal states and colonies are not included in the count of a country's population.

  The History of Europe: Every Year

 This video shows the rulers of European countries, for every year since 400 BC. 

The Rulers of Europe: Every Year


Guanche Canary island whites


 Kalash the White Tribe


I do not advise you what you should believe or not believe.

But I do advise you that we all need to learn as much as we can about everything we can.

Because one thing I have learned in my life is that most of what we have ever been taught has been a lie.



What did Plato really mean with this quote 'Those who are too ... › What-did-Plato-really-mean-wi...
20 okt. 2017 — What did Plato really mean with this quote "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber"?
7 svar  ·  12 röster: Plato used Socrates to voice this opinion (or rather, it actually was Socrates’ opinion) ...
Plato's quote "one of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors". still appropriate?
 Plato quote "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber"?
Plato quote “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”?

Profile photo for Stephen Shenfield
Stephen Shenfield

Yes. One of the reasons why we have such an ignoramus for president is the reluctance of many educated and intelligent people to get involved in politics, feeling perhaps that it is beneath them.

Profile photo for James G Bridgeman
James G Bridgeman

The best qualified will be reluctant to serve as guardians but will be forced to serve under penalty of being ruled by their inferiors.

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30 svar
2 juni 2020

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Screenshot 7for fathers

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What a rich history. Truly sad that Europe is dying now and it's native tribes genocided by a small rootless international clique.
 killer Dude
2050: Islam conquers West, South and Nord-Europe and makes kids with blonde hair sex slaves till there are no blondes left.

Genocide is promoted by Globalist promoting Marxism World Govenrment

How Every White Country is Being Forced to Have Third Immigration Invaders to replace and Genocide Europeans

“A Shared Responsibility” – How Every White Country is Being Forced to Have Third World Immigration

I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143

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The Globalist and mainstream media promote white genocide

Kalergi-Plan Part II - The "JQ" & Hypocrisy


Muhammad Ali Vehemently Disapproves Of Race Mixing

The Race-Mixing Controversy

A Message To Race Traitor White Women

Most European languages are from a single language called the Indo-European Language.

 The Indo-European Connection

Europeans who want to teach Europeans their culture need to build a Community Based Organization

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally and internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist, communist ideas.

Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.

Jews are united nationally, internationally and are a nation within a nation with their own government. 

White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured.  Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and  do not promote community services to their people.  They do not have national or international congresses to unite them. 

Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.


White Indigenous Rights

Law Books GavelWhat are the use of laws when they are not enforced by governments, and these laws are broken so that Globalists can achieve their aims? For example; the German Government has given non-European invaders preference in the job market with " integration laws."  The law will offically create 100,000 jobs which will be exclusively allocated to illegal refugees, even though there are currently 1.8 million unemployed German citizens.  The government may say that these refugees are "legal" but to many Germans they are illegal invaders.  The sad fact is that the conservative movement in Germany did not build community based organizations and no Anti-Defamation organization to fight legal entities to fight for European rights in the courts.  This seems crazy because we all know that from time to time we need lawyers.  If you have lawyers, for  you can challenge the Race Relations Act, and campaign for Indigenous Rights in the European Supreme Court in The Hague ( Netherlands).  You can also approach other governments worldwide to fight for your rights and their rights.  There are many avenues available to you to fight for indigenous rights.  Marching in rallies has little or no effect against Government Dictatorship that do not care about what people think.   "We The People" must start to have our Government  represent us against the Globalist false Governments and set up a Swiss system of direct democracy, — The Canton system.  Please refer to our article Switzerland's System of Direct Democracy

 United Nations Indigenous Rights

The United Nations Indigenous Laws in practice are only applied to indigenous minorities.  It is discrimination against the majority of populations who are also indigenous to their regions.  European white Caucasians are indigenous to the British Isles and the whole continent of Europe even to the Urals in Russia and beyond, as well as just inside the Western border of China. People have lived  in Europe for 1.8 million years.  Many people say that some neanderthals gave birth to modern Europeans in Russia, Europe and the Middle East. Our Neanderthal ancestors and our Ice-Age European descendants have been living in Europe and Central Asian areas for thousands of years. We should be given self-determination which means, we have the right to control who lives in our lands, a right to remove people who are not indigenous from our lands. European Caucasians have indigenous rights over mineral deposits, a right to preserve our languages, culture, and history.

Europeans are indigenous to Europe and areas east of Russia, they have been living in these areas from the dawn of the European Caucasian race. European Caucasians did not come from Africa. 

 The following videos: Europe the Birthplace of Mankind

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find


Humans lived 1.8 million years ago in Georgia

GEORGIA The birth of Human race Caucasus Homo erectus georgicus 1.8 million years

White European Caucasians lived in Europe 42,000 years ago Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before present

Those who help third world immigration (invasion) into Europe and promote the multi-racial society are promoting GENOCIDE, should be brought to justice!.  Yet how do you bring people to justice when the conservative movement will not use the laws to stop governments from promoting genocide.?

Merkel's right-wing opposition AfD Party in Germany says she belongs in court for the Non European invasion into Europe.

Watch: Merkel’s Right-Wing Opposition Says She Belongs in Court


Governments will abuse the law because there is no counter-balance.  They will continue to do this until they are challenged.  You will continue to lose your rights and it can only be reversed when a European Anti-Defamation League is set up to fight for all people's rights.  

For more background information please read our articles on 'European Racial Pride, 'Teach Europeans about their Heritage' and  'Ancient Caucasians in America.'


Our mission is to create  Anti-Defamation Council connected globally in every country to fight and uphold the following United Nations laws.  In the UN article, it outlines various organizations you can contact for assistance. 

United Nations convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide:
“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”

Governments in Western countries, media, and anti-European organizations have been campaigning to genocide the Europeans worldwide by reducing their birth rate from 2.8 down to 1.6, taking their rights away, flooding their countries with third world invasion and promoting interracial marriage.

United Nations Indigenous Laws Declaration, Article 26 states that
"indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories, and resources they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. Entire country."

The majority of the world's population are indigenous to the lands they live on or their ancestor homelands, for example, the Chinese are indigenous to China, the Black population of North Western Africa are indigenous to that region, European Caucasians are indigenous to Europe and Arab Caucasians are indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa.  The United Nations indigenous laws should give equal rights to all racial groups that are the original inhabitants who lived in the region for thousands of years. 

United Nations convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide:
“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”

Governments in Western countries, media, and anti-European organizations have been campaigning to genocide the Europeans worldwide by reducing their birth rate from 2.8 down to 1.6, taking their rights away, and flooding their countries with third world invasion and promoting interracial marriage.

United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
" Considering that all human beings are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law against any discrimination and against any incitement to discrimination"

If European Caucasians campaign against their genocide, destruction of their culture and destruction of their nation they are labelled as racist. When they disagree openly with affirmative action and bussing (sending white children to black schools and black children to white schools) this is considered racism and bigotry. The United Nations laws are again broken in this area.

Citizens Initizens Referendums(CIR)

Political parties do not represent people's rights, so the people should  start  promoting (CIR) Citizens Initizens Referendums,  and start to represent themselves. Switzerland  in Europe has CIR.

How parliamentary elections work in Switzerland

The Coverers League collects information about history, on Globalism and relationships etc, so people can obtain the information quickly.  The main articles usually remain and over time they are change by adding more information to them. 


Please check the following articles

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism & Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

White Organization: Bloc & Generation Ide…

Genocide Whites & all Races

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)


New World Order Globalist

The European Holocaust


Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Women's Organizations

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Wom…

Fighting Genocide Worldwide


Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initiative Referendas ( CIR ) For We the People



  Last modified on Friday, 23 November 2018 07:53
 21/2/2019 f/publ

Fighting Genocide Worldwide 2

  • Monday, 03 October 2022 12:15


The White Genocide Project, a civil rights movement, are campaigning against the genocide of European Caucasians worldwide.  They need your support helping them by sending information or photo's of discrimination so they can inform the public, and promote their website.


The third world migrants who are invading Europe, many of them Muslims, are not well educated and do not understand the meaning of free speech, yet they have brought their ideas to Europe.  These migrants have been conditioned to think that one cannot criticize Islam and anyone who does need to be killed.  They come from countries where revolutions are commonplace.  Europe, which has had little violence for a long time, is now becoming plagued with the new 'norm', i.e. violence, equating to violence against white European men and women rape, terrorist attacks, the restriction of free speech and the destruction of European culture and history

The organization called the International Organization for Migration, which like many of these organizations operates from Britain still wants to increase third- world invasion into Europe.  This is to complete the destruction of Europeans and their culture and true Christianity.  The other organizations involved are the United Nations and the Israeli Government, with both of them financing and supporting the invasion of Europe. 

The sad news is that Europeans have not developed community-based organizations and do not have European Anti-Defamation League to represent themselves in national and international courts for their rights.  Many do not know about their indigenous rights where they could fight for self-determination.  We advise you to support the White Genocide Project and recommend our website to your friends with the aim to teach people about Nationalisms, i.e. fighting for your own European culture and rights.  Please also read our article 'Eugenics: Genocide Whites & all Races.'

We repeat that the United Nations is breaking its own laws by flooding Europe with third world migrants and endorsing the persecution of Europeans who are against it.  All of this leads to white genocide. 

Northern societies must “educate” civilians to accept tsunai immigration says pro-immigration lobby

UN Supplying Invasion of Europe

United Nations Replacement Migration (Invasion) Agenta

Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda

Muhammad Ali Vehemently Disapproves Of Race Mixing

The Race-Mixing Controversy

ebbarefugees welcome and ebba

Ebba akerlund, victim of the Stockholm terror attack

The Western media dictatorship is promoting genocide of all the different racial groups worldwide including Europeans.  We wanted to promote this subject of Fighting Genocide by placing the story in the section on the top slider of our Homepage, in the hope that people will notice its importance.  This anti-genocide civil rights group on this website is one of a number of websites we will promote the active fight worldwide against the genocide of Europeans.  We encourage people to have a look and get involved.  May we make some suggestions which we feel would be more effective to the people who operate this resource with the following suggestions:

Increase the effectiveness of your campaign against genocide by fighting for all people on this planet, because Globalists and Communists want to destroy Europeans and their culture, they also wish to destroy every racial group on earth.  This is not just a fight for Europeans any longer.  We see the destruction of the Arab Caucasians in the Middle East through war and terrorism, and if you look at some of the Asian countries, they too, are becoming very multicultural and multiracial. 

China now has a growing African population with between 30-40% increase in immigration each year in the city of Guangzhou.  They now have so many Africans living there, it has an area within it which is better known as "chocolate city."  Some Africans have an operation where they purchase goods in China and sell them back in Africa at a profit;  The Chinese government does not freely give out information about the number of foreigners living in their country and the 2011 census estimates that Africans living in China is approximately 600,000.  More up to date population of Africans in Guangzhou, go Here.

The Chinese population is increasing in Africa currently, and is estimated at about two million are in Angola alone.   Japan has also increased their immigration levels of Africans, Vietnamese and Sri Lankans who are now living in Japan and working in a number of jobs.

Most Asian countries have a very low birth rate - Japan, for example, is 1.4 per children couple.  So you need to consider that the Asian immigration policies are effectively 50 years behind most Western countries.  In another 50-60 years, they will find themselves in a similar position to what we are in today.

diversity is code word for white genocide

 New World Order promotes genocide against Palestinians, Europeans, Kurds, Syrians and Iraq just to name a few.  When the communists took over Russia, they killed

many Cossacks and also moved Muslims into Cossack lands which today still create conflicts between the two groups.




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Jew Whites & Whites Holocaust, 18/4/2024

WARNING GRAPHIC Shocking TORTURE of Whites, Jews and other Races


The mainstream media and governments often focus on the genocide of six million Jews, while neglecting to acknowledge the millions of other individuals who have suffered and died in genocides around the world. This website aims to commemorate and remember these victims from diverse communities, including American Indians, Australian Aboriginals, New Zealand Maoris, Chinese individuals, and European Jews and whites.

By presenting the harsh reality of the past, this website aims to educate and prevent history from repeating itself. It does not promote or condone violence in any form, but serves as a reminder of the need to learn from the past and prevent future genocides. This website is dedicated to opposing genocide against all people worldwide. "If you don't learn from the past, it has a funny way of repeating itself."


Screenshot 1bt britishs removed food

Globalist behind the famine genocide in Ireland and today they are replacing whites in Ireland, Britain, Australia, Canada, United States, New Zealand, Europe, Ukraine with non whites.

The Real Holocaust - It wasn't a famine-it was a genocide (Gemma O'Doherty) 1-01-2023

The Real Holocaust - It wasn't a famine-it was a genocide (Gemma O'Doherty) 1-01-2023

The non Globalist British people during Ireland famine had power to stop what happened in Ireland.


 Screenshot 1the mass graves of ireland

Before the famine about 13 million people lived in Ireland.

Screenshot 12spare no soul

'Today a child, tomorrow a fighter' | Jewish rabbi calls for sparing no one in Gaza

 Jewish rabbi Eliyahu Mali appealed for Israel to ‘not spare any soul’, including children, in the ‘holy war’ in Gaza.

What a sick evil psychopath. By the psycho Rabbi's "logic" then "Today a child, tomorrow a sick evil Rabbi that calls for mass murdering children." would also apply. - See how that sick evil logic works.


This is a Palestinian Holocaust... the USA and UK mainly Jewish Globalist are supplying the bullets... ease Russia and China help our world, an average Australian citizen

Comment: Jews have too much power in the United States and Britain.

That moment when you realize the problem really was "the jews" all along..

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The Day Israel Attacked America | Special Series

US President orders Israel's attack on the USS Liberty


TDuring the Six-Day War, on June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty incident took place in which Israel attacked the US naval ship USS Liberty, which was in international waters north of the Sinai at El Arish. On the fourth day of the Six-Day War, the ship endured attacks by the Israeli Air Force and Navy, nearly sinking the ship and leaving a large portion of the crew killed (34) or wounded (171). During the Israeli Air Force attacks, the crew of the USS Liberty managed to place a very large American flag on the deck; however, the attacks were not stopped, writes .


Israel's false flag attack against the US intelligence vessel USS Liberty is a blot in both the history of Israel and the United States. An upcoming book claims that then-President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, fully agreed to the attack and ordered his own navy not to help the USS Liberty and sink it to the bottom of the sea.

A book by Joan Mellen, called Blood in the Water, will be published this fall, about Israel's attempt to sink the USS Liberty in 1967. The then President of the United States was Lyndon Johnson. He had replaced John F. Kennedy who had been tragically killed. Johnson was much more willing than Kennedy to accommodate Israel's political demands. This was decisive for Israel's attacks on the spy ship USS Liberty. The book claims that President Johnson ordered his fleet to allow Israeli forces to attack and sink the ship, with no one to survive. The aim was to change the government in Egypt to an Israel-friendly regime through war.

Joan Mellen is a professor of English and creative writing at Temple University in Philadelphia. Her book examines the malicious attack carried out by Israel and the United States as a false flag attack. It was intended that Egypt would be blamed for the attack on the USS Liberty, which would then be viewed by America as an unprovoked attack on its forces, after which it would retaliate against Egypt and install an Israel-friendly regime. Dozens of Americans were killed in the Israeli attack and nearly 200 wounded.

Asylum seeker beheads 1-year-old girl in Germany: the beheading of the Hamburg judiciary

The United States used USS Liberty to eavesdrop on the communist countries behind the iron curtain in what has been called the Cold War. The ship operated all over the world's waters. On June 5, 1967, when Israel attacked Palestine, Egypt, Jordan and Syria in the so-called Six-Day War, the USS Liberty was ordered to rush to the eastern Mediterranean.

Colonel William McGonagle, commanding officer of the USS Liberty, and his crew of 99 men headed for the Sinai Peninsula. Lieutenant Colonel David Edwin, who was on the lower deck, was under strict orders from the US government to monitor the activities of both Israel and its opponents in order to transmit data to Washington.

But Israel did not want this, Lewis said in an interview later at his home. Instead, on June 8, 1967, the Israeli Air Force attacked the American Liberty, intending to sink it to the bottom, crew and all.

USS Lliberty torpedo hole.

Israel has repeatedly claimed the incident was "a tragic mistake" caused by fog, and the Liberty was "mistaken" for an Egyptian ship. Israel soon apologized for their attack that killed 34 Americans of the crew, including a civilian, and injured 173 others.

But the day of the attack was “a beautiful day,” says Lewis. Israeli warplanes had already flown over the Liberty nine times before attacking, once they were close enough for the sailors to see the pilots and wave at them, Lewis says. It was very clear that Israel knew who the Liberty belonged to.

Asylum seeker participated in gang rape receives € 15,000 compensation

During the attack, McGonagle managed to evade four torpedoes before the fifth torpedo hit the Liberty amidships, causing a hole in the ship's side. The explosion destroyed Lewis's eardrums and the heat scorched his eyelids.

“I was one of those who was very, very lucky. Anyone standing near me died instantly,” says Lewis.

Lewis says he felt personally responsible for what happened to the ship. The day before the attack, McGonagle had asked if taking Liberty further offshore would affect intelligence gathering. It would be, Lewis had replied.

An electrician, James Terry Halbardier, saved the badly stricken USS Liberty from further destruction. For this he would later be awarded the Silver Star, but without regular media attention and not in the White House, but in a smaller context. Neither the press in the United States nor the authorities wanted to make a media show of it.

USS Lliberty 30mm gun holes.

Lewis ran a coaxial cable across the deck to Liberty's antenna that was rendered inoperative by Israel's attack, allowing an SOS message to be sent to the Sixth Navy. Apparently the distress signal was also heard by Israel who immediately stopped their attacks against the Liberty. But the rescue operation was delayed. According to Lewis, there was a reason for this.

While recuperating aboard the USS America, Lewis had a conversation with Sixth Fleet divisional commander Colonel Lawrence R. Geis, who forced him to "be silent for life." Geis told Lewis that twice the fleet had sent fighter jets to protect the Liberty, but Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered the planes back both times. When Geis allegedly opposed McNamaras' orders on the second restraining order, President Lyndon Johnson himself got on the phone and gave the order directly to Geis.

The new IKEA catalog: Goodbye Sweden - from the loss of a piece of spiritual homeland

“I don't give a damn if the ship sinks and all Americans die. I do not intend to shame my allies,” President Johnson said, according to Lewis.

USS Liberty after the incident.

In 2003, a committee undertook a review of the incident, resulting in what is known as the Moorer Report. According to the report, on June 8, 1967, the Israelis watched over the Liberty for eight hours before attacking the ship for about 25 minutes, “during which time the Israeli planes dropped napalm bombs on the bridge of the Liberty, firing 30mm cannons and rockets into it. hit the ship, leaving 821 holes, more than 100 of them by missiles. Survivors estimate that there were 30 or more attacks by at least 12 Israeli warplanes, which disrupted radio communications on each of the five US emergency radio channels.

Lewis is now 87 years old and the oldest survivor of the Israeli attack on the Liberty. He says he is still trying to understand why Israel did this. His conclusion, shared by others, including the author of the forthcoming book on the incident, is that the United States and President Johnson had decided to destabilize Egyptian President Gamal Abel Nasser by blaming Egypt for this false flag attack. because it was in Israel's interest.

Lewis says he hopes Mellen's forthcoming book will raise awareness of what really happened to USS Liberty and why.

"It's frustrating that the American people don't know about all of this, and that it was a US set-up," he says.

Copyright © 2022 translation by Frontnieuws. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and direct link is given.


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The HORRIFIC Execution Of The Woman That Shot Lenin

She said she tried to kill Lenin(Jewish) because was a traitor to the revolution... in other words, Lenin wasn't Jewish  communist enough for her.
This account focuses on the sensational elements of Fanny Kaplan's execution and its impact on Lenin's health, but it neglects to offer a nuanced discussion of the political and ideological motivations behind her actions. Lenin played a crucial role in establishing the first socialist state, which led to significant advancements in women's rights. For example, the Soviet Union was the first country to legalise abortion in 1920, a milestone that took Western countries decades to achieve. The Family Code of 1918 also granted women equal status in marriage and divorce, a groundbreaking move at the time. The video's emphasis on the 'horrific' nature of Kaplan's execution misses the point. It fails to delve into the ideological struggle that was ongoing and the high stakes involved. Kaplan's assassination attempt on Lenin could have jeopardised these revolutionary gains, yet the video doesn't interrogate this aspect. Furthermore, the video doesn't critically examine Kaplan's own political beliefs and motivations. Was she opposed to Lenin's policies, or did she have a different vision for the revolution? These are questions that could offer a more comprehensive understanding of her actions. Without this context, the video risks reducing a complex historical event to mere sensationalism. The video also perpetuates the narrative of horrific conditions in the Soviet labour camps. However, according to declassified CIA documents available in their FOIA archive under "The Soviet Labour System: An Update," these camps were not death camps. There was no systematic extermination of inmates, contradicting the popular Western narrative. This should be considered when discussing the conditions of Kaplan's execution. In summary, while the video may serve as an introduction to the event, it lacks the depth and nuance required to understand the complexities of Fanny Kaplan's actions. It functions more as a piece of historical trivia rather than a substantive analysis, missing an opportunity to contribute to a meaningful understanding of a pivotal moment in history.


christian armenians

The Unspeakable Things That Happened In The Armenian Genocide

The 20th century had no shortage of terrible events that cast a shadow over people today. The deaths of over a million Armenians is one such tragedy. Few tragedies have faced such bitter political discussion after the fact as the Armenian Incident. , others deny it ever happened, insist it was an accident, or that it was a justified response to a political threat.

In this video, we look at the unspeakable things that happened in the Armenian Incident and how its complicated legacy is still hotly debated today. If you appreciate these videos, leave a like to show your support and subscribe to A Day In History for more content like this.

Setting the Stage

Nestled in the Caucasus Mountains on the border between Europe and Asia, Armenia’s long history has seen it caught between countless empires. By the late 19th century, Western Armenia was firmly under the control of the Ottoman Empire while a smaller Eastern portion was controlled by the Russians. The Armenians of the Ottoman Empire faced many obstacles. As a Christian minority in a Muslim-majority Empire, they were subject to legal discrimination and higher taxes. Over time, racial ideologies that privileged ethnic Turks opened new opportunities for anti-Armenian discrimination.

Another significant obstacle was their role as a middleman minority. A middleman minority is an ethnic group that is overrepresented in occupations like bankers, merchants, and bureaucrats relative to their small overall population. Other middleman minorities around the world included the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Gujaratis in India, and most famously the Jews in Europe and the United States. Although only a small percentage of Armenians worked in these lucrative jobs, all Armenians were subject to discrimination that described them as parasites, thieves, and leeches who were stealing the wealth of the rest of the population.

This caused outbreaks of violence and persecution throughout the late 19th century. The Ottoman government regularly seized Armenian land to redistribute to Muslim and Kurdish settlers and the Kurdish Hamidian regiments were given free reign to raid Armenian villages as part of their resettlement. Despite attempts to muster international support, the Armenians were left to defend themselves and formed a number of impromptu militia groups to defend their towns, but the Ottoman authorities interpreted this as a sign of rebellion and cracked down hard in the 1890s.

#armenian #history #worldwar1 #ottoman #armenianhistory

Scriptwriter: Nathan Hewitt



1 month agThousands of Armenians found their new home in Bulgaria during this terrible period. They were welcomed and accepted, and are now a valued part of our society.One of Bulgaria's most famous poets - Peyo Yavorov, wrote a special poem about the Armenian refugees. A very strong one. Here's a small part:
"Wretched exiles, rare survivors Of a brave and martyr race Children of a captive mother Heroes with no resting place.
Far from home in squalid hovels Sick and pale from lack of sleep. See them drink to drown their sorrows Hear them sing and, singing, weep!

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  The Ustaša Genocide Against Serbs - Short History Documentary

During the Second World War, a puppet state was installed by the Axis powers. The Ustasha were Croatian fascists who attempted to rid the region of Serbs, Jews and Roma. Whilst similar genocides were been committed by the Axis powers at the time, the level of barbarity and violence would be such as to raise concerns by their Nazi allies. Much of the horrors were carried out by way of tools and knives.


As a South African, I am shocked to only learn of this today. Truly sickening buried history that should be thought in every school.
357K subscribers
 During the Second World War, a puppet state was installed by the Axis powers. The Ustasha were Croatian fascists who attempted to rid the region of Serbs, Jews and Roma. Whilst similar genocides were been committed by the Axis powers at the time, the level of barbarity and violence would be such as to raise concerns by their Nazi allies. Much of the horrors were carried out by way of tools and knives.
As an American I am very happy to learn more about this side of the world's history. History is very poorly taught, very limited in American education I think and so learning about the rest of the world is very beneficial to understanding other cultures. Even though this topic is very disturbing, it gives me new perspectives.

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Stalin, The Red Terror | Full Documentary What happened to the German soldiers captured at Stalingrad?


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The US Govt killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2


 The Globalist run US Govt killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2. That doesn’t include millions killed by Globalist run US sanctions and bioweapon Covid-19.


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Ghoul Harvest: Russia Accuses Jews of Running Organ Harvesting From Ukraine War Dead

A Russian former senior official argued the war in Ukraine became a very profitable battlefield for "black-market transplantologists," in a report picked up by several Russian media outlets.

The former advisor to the interior minister of Russia also added that large amounts of medical equipment, including containers for transporting human organs, were sent to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's invasion. The facts of the illegal harvesting of human organs under the auspices of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine were documented back in 2014 during the civil conflict in the Donbass.

Rick Wiles, TRUNEWS,1/5/23.

2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder

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Confessions From An Alleged Organ Harvester In Ukraine: $170 For a Fresh AFU Corpse


Black market transplantologists sold AFU fighters for organs

A confession of a participant in the criminal scheme. AFU guys, do you still want to die for Zelensky?

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I have essen evil evil evil videos of LIVE Ukrainian children being "operated" on for their organs...

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American Government Experiments on its own Citizenry


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The NKVD which was a predecessor of the KGB was nearly entirely run by jewish Russians all the way until the end of the 1940's. The woman being interviewed was correct that it was Russian propaganda that distorted the story of the shower rooms being instead the lie of gas chambers. But more to the point it was Jewish Russian propaganda through the NKVD. The jews works together at an international level to manipulate and control the media. The fact that this huge lie has not been universally exposed demonstrates the power they wield.


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Jewish Holocaust Survivor Warns: The Covid Jab Is Another Mass Genocide.
At least she was honest, it wasnt a deathcamp, the allies bombed the hell out of Germany and everyone was short on food. Look at Wehrmacht at beginning vs end of war, strong and hardy vs skinny and worn.


Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.


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Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.

 The testimonies project - the movie

The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.

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Israeli mother exposes the lives shattered, derailed and taken by COVID-19 vaccines

  Israeli mother exposes the lives shattered, derailed and taken by COVID-19 vaccines

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VIDEO: Netanyahu Admits Israelis Were Guinea Pigs For Pfizer's COVID Vaccine35,272 views·Dec 30, 2022

Free Palestine
My Palestinian ancestors have been living in Palestine long before any religion. In 1917 the UK announced the Belfour Declaration to Rothchild, stating they will destroy Palestine my home and replace my people. From 1947-1949 over 520 Palestinian villages were destroyed. At the time, most Palestinian were farmers who couldn't read and write. My family are still in camps around Bethlehem and we want a Constitution and voting to decide our fate and have 2nd and 1st Amendment.
This creature is a liar and a murderer. Total disinformation and false stats to deflect away from the disproportionate jewish involvment in the trojan horse injection ("vax") and plandemic. Big Pharma is jewish. The central banks are jewish. The fake media is jewish. The central banks are behind this plandemic and genocidal trojan horse injection, and they're using their one arm (Big Pharma) to institute the depopulation shot, and using the other arm (media) to keep the masses ignorant and deceived. The central banks own and control Big Pharma and the media.
Jesus Christ told the jews, "You are of your father the devil. He is a liar and murderer from the beginning."


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Trotsky and Stalin were Socialist/Communist Jews.

This Book Will Give You Nightmares - Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (2004)


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Thinking about it Trotsky living in Mexico during WW2 must have made Stalin fear the west would somehow assassinate him and replaced him with Trotsky. Or Stalin probably feared even if he died naturally of a heart attack or something Trotsky would return and take over. I never understood the obsession of Stalin of killing Trotsky but now that I think about it... it makes a ton of sense.

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HolodomorDenial: the Genocide of 7 Million Ukrainians, Many of them Christians, That Jews Deny…


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Epidemic of Birth Defects in Iraq

Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq With Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers

Al Jazeera reporter Dahr Jamail discusses how the U.S. invasion of Iraq has left behind a legacy of cancer and birth defects suspected of being caused by the U.S. military's extensive use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus.


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Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq With Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers

 Democracynow is financed by George Soros (Jewish) and is Jewish Communist run.

Feminist Activists Document Epidemic of Birth Defects Near U.S. Munitions Dumps in Iraq

democracynow Published on Mar 20, 2013 Watch the full interview with Yanar Muhammed on Democracy Now! at Yanar Muhammad describes how the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq has been documenting the toxic legacy of the U.S. military's presence in Iraq.

Oh the poor babies! This is so very sad. It tares at my heart to see them suffer with such birth defects. Keep speaking out against depleted uranium.
It will be MILLIONS of Years before it will be SAFE to DRINK WATER and PLANT SEED in IRAQ, AFGANISTAN etc

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Jews Communist ruled Russia and sent millions of whites, including some Jews to Gulags camps and many died. Today Zionist Globalist are building Gulag camps called Covid camps in Australia, Britain, The United States, Canada, and in European countries.

Foreigners in the Gulag. Stalin's foreign slaves (1996).

 For half a century the Soviet Union's labour camps made virtual slaves of millions of Russians. But the Russians were not the only ones who suffered. Tens of thousands of foreigners were also caught up in this nightmare world. Using what was newly-released film from the archives and testimonies of former prisoners, this film traces the history of these slave-labour camps. Directors Peter Hercombe. Thibaut d' Oiron. Last three or four minutes missing.


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Lazar Kaganovich Stalin's Mass Murderer The Communist Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans (Slavs, Germans, Balts...)


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Lazar Kaganovich Stalin's Mass Murderer



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They Killed Thousands Of People. FIVE OF the BLOODIEST" Killers "of the NKVD During the GREAT TERROR

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 Photos of  Communists Who Took Over Hungary In 2019

Default Photos of Communists Who Took Over Hungary In 1919
 Shocking photo of the poor individual tortured

From the book AN OUTLAW'S DIARY by Cecile Tormay -

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Lefty Jones

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." - Barbara Lerner Spectre


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The Katyn Massacre Joseph Stalin tried to blame on the Nazis.

On April 13, 1943, Germany announced the discovery of a series of mass graves containing the bodies
of thousands of Polish officers who had been arrested and then executed by the Soviet Army.
Seventy-five years later, the Katyn massacre is still a...

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May have exceeded 27,000 killed.

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Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin (January 7, 1895 – February 3, 1955) Jewish Bolshevik Major-General who served as the chief executioner of the NKVD under the administrations of Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov and Lavrentiy Beria. A former kosher butcher Blokhin wore his old leather apron from his trade to keep from getting splattered as he fired the pistol into the brains of his victims. Over a period of 25 years Blokhin probably personally killed at least 50,000 people, including about 7,000 Polish prisoners of war during the Katyn massacre in spring 1940, making him the most prolific hands-on mass murderer in recorded history. Yet because he was a Jew hence immune from critical examination he retired on a pension and died in 1955 of natural causes. To this day his name is virtually unknown outside Russia.

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Josef Stalin (Jewish ).

Joseph Stalin Communist Terror.

Joseph Stalin (real name: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) ranks as one of the worst tyrants of all time and was responsible for the deaths of 20 million of his own countrymen.  Since the collapse of the communist Soviet Union, his atrocities have been revealed.  He was portrayed as Uncle Joe by propaganda films and interviews.  He even killed people who were close to him.  Anybody who he felt was a threat to him he had killed.

There is a debate on whether Joseph Stalin was Jewish. He married 3 Jewesses in his life. It is worth remembering that Joseph Stalin also persecuted Europeans of the Jewish faith.

 Stalin appointed Jews to over 90% of all positions of authority, introduced legislation that made “anti Semitism” punishable by death.

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The REAL Holocaust: The 1915 Armenian Genocide and its Russophobic Origin

The REAL Holocaust: The 1915 Armenian Genocide and its Russophobic Origins

"As a result of the Jewish lobby's recommendations, the Young Turks government removed Armenians from Anatolia in 1915. Hence, the economy of the country was left in the hands of Jewish capital." - Ekrem Buğra Ekinci of The Daily Sabah Turkish newspaper, October 13th 2017.



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Operation Keelhaul a Disgraceful Chapter in American History by Tom E Woods


Take advantage of this special offer from download this audiobook for free now by visiting this link!!
Operation Keelhaul was carried out in Northern Italy by British and American forces to repatriate Soviet Armed Forces POWs of the Nazis to the Soviet Union between August 14, 1946 and May 9, 1947. The term has been later applied - specifically after the publication of Julius Epstein's eponymous book - to other Allied acts of often forced repatriation of former residents of the USSR after the ending of World War II that sealed the fate of millions of post-war refugees fleeing eastern Europe.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, by Thomas Woods, was published in December 2004. This book was the first in the Politically Incorrect Guide series published by Regnery Publishing, who view the series as covering topics without consideration for political correctness. The book was a top seller on, reaching No. 2, and was present on The New York Times best-seller list for many weeks.
The book challenges modern notions of American history; the author argues, among other viewpoints, that America's founding fathers were conservatives, the War on Poverty made poverty worse and that hundreds of American liberals had ties to the Soviet Union during the McCarthy Era. It also contests the cost-effectiveness of government projects, especially the Transcontinental Railroad.

“The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948. The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II.
“The secret British report summarizes one repatriation operation in Italy in which Russian POWs and DIs were turned over to the Red Army and almost certain execution after being duped by the British into believing they would be given asylum in the West. It tells of the agony and the horror experienced by the prisoners.”

The leading criminal in this mass execution of two to five million anticommunists was ~ who else ~ our grinning Ike, head of the European sector for the Allied armies, or, as you may know him, our former President, [Jew] Eisenhower. The crime of Operation Keelhaul was not on the agenda at Nuremberg.



A German woman tells her family got severely attacked by a Russian soldier.


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Germany 45 Victim from West Pommerania - Rape by Russians

 A German woman tells the horror she had to go through after her family got severely attacked by a Russian soldier who was passing through her village in Pommerania. Even her baby wasnt save for the Russian. She was the only one to survive...


Leon Trotsky Quote about killing White Russians

Leyba Davidovich Bronstein (the kike who worked to conceal his jewish origins; using a public pseudo-Russian name Leon Trotsky) is quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin:
"We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of.
The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.
We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison.
The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us.
If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence!”



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Communist atrocities and war crimes.


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Stop the genocide of European peoples Communist atrocities and war crimes..

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Stalin and the Katyn Massacre


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 Dead Whites.

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Lavrenti Beria (Jewish) on the right.

Searching for the Truth - Lavrenti Beria: The Architect of Fear (2010)

 An example of how Soviet Jews brainwashed, indoctrinated, psychologically manipulated and social-engineered Russian Jews and Goyim (whites) into massacring their own people.



"The end goal of Cultural Marxism is none other than the extermination of the white race. Through mass non-white immigration, trans-racial adoption and miscegenation we hope to accomplish the complete annihilation of white people"

-- The Jewish Frankfurt School - Critical Theory Conference (2013)

"The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism."

-- Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School.

The Frankfurt School - Critical Theory - Cultural Marxism = Social Justice - Feminism - Neo-Progressivism - Post-Colonialism - all born out of Critical Theory and come under the umbrella of Cultural Marxism.

The Frankfurt School - Critical Theory - Cultural Marxism.

Felix Weil - Jew,
Erich Fromm - Jew,
Herbert Marcuse - Jew,
Max Horkheimer - Jew,
Walter Benjamin - Jew,
Theodor Adorno - half-Jew, Catholic mother,
Georg Lukacs - Jew,
Claude Levi-Strauss - Jew,
Jurgen Habermas - German?

*Be it gender, sexual orientation, family, race, culture or religion every aspect of a person's identity is to be questioned. Every norm or standard in society challenged and ideally altered to benefit supposedly oppressed groups.*

*Thorium explains this socio-political philospohy that was designed to bring down Western Civilisation and the white race that created it...*

Classical Marxism vs Cultural Marxism

"Classical Marxism saw conflict as occurring between the bourgeoisie and proletariat, between the 'haves' and the 'have nots.' Cultural Marxism used such a conflict as existing between the oppressed and the oppressors, between those with privilege and those without it. The 'Working Class' has been replaced by 'Minorities'.

"Majority Groups are defined as 'privileged' and 'oppressive', with minority groups accordingly labelled as 'under-privileged' and 'oppressed'. Heterosexuals are deemed 'oppressive', cisgender people are 'oppressive', whites are 'oppressive' especially white men, Christians are 'oppressive'. Those who do not fit into those groups are considered 'oppressed'. It stands to reason therefore that if heterosexuals are oppressors the solution is to encourage other forms of sexuality.

"If whites are oppressors the solution is racial diversity. If cisgender people are oppressors the solution is to encourage transgenderism. If Christians are oppressors the solution is to propagate Islam.

"The half-Jew Theodor Adorno and an original founder of The Frankfurt School wrote in his book: "The Authoritarian Personality" in which he defines parenthood, pride in one's family, Christianity, adherence to traditional gender roles and attitudes towards sex and the love of one's own country as a pathological phenomena.

"This tendency to pathologise opinions and life patterns which are not in accordance with his own political ends is characteristic of Cultural Marxism (the Jew and his hypocrisy). Differing views are thus described as irrational fears and phobias. E.g. A person who feels uncomfortable living as a minority in an area dominated by Muslim migrants will be decried as an Islamaphobe since living amongst those culturally and ethnically similar to one's self is considered sick and phobic.

"When Pakistani Muslims, living in Britain by contrast, show in-group preference converting entire sections of a town or a city into a mini-Pakistan there is no sickness, no phobia, only multiculturalism.

A popular and propagandist manifestation of Cultural Marxism is Political Correctness in which media channels and social scientists make it a mandatory exercise to do the following: 1) Question common language. Illegal immigrants for example are to be referred to as 'undocumented migrants' while ethnic discrimination is referred to as 'affirmative action'. Their ambition to define and redefine words can be seen as a means of controlling the discourse and altering cultural norms.

"Racism and Sexism have been redefined as a product of prejudice plus power which leads to such ridiculous statements as: "There is no such thing as sexism against men. That's because sexism is prejudice plus power. Men are the predominant gender with power in society" And "I an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men." 2) Maintain an unwavering favourable view of the 'oppressed'. "Black Lives Matter" is a peaceful legitimate protest movement; Feminism is only about equality and so forth.

"No deviation from the aforementioned narrative will be entertained - EVER!! Nor will criticism.

End Goal:

"While Communism, as Marx envisioned it, offered the resolution of class conflict in a Utopian social system all that Cultural Marxism offers is a desolate form of eternal warfare between ever more narrowly defined groups of offended minorities. The only meaningful consequence that this wide application could possibly ever have is the marginalisation of traditional European cultures."



The Armenian Genocide



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 The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

The Armenian Genocide, also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians, mostly citizens within the Ottoman Empire. Wikipedia

Period: April 24, 1915 – 1917
Target: Armenian population
Total number of deaths: 1,500,000 (approximately)
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"The Turkish government has rejected the term “genocide” to describe the mass killing of Armenians 100 years ago, a stance that has sparked criticism and protest. For two perspectives on the history and meaning today, Jeffrey Brown talks to Soner Cagaptay of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Hrach Gregorian of American University."
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REPORTERS : In 1915, during World War I, the Ottoman Empire ordered the extermination of the Armenian people. One and a half million were killed in the first genocide of the 20th century. But up to 200,000 women and children survived, converting to Islam and being integrated into the Kurdish and Turkish communities. Today, their descendants are discovering their Armenian roots that had lain hidden for generations."
  After killing thousands of Armenians, turks took their kids and put in orphanages and forced to forget their origin, that is another layer of GENOCIDE.
Turks kills thousands of armenian, that, you can call GENOCIDE, THIS IS THE ONLY NAME FOR THAT ACTION., now is doing the same with de KURDS, killing them just becouse ERDOGAN SAID SO, kURDS ARE noble people who deserve the best. WHERE IS USA ?, WHERE IS EUROPA? to help the great
There are hidden Greeks in Turkey too. Greeks were also victims of genocide
The turks have been brainwashed for over the last 150 years and now Azerbaijan ( another Turkish Project born in 1918 ) are falsifying the history and brainwashing the young generation. Turks don't know their true history.
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"Nearly a century after the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, an increasing number of Turks of Armenian heritage are acknowledging their roots. Out of fear of discrimination, many survivors had converted to Islam and adopted Turkish names."
Scholar Richard G. Hovannisian gives an overview of the Armenian Genocide.

  Introducing the Armenian Genocide


  Armenian Genocide Museum



Memorial Event Dedicated to Holocaust Victims
29.01.2019 On 27th of January, representatives of the Jewish community in Armenia headed by Rima Varjapetyan were gathered near the monument of Genocide and Holocaust victims in Yerevan to pay tribute to the memory of the victims of Holocaust. The ceremony was attended by Gersh Burshtein, chief rabbi of the Jewish community, Harutyun Marutyan, Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation, Professor Hayk Kotanjyan, Lieutenant General, head of the Armenian-Jewish Forum, Vardan Asatryan, Head of the Department of National Minorities and Religious Affairs at the RA Government, Ruben Arutchyan, sculptor and author of the Genocide Memorial and Holocaust Memorial, as well as representatives of other national minorities in Armenia. The welcome speech was delivered by Rima Varjapetyan, who expressed hope that such tragedies would never be repeated.



 Democide Governments Killed Over 260 Million People




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 Alex Jones Democide

But what are the REAL threats our society faces?

"Alex turns the tables on the constant propaganda about a projected enemy. He documents proven academic research in Democide, or Death by Government, demonstrating that the real killers throughout history have always been in government. From Mao in Communist China, Stalin in the U.S.S.R., Hitler in Nazi Germany, Pol Pot under the Khmer Rouge and so many others, governments have killed more than 260 million people in just the last one hundred years.

Through this important documentary, you will understand how history’s mega-killers are now poised to kill not millions but billions in a new age of dominance under world government. The elite psychopathic rulers, along with their technocratic Renfield minions, are pursuing a transhumanist vision where they seek to become gods while the masses of humanity are sacrificed in the name of saving the earth, all while risking our very planet in their destructive experimentation."

Democide:  Government Killed Over 260 Million in the 20th Century, Poised to Kill Billions More in the 21st


No Question about courage of German Soldiers no question Soviet patriotism both Soldiers did best what they had to do . Question is why stupid politicians always wave to more and more stupid wars. All countries all ethnic groups must curse and get rid of rascist politicians then no need to rely on Stupid politics lead UN.



South African Genocide

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Marxism. Communism. Socialism: The South-African Genocide (Part 1 one)


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WARNING GRAPHIC: Shocking TORTURE of WHITE African Farmers



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"Plaasmoorde: The Killing Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa (FULL LENGTH


Pictures:  All killed in South African.

This  dead white girl was impaled with a sharpened broom stick in South Africa  

 Man’s brains removed and place on his arm.

History will tell you that many whites in South Africa are 10th-14th generation South African and only about 10% of Blacks can say that - most of them are 1st to 6th generation South African.

South African Genocide Museum

Information video:!


Alex Jones talks with Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne about South Africa’s white genocide.


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Watch: South Africa Announces Plan To Steal All Private Property, Black And White

Sydney Ralley Protesting White Genocide in South Africa

From the time that European whites (Boers) in South Africa gave the black African majority self-rule, they have been persecuted with many being killed simply because they were European.  Affirmative action was introduced by the black government to give jobs to blacks over Europeans and many people say there seems to be a program by the South African government and Black African Marxists to persecute South African whites.  As reported in the 2015 article below, more than 70,000 white South Africans have been murdered since Mandela's ANC (African National Congress) took over.  That does not include the numbers of whites who have been robbed, raped and tortured.  For more news on current genocide of South Afrikaners, go to this website:  White Genocide in South Africa

70,000+ Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa; Obama’s African Legacy

South Africa: Where Corruption, Rape, and Murder Are Normal




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“We Are Cutting the Throat of Whiteness” Says SA Leader


Lauren Southern in South Africa, shows the truth about farmland Killings

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Lauren Southern

 Lauren Southern is Jewish.

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FARMLANDS (2018) | Official Documentary

South Africa The Truth #farmlands


  White Farm Murders In South Africa (With Lauren Southern)

I'm a white male from South Africa and have to thank you for your awareness. I have 13 years experience in Logistics and lost my Job as an Operations Logistics Manager it has been 2 years since I have worked, it is so difficult for a white male to find work as all positions advertised is BEE/ AA meaning Black Economic Empowerment. Thanks again for all of you making this an awareness.


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South Africa The Truth #farmlands

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South Africa's Racist Brutality A Seed Of Globalist Division


 Scorched Earth War and Concentration camps for European Afrikane women, children and black people 


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 Classical European colonialism was not a simple white vs black story. Whites were divided and numerous "white" countries were colonies of others (including Ireland, Poland and Ukraine). Black soldiers and rulers were a major part of the imperial armies. Poverty and disenfranchisment was the lot of the majority of Western workers. And, as this video shows, Britain's largest and most brutal (the casualty rate for the conquered population was far higher than in the Algerian and Vietnamese wars) imperial war in Africa was against (white) Afrikaners. This 2000 documentary, "Scorched Earth," tells the story of the destructive policy that was used by the British military during the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902 . It docuses on Britain’s merciless “Scorched Earth” policy and the concentration camps for Afrikaner women, children and black people, as well as the way it shaped the collective South African psyche and politics of the twentieth century.

"Scorched Earth" (Anglo-Boer War) documentary (2000, South Africa)




The Serbian Genocide



Genocide based on religious persecution between the Roman Catholic Croats and the Orthodox Christian Serbs in former Yugoslavia is the result of a long period of conflict that lead to The War of Indepence by the Croatia's which went on for four years from 1991 -1995.

The Serbs Orthodox Christian beliefs were crucial in keeping alive their national identity, during almost four centuries of Muslim Ottoman Turkish occupation.   The Croats spent centuries under the control of the Austro-Hungarian empire and their Catholic beliefs keeping their identity alive.  Both these European Caucasian groups have similar dialect speaking Slavic languages.   Croats use a Latin script, while Serbian is written in Cyrillic.  

The conflict between these two groups is long and complex but is a good example of how differences can lead to conflict between Europeans. 


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Albanians Weren’t the First to Steal Serb Organs


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Babies Cut from Serbian Mothers’ Wombs

Vukovar, the Short Version


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Srebrenica - A Horrifying Confession
The Anatomy of Evil is about confronting this heartlessness.  Director Ove Nyholm decided to try and find an explanation for the horrendous behavior of perpetrators in Nazi Germany and in the Bosnian War who were responsible for mass killings of defenseless victims.  The result is a series of chilling confessions from soldiers with a dark past.




The following video shows white leftwing Jews who hate white Christians and rightwing Jews


The War on Whites Is Real


Jared Taylor Interview, Red 42 Radio




Abortion Holocaust



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Ben Shapiro destroys abortion arguments: ‘No one has a right’ to kill another human being

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 The Holocaust that happened

"Today is the Memorial Day of the Victims of Communism in Hungary, and this day marks the Bolshevik takeover of Prague in 1948 as well."

"Never forget, never forgive."

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The Irish Holocaust

Chris Fogarty is the author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect' and he is behind Chris speaks about the Irish Holocaust and the cover-up that is accomplished by the British Globalist and bribery that perpetrated the genocide. He explains the dark time during 1845-1850 when Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia. Chris describes how the British completely took over 95% of Ireland’s territory, extracting all goods and wiping out at least half of the indigenous population. We’ll discuss the lie of Ireland’s “potato famine,” the official story used to explain the deaths of over 5.2 million people, which is propagated to this day – even by the Irish government, academia, and the Catholic Church.

Some people call Chris Fogarty bullshit artist because Irish landowners also caused the Irish Holocaust. The Irish landowners were selling their food to Britain, and the soldiers were deployed to protect said commerce. Which still means that British soldiers were guarding food shipments on the way out of a famine zone... but which also means that the Irish landholding class were complicit in, and profiting from, the starvation. The Irish landowners viewed this as a handy means of clearing peasants off the land. Trying to make the Irish perfect and those wicked British the only guilty ones is stupid propaganda, and obscures the real cause, which was commercial greed.

  The Irish Holocaust



The Jewish Holocaust During World War II

The mainstream media is always talking about the 2nd World War, Hitler and the gassing of the six million Jews.  The Zionist run media does not  focused on the sixteen to twenty million white European killed by the Jewish run Russian government. How is it possible to define a historic event based on the lives of the Jewish population, and not also acknowledge the millions of white European lives that were also affected?  The Holocaust was more than a Jewish event.  Records kept by the leftwing Nazis in Germans prove they targeted of Communists, Gypsies, mentally and physically, handicapped and Germans who were against Hitler. The following link shows newspaper articles about 6 million Jews suffered or persecuted many times before the 2nd World War.  There is a Jewish belief that 6 million Jews must perish before the founding of Israel.  Why Hitler killed six million Jews

The six million figure used in the Jewish death toll is an estimate for total lives lost.  These Jewish lives were taken by a number of groups, not just by the Nazis.  It also includes Jewish lives lost in other nations and by various modes of killing.  Ukrainian deaths were due to Russian and Nazi perpetrators alike, with some killed on German soil, others killed on Russian soil and some killed outright while others were worked slowly to death.

"If Russian Jews, killed on Russian soil by both Nazis and Russians, are considered Holocaust deaths, then the Ukrainians killed alongside them should also be categorized as Holocaust deaths.  When groups of people are killed side by side -- in the same manner, by the same perpetrators, for the same reasons, (their ethnic identity), -- one cannot separate some from the group and call it a Holocaust and say the others were merely victims of war, or worse, completely ignore their numbers and leave them no record in history.  The criteria used to determine the six million Jewish deaths should be the same criteria used for the non-Jews.  By using the same criteria for determining Holocaust deaths among all victims, the question of whether non-Jewish deaths were simply victims of war becomes irrelevant."  (Overlooked Millions:  Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust)

1914 NY Times Article About the Plight of six million JewsThe figures given in World War II vary from various sources.  In many of the official records, Jews are not even mentioned as they only break it down by country, not religion or cultural groups.  The six million number is often used by Jews, and in fact, that exact number has been given when crying out for help since 1890, it can be traced back to prophesy in their ancient holy text, the Torah.  The Torah has been interpreted by some to say; the Jews are unable to reconquer and reclaim Palestine until six million Jews have been sacrificed.

Another website on the History and Origins of the six million number give the following quote:

Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must 'vanish' before the state of Israel can be formed.  "You shall return minus 6 million."  That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion.  Those six million, according to prophecy had to disappear in "burning ovens" which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates.  As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: . . . "Without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State."  A simple consequence:  Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings) therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state."

Instead of embracing and telling the tale of their fellow European victims against the Hitler dictatorship, the anti-Semitic Zionist false Jews influenced the media in a way to breed hatred against Germans and infect all Europeans, including true Jews.  This is used as an excuse for the genocide of the Europeans and other racial groups, and it is worth remembering that the Allied Forces fought to bring Hitler down because he was a dictator who controlled the media and German public opinion.  The average German citizen was not informed and was unable to speak their mind.  Those that did try to rebel ended up being killed or sent to a concentration camp.


 SIX MILLION JEWS reference in 10 newspapers between 1915… —


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 European Holocaust During World War II

Millions of non Jews died in the holocaust, but the world only hears about the inflated number of Jews who perished at the hands of Hitler.


'At least five million of the six million were total goyim killed,' ultra-Orthodox rabbi declares
 The Times of Israel

NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust

Yosef Mizrachi claims high assimilation rates inflated estimates; ‘he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,’ historian says

A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law.

In a video posted online, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi can be seen saying that high assimilation rates in pre-war Europe and broad Nazi definitions have exaggerated the numbers of Jews recorded as killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. At least five million of the six million were “total goyim,” Mizrachi told the crowd, adopting a Hebrew word for non-Jews that many consider pejorative.


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  NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust

A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law.

In a video posted online, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi can be seen saying that high assimilation rates in pre-war Europe and broad Nazi definitions have exaggerated the numbers of Jews recorded as killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. At least five million of the six million were “total goyim,” Mizrachi told the crowd, adopting a Hebrew word for non-Jews that many consider pejorative.

“The truth, I am telling you, is that not even one million Jews were murdered,” Mizrachi said, trashing accepted historical accounts. “A lot of non-Jews were meshed into the count, but in truth, how many Jews really were killed?”

Originally from Israel, Mizrachi moved to the United States in his twenties and received rabbinic ordination there. In the past decade he has been teaching at the Ohr Yeshiva in Monsey, New York, and producing kiruv or Jewish outreach, videos.

According to his website,, Mizrachi “has spoken in over 5,000 lectures worldwide as well participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows and other Hebrew and English events in which he enriched the knowledge and awareness of Judaism among thousands of Jews who once were lacking Jewish awareness whatsoever.”

In the video, one of thousands on his YouTube page — which has amassed over a million views — Mizrachi says it is “very simple” to explain his estimates for the actual number of Jewish victims in the Holocaust.

“If you look at the percent of assimilation that there was in Europe, which already reached 80 percent, it’s reasonable to assume that 80 percent of the 6 million were not-Jews,” Mizrachi said.

“If your grandfather from your father’s side was Jewish, and the rest were non-Jews, [you went] to the gas chambers. They also put in the wives of Jews that were entirely non Jewish. If she hid him, or they were hidden by non-Jews, if they caught them, they killed them also,” he said in an apparent reference to the Nazis’ definition of Jewishness, which sufficed with a single Jewish grandparent.

While historians differ on the exact number of Jews killed at the hands of the Nazis, the most commonly cited figure for the total number has been six million with near-universal agreement among Holocaust scholars. According to British historian Martin Gilbert, the total number of victims is just under six million—around 78% of the 7.3 million Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe at the time. END

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Jews in the German army during second world war

WW2 150 000 Jewish Soldiers Served Hitler and the Nazi

There were about 150 000 Jews in the German army and some of them were high-ranking generals who fought bravely for Germany.  The question we need to ask ourselves is, would a Jew in the German army fight for Germany if his parents had been sent to a concentration camp ?.  The answer is no.  So many Jews in Germany during the 2nd world war were not persecuted.  There are Jews today who say that the gassing of six million Jews is a fraud and they would like to put their point of view on your television channels and newspapers. 

Consider a Jew especially if one parent is full Jew in faith. But apparently in the upper echelons of Judaism (disgusting word) only those with a Jewish mother are really Jews?

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German Jewish Generals and Marshals.


Is it true that most Germans considered Paulus a traitor even ... › Is-it-true-that-most-Germans-c...
1 maj 2021 — General Paulus was made Field Marshal by the maniac that started WWII as he ... down on the same plane and suffered for being Jewish among the hated Nazis.
5 svar  ·  6 474 röster: I remember a great story where a German Field Marshal was riding in his Me


 The Real Genocide against German people

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The Hellstorm documentary reveals how the German people were persecuted and killed near the end and after the second world war.  This video has been banned in a number of countries, however, we feel that people have a right to see it as genuine acts of the holocaust were practiced against German people.  Many were innocent civilians who were simply persecuted for being German.  We must remember that Adolf Hitler was a dictator.  There was an attempt by  Germans to kill him which failed, so we must also remember that the majority of Germans did not want a war with anybody and if they resisted Hitler they were sent to concentration camps or shot.  Persecuting Germans is no more than racism and bigotry, with most of the German people being good people who had no say in the matter.  Just like most of us in Western countries today also have no say.  We are not responsible for acts carried out by our so called governments either.

The video shows a slight slant towards national socialism, but we do not promote this.  We do not like Adolf Hitler as far as we are concerned he was responsible for the deaths of millions of people and most of these were Germans and Russians.  The video shows a lot of stuff which has been hidden by the Western media who only promote the gassing of the six million Jews.

This documentary by Kyle Hunt is based on the ground-breaking book by Thomas Goodrich.

hellstorm jacket coverHellstorm:  The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947

Synopsis:  It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history.  Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to rubble.  World War II was truly man's greatest catastrophe.  Thousands of books, movies, and documentary films have been devoted to the war.  There has never been such a terrible retelling of the story, however as one will find in Hellstorm, a chilling "you-are-there" style.  The author places the reader at the scene, in the moment.

Throughout this book, readers will see what Allied airman saw as they rained down death on German cities below.  The people were experiencing trembling as they sat in their bomb shelters awaiting death from above.  The reader will view up close, the horrors of the Eastern Front during the last months of fighting. Through the mud, blood, and madness of combat, they may come to understand how the same German soldiers who only moments before had destroyed an enemy tank, could now risk their own lives to rescue the trapped Soviet crew inside.

Readers will witness for themselves the fate of German women as the rampaging Red Army raped and murdered its way across Europe.  All females from "eight to eighty" feared the dreaded words, "Frau Komm." 

The Real Genocide against Germany

Rape German Women


Rape during the occupation of Germany 




 'They raped every German female from eight to 80'

 'They raped every German female from eight to 80'



Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full)

Hellstorm The Rape of Germany Preview

The Rape Of German Women - Documentary Extract

Dresden - Bombing 13.-15.02.1945 WW II US Army Royal Air Force (Part 1)


Hellstorm Preview: The Rape of Germany


 A German historian estimates in a new book that French, British and American soldiers raped 860,000 Germans at and after the end of the Second World War, including 190,000 sexual assaults by American soldiers.

Allies raped almost 1m Germans: academic


German Woman Raped By Allied Soldiers in WWII - Allied War Crime

Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time Friday 10 April 2009 The women were in their 20s when they were raped by Red Army soldiers invading Germany at the end of World War II. Sixty years later, close to two million women are talking about their ordeal for the very first time. Reportages


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2 Million German women were raped by Russian invaders.WWII

Responsible sources say that 1.5 - 2.0 million German CIVILIANS (e.g., women, children, non-soldiers) died during the "expelling" from the East ... so why are there no movies? No "Schindler's List" for these innocent victims? Why have so few even heard about it? Why do videos like this have 1,300 views where Holocaust vids have millions of views? History is written by the winners and so few care to learn the truth...








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The Rape Of Berlin


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vhttps://www.yo German Woman Raped By Allied Soldiers in WWII - Allied War Crime

"It is heartbreaking to think what this young woman went through. If you pause it and look at her hands her knuckles are all bruised and swollen most likely from fighting off her attackers. She is such a pretty thing too. She would have carried that through the rest of her life."

"I cant believe how people think just Germany was the villain. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of german women were raped while whole german cities annihilated in carpet bombs. Think of the german children sleeping in there beds and then gone. History is told by the victors."

Hellstorm - The Dresden Holocaust

German WW II Cemetery


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The 10 Worst Allied War Crimes Committed During World War II

Holocaust Wars

5 Worst European Wars

Rescue at Dawn: The Los Banos Raid Documentary

How German boys were used to remove land mines at the end of the second World War

Под песком (2015) 720p

 The globalist use socialism (communism) to promote genocide all races all over the world


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Attempted Genocide of Caucasian Farmers, Boers & Afrikaner Whites in South Africa (a POSEIDON Video)

What is White Genocide and who is behind it? #AltRight

 New York Times' New Editorial Board Member Celebrated "Dumbass F**king White People" Going Extinct

The Race-Mixing Controversy

"We the People" should unite and work towards replacing the United Nations and its organizations with a world system which recognizes that all people living on the planet earth have an ancestral homeland where they should have a right to return to live if they wish.  We must remember, the bulk of the world's population are indigenous to certain areas, such as Chinese are indigenous to China, Europeans are indigenous to Europe and Africans are indigenous to certain parts of Africa. 

The United Nations passed a resolution that each year the 27-29th of January is recognized as International Holocaust Remembrance Week.  At present, events to celebrate this purely focus on the Jewish Holocaust and the Nazi regime The Nazi Holocaust 1938-1945 with misinformation or attention on and including any other historical terrors inflicted equalling to six million people.  

We want to help make this date a remembrance of all Holocaust victims who get very little media attention.  We plan to campaign during this time to educate the public about some of the lesser known Holocausts and who was behind these traumatic events.

control the past

Useful Videos & Links

United Nations Replacement Migration (Invasion) Agenda

Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda

European (White & true Jew) Genocide

World Without Genocide

Jeff Sessions says U.S. Constitution requires White Genocide be ...

What is White Genocide and who is behind it? #AltRight


Jew Communist wrote the following

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By propounding into the consciousness of the DARK races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the PROFESSIONS, and in the world of SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to INTER-MARRY with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” AUTHOR – Israel Cohen(Zionist — CommunistInternationalist) “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” >Published in 1912 . On June 17, 1957, the above passage was read into the United States Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy

White Guilt Exposed

 White Privilege



The genocide and Holocausts have been caused by just a small handful of elite groups in the world and Europe.  It is worth remembering that Holocausts occur all over the world and to create a balance here, we have a list of Holocausts which have occurred in other parts of the world which are completely unrelated to Europeans.  You will not see these mass genocides on your Globalist controlled media sources, but these atrocities have occurred throughout history caused by Africans, Asians, and  Muslims.

 This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.

Genghis Khan One of History's Great Destroyers FULL DOCUMENTARY

"The Mongols were basically more like a criminal gang than anything else. They murdered, raped, stole, destroyed for profit and the sheer joy of it. They weren't motivated by politics, ideology or religion just money and brutality for brutality's sake. they destroyed civilizations and depopulated large areas of Eurasia. some estimate they wiped out 10% of the World's population making the conquistadors, Hitler, Stalin and Mao look like amateurs. Genghis was no different than any mob boss or leader of a drug cartel. the attempts to make him into a grand leader are silly. Mongols are still hated in many places in Eurasia with good reason. in China in the 60's tens of thousands of Mongols living in China were killed by angry mobs."

The Road to War - Japan




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10 Worst Japanese War Crimes

Is Japan Trying To Hide Its War Crimes?

Unit 731 Documentary:  Japanese Invasion of China 1937-45

Japanese World War II Crimes

The Hidden Truth of World War 2 (Luzon) - Full Documentary

The Rape of Nanking Documentary

Rape of Nanking

Is Japan Trying To Hide Its War Crimes?


Japanese POW

 In 1972 my great uncle sat down and wrote an 80 pg. handwritten personal history of his time in World War II as a prisoner of war of the Japanese. From May of 1942 until August 15th of 1945, 1200 days as a POW, he survived one day at a time.

Over 1200 Days as a Japanese POW of Robert Enson Russell pt.2 of 2

The Japanese public during WW2 were told by their govt. they had won at Midway, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima, every battle, they were told they won.  They created their own hell. The Japs, Upon retreating in Manila, killed 100,000 filipinos, men women and children as they were beaten out of the country.

I'm sick and tired of the constant reminding of the Jewish Holocaust, when the truth is that our own people were treated equally as badly by the Japanese. We don't have a special day that is remembered worldwide, or museums testifying to the illtreatment of our troops.

“Prisoners Of The Japanese” by Gavan Daws. American civilian contractors captured on Wake Island by the Japanese military. This book details prison life under the savagely brutal Japanese and Korean guards during WWII. Many American do not realize the extent the Koreans played in the brutal and savage treatment POW’s in the Pacific endured at their hands. The Germans were monks compared to these twisted primates.

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Genrikh Yagoda
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda (7 November 1891 – 15 March 1938), born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda was a secret police official who served as director of the NKVD, the Soviet Union's security and intelligence agency, from 1934 to 1936. Appointed by Joseph Stalin, Yagoda supervised the arrest, show trial, and execution of the Old Bolsheviks Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev, climactic events of the Great Purge. Yagoda supervised the construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal with Naftaly Frenkel, using penal labor from the GULAG system, during which 12,000–25,000 laborers died. He commanded the forced collectivization and is one of the main responsible people for the great hunger in Ukraine, responsible for the deaths of up to 10 million people and the deportation of 5 million Russian and Ukrainian peasants.

Like many Soviet NKVD officers who conducted political repression, Yagoda himself became ultimately a victim of the Purge. He was demoted from the directorship of the NKVD in favor of Nikolai Yezhov in 1936 and arrested in 1937. Charged with the crimes of wrecking, espionage, Trotskyism and conspiracy, Yagoda was a defendant at the Trial of the Twenty-One, the last of the major Soviet show trials of the 1930s. Following his confession at the trial, Yagoda was found guilty and shot.

Yagoda was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family. The son of a jeweller, trained as a statistician, who worked as a chemist's assistant,[1] he claimed that he was an active revolutionary from the age of 14, when he worked as a compositor on an underground printing press in Nizhni-Novgorod, and that at the age of 15 he was a member of a fighting squad in the Sormovo district of Nizhni-Novgorod, during the violent suppression of the 1905 revolution.

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Israel Media.

Israel Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism
"This historical video shows a mainstream Israeli news site YNET NEWS and a courageous Jewish writer who discusses who led the worst genocide and mass murder of all time.  It shows the ethnic hatreds behind much of the communist genocide and the same mindset that accompanies the genocide against the Palestinians and the genocide against Israel's biggest enemy at the time, Iraq, which was instigated by America under the control of Zionist extremists such as Madeline Albright.  In the video, Zionist extremist Albright blatantly endorses the murder of 500,000 children in Iraq.  On of the most eye-opening, powerful videos you will ever see."

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The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time—Excerpt from Dr. Duke’s New Book

In 2006, a remarkable article—and admission—appeared in the Israeli news source Ynet News. Titled “Stalin’s Jews” and written by Jewish columnist Sever Plocker, this piece confirmed that terrible crimes which Jewish Communists had committed under Stalin.


“We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions:

“Here’s a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.

“Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

“We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

“Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

“In his new, highly praised book The War of the World, Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University’s Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally.

“Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined ‘terror officials,’ cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate.

“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.

“Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

“His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”


The Jew Genrikh Yagoda, director of the NKVD, the Soviet Union’s Stalin-era security and intelligence agency.

“Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his book Stalin: Court of the Red Star, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

“Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind, did not move Kaganovich.

“Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.


 Yagoda (center) inspecting the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal, built by slave labor from the Gulags.

“In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of ‘our hangmen,’ who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.”

The Gulags: Jewish-Run Concentration Camps

As mentioned above, the infamous Soviet Gulags were under the direct control of the Jew Yagoda. He was not the only such Jew involved in the running of these camps, in which millions were interned and nearly 1.4 million died.

The most famous revelation about the Jewish nature of the Gulags was that of famous dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together.

According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews.

In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags.



Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Terror


I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143





Solzhenitsyn on the Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Terror

Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution. Nobel laureate under fire for new book on the role of Jews in Soviet era repression.

From the Guardian (UK) by Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow

Commentary by Dr. David Duke on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Here are some excerpts from an article in the Guardian (UK), January 25, 2003. Since the last few articles I have posted have dealt with the Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution and the accompanying terror and genocide in the Soviet Union, I wanted to share with you some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s comments. Few men have the high moral standing of this world-wide admired Nobel Prize winner. He wrote the most famous and authoritative books on the Soviet Gulag System, Gulag Archipelago I, II, & III.

A couple of years ago he wrote a book called Together for Two Hundred Years about the Jewish experience in Russia. It included mention of the Jewish role in the Bolshevik terror. Although he was quite soft-spoken in his book, in many ways he does lay wide-open the still suppressed story of the prominent Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution and especially the Jewish role in the genocide of Christians, intelligentsia, and other potential enemies of the Soviet. Solzhenitsyn says very emphatically that even with all their complaints of social suppression by the Soviet apparatus in the 50s and 60s, they hide their prominent role in the horrors and genocides of the earlier decades. The Guardian article reports:

….he said that Russia must come to terms with the Stalinist and revolutionary genocides – and that its Jewish population should be as offended at their own role in the purges as they are at the [later] Soviet power that also persecuted them.

The Guardian continues:

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who first exposed the horrors of the Stalinist gulag, is now attempting to tackle one of the most sensitive topics of his writing career – the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges. In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims… Two Hundred Years Together – a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population – contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia.

He also correctly states that the murderous actions of the Kiev Cheka [secret police] cannot be explained only by the fact that two thirds of them were Jews:

Yet he added: “But it is impossible to find the answer to the eternal question: who is to be blamed, who led us to our death? To explain the actions of the Kiev Cheka only by the fact that two thirds were Jews, is certainly incorrect.”

But, of course, there is only so much that one man, even a man of his stature, can say and still get published, and Solzhenitsyn has to be aware of that. But in fact, if you are being even somewhat critical you cannot say that two thirds of the Cheka murderers were Jews. In fact, even with his mitigating statements, his book cannot be found in English! A quick check of Amazon Books will show that Two Hundred Years, the latest book by a world-renowned Nobel Prize winner of impeccable reputation, is unavailable. Could it be this book simply says what we are forbidden to know?

One only has to ask, “What if the Germans had moved into Russia and dominated the ‘Russian Revolution’ and comprised two-thirds of the Soviet genocidists in a Russian country?” I have no doubt where blame would go. There are thousands of books that blame all Germans for the crimes of the Nazis. One of the biggest sellers all over the world, called Hitler’s Willing Executioners, claims that something in the German essence is evil and genocidal. Many other books go even further. They blame the Pope and, ultimately, all Gentiles for the Holocaust because they did not initiate the carnage of the Second World War sooner.

There seems to be no blame however placed on the Jewish communities in Russia and all over the world for their support of Bolshevism in Russia and for the preeminent Jewish role in the Bolshevik movement. Why is there no criticism for their domination of a genocidal apparatus which by all accounts killed more human beings than those alleged to have been killed by the Nazis?

There are no world-wide manhunts for the perpetrators of the Russian genocide, no trials for them, no memorial museums on the Washington Mall, hardly a mention in the press. In fact there isn’t even a name for the largest genocide in human history, a genocide far larger than the trademarked, capital “H” Holocaust — the word used to sum up Jewish suffering. And yet Christian suffering at the hands of Jewish antagonists apparently deserves no special designation.

The Guardian article describes the reaction of Jewish leaders such as the head of the Russian Jewish Congress:

But Jewish leaders and some historians have reacted furiously to the book, and questioned Solzhenitsyn’s motives in writing it, accusing him of factual inaccuracies and of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism in Russia.

Ironically, Solzenitsyn is accused of being factually inaccurate. Yet there was no such criticism of Jewish scholar Yuri Slezkine who writes a paean to Jewish power in the Jewish Century and boasts of their predominant role in the Bolshevik Revolution and even admits to their role in the genocidal secret police. He even calls them “Stalin’s willing executioners.” Imagine for a moment if a book about the Jews in Bolshevism was published with that title saying that from the genocidal days of the Torah and Talmud, Jews have been genocidal by nature. I don’t think such a book would be promoted by the media and be on the best seller list in America or Europe like Hitler’s Willing Executioners.

Solzhenitzyn, who spent many terrible years in the Gulag, also reveals the tribal loyalties that existed among the Jews in the Soviet, for undeniably some Jews went into the gulag system. The Guardian mentions how the Jews in Russia were furious at Solzhenitsyn for even mentioning it in passing.

In one remark which infuriated Russian Jews, he wrote: “If I would care to generalise, and to say that the life of the Jews in the camps was especially hard, I could, and would not face reproach for an unjust national generalisation. But in the camps where I was kept, it was different. The Jews whose experience I saw – their life was softer than that of others.”

The tribal imperative. It operated in Bolshevik Russia and it still operates among the Neocons who orchestrate the Iraq War for Israel. It is the same tribal loyalty that brings together CIA intelligence, presidential speech writers and advisors, media and government officials, lobbying and fundraising groups, and political candidates who will insure the Jewish supremacist imperative.

It makes sure that the heads of the Federal Reserve and the World Bank will be run by brethren sure to put the interest of the tribe first and foremost. It even worked in the gulag where Solzhenitsyn says the Jewish monsters made sure that their few imprisoned brethren received the best of a bad situation.

As Pete Findley said, “There is a gorilla in the room but no one can mention him.” Perhaps a few can allude to a hairy hand on the coffee table or, sometimes, even the smell of this hairy corrupt beast can be mentioned among us, but they dare not confront the gorilla directly.

Even the small mentions such as Solzhenitsyn made keeps his book out of the lucrative and important English-speaking market.

–Dr. David Duke

Communist Holocaust which in excess of 30 million Christians and non-Jews around the world, was Jewish tribalist in origin.

 / Jewish Communist Holocaust Deniers Emerge


Jewish Communist Holocaust Deniers Emerge

It was inevitable: following the emergence of overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and the resultant Communist Holocaust which in excess of 30 million Christians and non-Jews around the world, was Jewish tribalist in origin, Jewish “revisionists” have emerged who now try to deny responsibility for that genocide.


It was the remarks by Russian president Vladimir Putin to the effect that 85% of the first Government of the Soviet Union were Jewish, which finally forced the Jewish Holocaust Deniers to break cover.

In an article in the The Jewish Press written by that journal’s Senior Internet Editor, Yori Yanover,  headlined “Putin Perpetuates Antisemitic Lie of First Soviet ‘Mostly Jewish,” it is claimed that  there was almost no Jewish influence in the first Soviet government—contrary to all established facts!

The Jewish Press article refers to an organization known as the “Council of People’s Commissars” or Sovnarkom, also known as SNK, formed shortly after the October Revolution in 1917.

This organization contained two Jews among its 15 members, therefore, The Jewish Press concludes, Bolshevism was not Jewish.

This is, of course, little more than a weak sidestep which ignores the overwhelming preponderance of Jewish extremists in the Bolshevik Revolution, and is true Holocaust Denial of the most easily refutable kind.

The Jewish Supremacist involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution is well-documented, especially buy Jewish sources which actually boast about their involvement in it.

For example, the Encyclopedia Judaica, published in Jerusalem, Israel,  is quite open about the Jewish role in Communism.


Under the entry for “Communism”: in Volume 5, page 792, the following appears:

“The Communist Movement and ideology played an important part In Jewish life, particularly in the  1920s, 1930s and during and after World War II.”


On page 793, the same Encyclopedia Judaica then goes on to say that “Communist trends became widespread in virtually all Jewish communities. In some countries, Jews became the leading element in the legal and illegal Communist Parties.”


The Encyclopedia Judaica on page 793 then goes on to reveal that the Communist International actually instructed Jews to change their names so as “not confirm right-wing propaganda that presented Communism as an alien, Jewish conspiracy.”


The Encyclopedia Judaica then goes on to describe the overwhelming role Jews played in creating the Soviet Union. On page 792 it says : “Individual Jews played an important role in the early stages of Bolshevism and the Soviet Regime.”


On page 794 of the Encyclopedia Judaica, this Jewish reference book then goes to list the Jews prominent in the upper command of the Russian Communist party: these included Maxim Litvinov, (Later foreign minister of Soviet Russia); Grigori Zinoviev, Lwev Kamenev, Jacob Sverdlov, Lazar Kaganovich, and Karl Radek, amongst many others.


The organizer of the Revolution was Trotsky, who prepared a special  committee to plan and prepare the coup which brought the Communists to power. according to the  Encyclopedia Judaica, this  committee, called the Military Revolutionary Committee,, had five members—three of whom were Jews.


The Politburo – the supreme governing body of Russia immediately after the Communist Revolution – had four Jews among its seven members, according to page 797 of the Jewish Encyclopedia Judaica.

The emergence of Jewish Communist Holocaust Deniers is an inevitable consequence of the growing awareness of people around the globe of the subversive tribal nature of Jewish Supremacism.

Fortunately, Jewish Holocaust Denial is easily refuted by the facts, as they have for too long been so proud and have boasted of their role in the greatest mass murder the world has ever seen.

Help Dr. Duke get this great truth out to the world by making a donation to the publication of The Secret behind Communism (of which the evidence contained in this article is but a small portion).

The European Russian Holocaust


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Haya-Lea Detinko "Surviving Stalin's Gulag" (Russian Audio | English Subtitles)

  Gulag: Many Days Many Lives (parts 1-5 of 10)

Hitler and Stalin make the same camps, when at 9/1/1939 Hitler attacked Poland, at 9/17/1939 Stalin attacked East of Poland :


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History, Camps, Conditions, Economy, Effect, Facts, Quotes (2003)

no Russian bought that book - and they had to bus people to his funeral. Every Russian on that ship knew she was Jewish - a huge difference since Jewish intellectuals indirectly helped Stalin into power. Note the experiment didn't work to well. Nobody in Russia or Europe talks about this huge distinction and mistrust. Trotsky was an upper class Polish Jewish good fellow that was stabbed to death by Stalin's orders - too bad for the Jewish people.

Stories about the Gulag, for the most part lie of Solzhenitsyn and others like him!!! From 3 million 777 thousand 380 condemned (according to the report from NKVD - to Khrushchev, the main fighter with Stalin's personality cult), 642 thousand 980 prisoners were shot. The rest sent to labour camps and exile. Ie, if Khrushchev would "inflate" the lie of Solzhenitsyn and others like him Gozman and Nikolai Svanidze, he-b have to attribute two, three or even four zeros. But no, nemozhno - and statistics; population census, in 1913 in Russian Empire lived about 163 million 700 thousand people. In 1941, in the USSR lived about 195 million 390 thousand people. What is it? Population growth? - GAIN!!! And where 50-60 million people destroyed by the Gulag? Yes, there were illegal arrests, was invented by "enemies of the people" and so on, BUT the BULK of THOSE CHARGES IS SOLZHENITSYN's LIES!!! But, many of you is "mild"(see opposite), the group "mammals" United in the community due to the behavioral surface of the instincts and their finely-personal and animal mechanisms. Think about it, because you can see a comparison of eras and rulers-Stalin and Putin (although in this comparison - Putin, it is a very weak "person" for comparison with Stalin, but..). And he and the other, raising (l)et country after the devastation. And against Stalin, and against Putin were organized; false and unsubstantiated accusations, and information false propaganda in your West (with "shenyachey" loyalty picked up " hamsters Navalny and his Co., in our time) In General-think (if there is than)

Of course did Anne Appelbaum not point out that Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda,- who served as director of the NKVD and also supervised the construction of the Gulag system was a Jew, just like the majority of the Comunist-Soviet leadership back then...

jews ran them. looks like an attempt to whitewash their guilt.

The Christian Russian is embarrassed as Americans will be when the Zionist parricide if finished with us. Americans will not want to ta;lk about , WHY , because they were sheep and the signs were blinking constantly, the shame is over whelming...

 The European Caucasian Ukrainian Holocaust


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Holodomor Ukraines Genocide 1932-1933

 The European Caucasian Ukrainian Holocaust

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Mike Cernovich (Jewish) and Stefan Molyneux (Jewish).

Holodomor:  Originates from the Ukrainian words "holod" and "mor", which mean hunger and plague respectively.  The term was originated directly from the expression "moryty holodom", which means to inflict death by hunger.

Ukrainian Genocide commemoration day is on November 26.  To this day, the Russian Government actively denies this stating it as a "one-sided falsification of history."  It is worth remembering that the Russian people at that time were ruled by a small handful of communist Jews.  Putin revealed recently that 80% of the government at that time were Jews.  Stalin, the most prominent of the communist Jews of the time, was one of the people behind the decision to carry out genocide in Ukraine through mass starvation.

The  following video on the history of the left-wing violence, forced labor camps in  former communist controlled  Russia and mass murder not talked about by Socialist controlled western  media.

 Left Wing Death Camps I Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux ...

Useful Videos & Links

HOLODOMOR: The famine-genocide of Ukraine, 1932-1933

Bolshevik Jews Plotted The Ukrainian Holocaust

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Joseph Stalin Communist Terror

Joseph Stalin (real name: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) ranks as one of the worst tyrants of all time and was responsible for the deaths of 20 million of his own countrymen.  Since the collapse of the communist Soviet Union, his atrocities have been revealed.  He was portrayed as Uncle Joe by propaganda films and interviews.  He even killed people who were close to him.  Anybody who he felt was a threat to him he had killed.

There is a debate on whether Joseph Stalin was Jewish. He married 3 Jewesses in his life and there is much evidence to suggest that he was not a real Jew as he did not follow the Torah.  It is worth remembering that Joseph Stalin also persecuted Europeans of the Jewish faith.

 Stalin appointed Jews to over 90% of all positions of authority, introduced legislation that made “anti Semitism” punishable by death.

The communist Jews made anti-Semitism punishable by death in the Soviet Union

Stalin's Enslavement of Rural Russia (full documentary)

Communist Lies Killed 100 Million People

 "From "Monster: A Portrait of Stalin in Blood" (5 part mini-series) 1992 Executive producer: Alexander Ivankin International producer: Maya Toidze."


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Stalin's Enslavement of Rural Russia (full documentary)

  Soviet Gulag Monster - Josef Stalin Slave Drivers - World Documentary Films

Stories about the Gulag, for the most part lie of Solzhenitsyn and others like him!!! From 3 million 777 thousand 380 condemned (according to the report from NKVD - to Khrushchev, the main fighter with Stalin's personality cult), 642 thousand 980 prisoners were shot. The rest sent to labour camps and exile. Ie, if Khrushchev would "inflate" the lie of Solzhenitsyn and others like him Gozman and Nikolai Svanidze, he-b have to attribute two, three or even four zeros. But no, nemozhno - and statistics; population census, in 1913 in Russian Empire lived about 163 million 700 thousand people. In 1941, in the USSR lived about 195 million 390 thousand people. What is it? Population growth? - GAIN!!! And where 50-60 million people destroyed by the Gulag? Yes, there were illegal arrests, was invented by "enemies of the people" and so on, BUT the BULK of THOSE CHARGES IS SOLZHENITSYN's LIES!!! But, many of you is "mild"(see opposite), the group "mammals" United in the community due to the behavioral surface of the instincts and their finely-personal and animal mechanisms. Think about it, because you can see a comparison of eras and rulers-Stalin and Putin (although in this comparison - Putin, it is a very weak "person" for comparison with Stalin, but..). And he and the other, raising (l)et country after the devastation. And against Stalin, and against Putin were organized; false and unsubstantiated accusations, and information false propaganda in your West (with "shenyachey" loyalty picked up " hamsters Navalny and his Co., in our time) In General-think (if there is than)

Well-informed observers, both inside and outside of Russia, took note at the time of the crucial Jewish role in Bolshevism (60 + million murdered). .......Winston Churchill, for one, warned in an article published in the February 8, 1920, issue of the London Illustrated Sunday Herald that "Bolshevism is a worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality." David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: "The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.>>>>>>>.1918 before Hitler came to office."power" The Netherlands' ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later: "Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things. The Zionists now control America 2018 , go back to 1917 "The Bolshevik Revolution," USSR (60+ million murdered) declared a leading American Jewish community paper in 1920, it "was largely the product of Jewish thinking , Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct "their" world (so they are quite proud of this) and are now at it again or have never stopped . btw, Hitler tried to stop this by attacking the then Zionists controlled USSR. As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet "union" government pigs issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia.(we need Change it) The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment. Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable ( as for today,Israel ) . Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that "because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions ( if you don't tow the line it's Suicide?) by the sons of Israel. Under Lenin, Jews became involved in all aspects of the Revolution, including its dirtiest work. Despite the Communists' vows to eradicate anti-Semitism, it spread rapidly after the Revolution -- partly because of the prominence of so many Jews in the Soviet administration, as well as in the traumatic, inhuman Sovietization drives that followed. Historian Salo Baron has noted that an immensely disproportionate number of Jews joined the new Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka And many of those who fell afoul of the Cheka would be shot by Jewish investigators. The collective leadership that emerged in Lenin's dying days was headed by the Jew Zinoviev, a loquacious, mean-spirited, curly-haired Adonis whose vanity knew no bounds. Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka," wrote Jewish historian Leonard Schapiro, "stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with, and possibly shot by, a Jewish " investigator." In Ukraine, "Jews made up nearly 80 percent of the rank-and-file Cheka agents," reports W. Bruce Lincoln, an American professor of Russian history. (Beginning as the Cheka, or Vecheka) the Soviet secret police was later known as the GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MVD and KGB.) In light of all this, it should not be surprising that Yakov M. Yurovksy, the leader of the Bolshevik squad that carried out the murder of the Tsar and his family, was Jewish, as was Sverdlov, the Soviet chief who co-signed Lenin's execution order.


  12 August 1952 and the Doctor's Plot in the Soviet Union


"From November 1948 onward, the Soviet 
authorities start a deliberate campaign to 
liquidate what is left of Jewish culture. The 
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee is dissolved, 
its members arrested. Jewish literature is 
removed from bookshops and libraries, and 
the last two Jewish schools are closed. 
Jewish theaters, choirs and drama groups, 
amateur as well as professional, are 
dissolved. Hundreds of Jewish authors, 
artists, actors and journalists are arrested. 
During the same period, Jews are 
systematically dismissed from leading 
positions in many sectors of society, from 
the administration, the army, the press, the 
universities and the legal system. Twenty- 
five of the leading Jewish writers arrested in 
1948 are secretly executed in Lubianka 
prison in August 1952. 

The anti-Jewish campaign culminates in the 
arrest, announced on January 13, 1953, of a 
group of "Saboteurs-Doctors" accused of 
being paid agents of Jewish-Zionists 
organizations" and of planning to poison 
Soviet leaders. Fears spread in the Jewish 
community that these arrests and the show 
trial that is bound to follow will serve as a 
pretext for the deportation of Jews to Siberia. 
But on March 5, 1953, Stalin unexpectedly 
dies. The "Doctor's Plot " is exposed as a 
fraud, the accused are released, and 
deportation plans, already discussed in the 
Politburo, are dropped." 

The Startling Truth Behind Stalin's Last Plot (2003)

The Doctors' Plot was created by Beria and Malenkov to increase their own power, by misleading Stalin. On wiki it even says: "Stalin harangued Ignatyev and accused the MGB of incompetence. He demanded that the interrogations of doctors already under arrest be accelerated.[20] Stalin complained that there was no clear picture of the Zionist conspiracy and no solid evidence that specifically the Jewish doctors were guilty.[19]"

he following information and links from FAMINE GENOCIDE IN UKRAINE

Recommended Resources for Further Information about the Holodomor (Famine Genocide in Ukraine):



Where to find more facts about the Holodomor; primary documents; the US and the Holodomor; laws and proclamations on the famine-genocide in Ukraine; international recognition; bibliographies.

Where did the Holodomor occur; how many people died and other statistics on the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine.

Where to find video, audio, and written transcripts of Holodomor survivor accounts and Holodomor eyewitness testimonies,

Lesson plans; curriculum guides; genocide education resources that include Holodomor teaching guides; power-point presentations, infographics, and videos on the Holodomor genocide for classroom use.

Research based arguments supporting the designation of the Holodomor as genocide, including Raphael Lemkin’s own paper on the genocide in Ukraine

Research based articles on the famine genocide of 1932-33.

Research based books, book chapters and journal articles on the famine genocide of 1932-33 in Ukraine that are not available online.

Research based articles and chapters about how the American and British press reported on the famine of 1932-1933; the Holodomor deniers, primarily Walter Duranty, and reporters who wrote what they saw, most notably Gareth Jones and Malcolm Muggeridge; official documentary evidence of what the US and British governments knew at the time; the role of Soviet propaganda and Western supporters of the USSR in covering up the Holodomor.

Short articles by experts on the Holodomor published mostly in non-academic sources online.

Links to verified photographs and Holodomor related art and educational exhibits; also links to verified  photographs from the 1921-23 famine in Ukraine.

Full length feature and documentary films on the Holodomor; shorter films; online video and audio; theatrical works and an opera.

Assortment of books for children and adults based wholly or in part on the Holodomor.

Other useful websites that focus on Ukrainian famine genocide information, events, and resources – US and international; key websites from Ukraine that offer information and resources about the Holodomor;  Facebook pages of particular interest for current information and discussion. END.


 The Holocaust that happened

"Today is the Memorial Day of the Victims of Communism in Hungary, and this day marks the Bolshevik takeover of Prague in 1948 as well."

"Never forget, never forgive."




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Jews Against Zionism

  • Saturday, 06 April 2024 12:05


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Nazi-Zionist Collaboration

51 Documents Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis LENNI BRENNER 1983



There are six selections re Zionism’s relationship to anti-Semitism and racism prior to Hitler. The 51 documents, including 35 letters, memos, articles, and reports by Zionists, are from the Hitler era and after. Seven are by Nazis, most notably Eichmann’s memoir, written in Argentina, on Hungarian collaborator RA<

Zionism convicts itself. On June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation sent a secret memorandum to the Nazis:

“Zionism has no illusions about the difficulty of the Jewish condition, which consists above all in an abnormal occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and moral posture not rooted in one’s own tradition. Zionism recognized decades ago that as a result of the assimilationist trend, symptoms of deterioration were bound to appear, which it seeks to overcome by carrying out its challenge to transform Jewish life completely.

“It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims at a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry–indeed, that such a national renewal must first create the decisive social and spiritual premises for all solutions.

“Zionism believes that a rebirth of national life, such as is occurring in German life through adhesion to Christian and national values, must also take place in the Jewish national group. For the Jew, too, origin, religion, community of fate and group consciousness must be of decisive significance in the shaping of his life. This means that the egotistic individualism which arose in the liberal era must be overcome by public spiritedness and by willingness to accept responsibility.”





Many Jewish Rabbis promote Zionism, but it is worth considering that not all Jewish Rabbis are the same.  A good example of this, are the Jews against Zionism, who campaign for the rights of Jews and Palestinians and want to live in peace with non-Jews.

  They had different tactic

Blackstone Intelligence Network Video

What Is Zionism? And Why I'm a Proud Anti-Zionist - Video Compilation quote from zionist theodore herzl


Logo of the True Torah JewsTrue Torah Jews Against Zionism

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These Jews against Zionism are known as the true Torah Jews, and their beliefs are in the religious teachings of the Torah.  They are opposed the state of Israel for the following reason:

"The Torah forbids us to end the exile and establish a state and army until the Holy One, blessed He, in His Glory and Essence will redeem us. This is forbidden even if the state is conducted according to the law of the   Torah because arising from the exile itself is forbidden, and we are required to remain under the rule of the nations of the world, as is explained in the book VAYOEL MOSHE. If we transgress this injunction, He will bring upon us (may we be spared) terrible punishment."

This is just one of many reasons they are opposed to the ideas of Zionism and for more information please click here.


The following commandments are taken from the Jewish Torah, and cited from the website article Where Are The 613 Mitzvot? by Mendy Hecht.  We have added our own interpretation in brackets after each bullet point quote:

  •  Not to oppress the weak--Exodus 22:21      (Not to oppress the weak non-Jews, Jews, and Gentiles)    
  •  Not to take revenge-------Leviticus 19:18      (Not to take revenge on whites or other races)
  •  Not to bear a grudge------Leviticus 19:18     (Not to bear a grudge against whites and other races)

Who are  "The People of Israel"?

The following bullet points have been taken from the Neturei Karta International website and we have included them below to help people understand the nature of the people of Israel.

  •  The People of Israel have existed for thousands of years.
  •  They have their own particular essential nature.
  •  The Torah is the source of their essential nature.
  •  Without Torah and Faith, there are no People of Israel.
  •  Whoever denies the Torah and the Faith is no longer part of the People of Israel.
  •  The purpose of the People of Israel in this world is Divine Service.
  •  Their salvation is an occupation in Divine Service.

We want to work with and develop with Jewish religious groups who want to revert to the true Torah teachings and not using the Talmud which was not practiced by the early Hebrews, who took all their believes from the Torah.  We would love to develop a Jewish religious branch of Jewish Rabbis who would like to work with not just Jews, but also the rest of the Caucasian population and help develop our organizations and branches, as well as give us advice and become conscious of the fact that Europe is the true homeland of the majority of Jews worldwide.

 Many Jews hate the founder of Zionism" Theodor Herzl proposed the 'Final Solution of the Jewish question' & proposed liquidation of Jewish wealth and promoted, It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse




1899: The "Father of Zionism" Theodor Herzl proposed the 'Final Solution of the Jewish question' & proposed liquidation of Jewish wealth.


“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”.
(From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)
Sources from a Jewish website



On November 22, 1899 Herzl submitted the Zionist plan for "the final solution of the jewish question" to Tsar Nicolas II:




The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl
, Volume 3



This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 1899: The "Father of Zionism" proposed the 'Final Solution of the Jewish question'
Other Zionist "Final Solutions of the Jewish Question":
 Screenshot 1party ppt

Israeli "Breaking the Silence"Group

  • Saturday, 06 April 2024 12:04

 Israel soldiers who are against the persecution of Palestinians.

We sometimes hear bad things about the Israeli army, but it is worth remembering there are many fine soldiers who are against the persecution of Palestinians, and they set an example for all of us to follow worldwide when they created an organization called "Breaking the Silence".

Logo of Breaking the Silence organizationBreaking the Silence

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Founded in 2004
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Breaking the Silence is an organization of Israeli veterans who served in the IDF since 2000 and aim to raise awareness amongst the public about the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.


This organization is highly recommended and has lots of information including video testimonies from former soldiers, who are against provoking violence such as destroying Palestinian houses in incursions, destroying property, making life hard for working Palestinian people, and throwing away owners car keys, shooting holes in Palestinian water tanks, looting homes, removing Palestinians from their homes, sometimes destroying the buildings.

Male Privilege Graves

Bombing a Country Near You

The New World Order Globalists controls the media in most western countries, has been involved in wars  for centuries to gain power, and profit from countries who do not wish to be involved with them.  Our young men and women are killed in needless wars, believing they are fighting for their country, when in fact, they are giving up their lives so a small few can gain power at their expense.  The graveyard image on the right is a stark reminder of the senseless deaths of soldiers due to conflict.  They say that soldiers should not question but do as they are ordered.  This type of thinking has led to millions of lives being lost in wars and we need to make changes.  'Breaking the Silence' organization should be used as a model worldwide to educate people about the real world that we live in, not the phony world that the media would have us believe we live in.  To stop wars, we need to have a Canon Direct Democracy system in every country, and a system which educates people on how to stop wars.     

No Need for More U.S. Troops in Iraq. Pentagon Says

The following is a list of wars since 1945:US young troops

Date Country
1945 - 1946 China
1950 - 1953 Korea, China
1954 Guatemala
1958 Indonesia
1959 - 1961 Cuba
1960 Guatemala
1964 Congo
1965 Peru
1964 - 1973 Laos
1961 - 1973 Vietnam
1969 - 1970 Cambodia
1967 - 1969 Guatemala
1983 Grenada
1983 - 1984 Lebanon
1980s El Salvador
1980s Nicaragua
1986 Libya
1987 Iran
1989 Panama
1991 Iraq
1993 Somalia
1998 Sudan
1998 Afghanistan
1999 Yugoslavia
2001 Afghanistan
2003 Iraq
2011 Libya
2011 Syria

Wars coming soon.....Venezuela, Iran, Korea?

Dece/ 2013